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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. Sorry, I had a personal conflict there - I was like, "Should I run around correcting people I don't know who run a really awesome website and make them think that I'm heinous?" and then I was like "Well if I had such a popular website, I would want someone to tell me!!" I picked the latter. You would want to know, right?


    Right? :D

  2. Hi Marie! Don't worry about grammar errors, as this is the internet, and there are millions of people who have been speaking English their whole lives that don't give a flip about grammar! :P


    I'm not necessarily referring to the people here at the forum...


    Anyway, sure, we're loads of fun. Be sure to read the forum rules and all that. After 'while, crocodile. b)

  3. I live in Kitchener :) not too far from Toronto. Thanks for the info on the Island Shoyru :) helped.


    Hrmm, I should write a disclaimer as my signature: "Not ever to be taken seriously...opinions may vary from actual reality." Someone wiser than I may have a different take on the matter!


    I asked my husband about Kitchener, he said it's a rural area? "Boons" is how he put it. :P

  4. Hi and welcome :) I started playing Neo September 12, 2001. Back then, there weren't Neoboards, basic color P/Bs were under 1000 (and Faerie P/B were still buyable!), there were hardly any games, and if you had a million NP in the bank, you were elite.


    sigh. :)

  5. Hi Dave, and welcome! My husband was born and raised in Toronto. Whereabouts do you live? :)


    Hmmmm, about the MP....well you gave a fair price for it (when I say "fair" I mean "that sounds about right")


    Unfortunately, though the Shoyru is the number-one most popular Neopet, they're not exactly in high demand.


    Hence, I imagine the potion might be a HTS.


    Pfft, if you love Island Shoyrus, I say go for it - use the potion :)

    If not, try to sell it. At least you'll make your money back and possibly a small profit. :)


    But that's just my two bits.

  6. I couldn't agree more. Petpage applications are completely overboard.


    I belong to a guild where we rescue pets out of the pound, zap them into something desirable, and try to find good homes for them. I personally couldn't care less if someone makes me some asinine elaborate waste of time petpage app. As far as I'm concerned, a neomail will suffice. Whoever invented the petpage app should have been properly ridiculed before the trend reached the mainstream.


    Hrmmmm, I should put in my adoption rules for prospective adopters to specifically NOT make a petpage app. Hopefully the idea will catch on. :)


    Edit. I did it - I posted on my application rules to NOT send me a petpage app. Bahaha :) I'm starting a campaign to rid Neopets of these ridiculous overblown soul-sucking petpage applications. Who's with me?! Grab your torch and pitchforks!!! :laughingsmiley:

  7. Picking a favorite book....impossible. It's like picking your favorite song, or finding two identical snowflakes, and other similes along those lines.


    But I will chime in and say that I am quite fond of pre-90s Stephen King. I also love anything Beat (like Kerouac), Flannery O'Connor, Joyce Carol Oates, and tomes of the "true crime" genre.


    Reading = :wub_anim:

  8. Well, it only takes me about 5-6 seconds if I score all 5 goals consecutively.

    I calculated giving 3 seconds for sending score and restart so for me 750 games will only

    take about 100 minutes. An hour and forty minutes isn't too bad.


    bahaha, IF you score all 5 goals consecutively. I'm sorry, I just find this idea hysterical. Sure, you'll win bragging rights, but...at what cost?! :laughingsmiley:

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