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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. Haha, okay, just checking :P


    Hrm, that's a good point...what is the importance of life? It all boils down to that eternal mystery, "Why are we here?"


    That, I definitely can't (and shouldn't even try to) answer.


    That's a whole 'nother topic right there. hehe

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only person that finds kirby/donkey kong/Zelda better than killzone/call of duty/gears of war


    Yesssss!! Nintendo has the best characters. Timeless classics. Mario, Luigi, Zelda, Link, Yoshi, Toadstool, Bowser...I could go on and on.

  3. Definitely. We just bought a house and moved, and I seriously have PLENTY of better things to do than to play endless games of YYB!!


    Like right now for example - I really need to go to Wal-Mart and work on unpacking some more boxes, but I just got done playing 5 games of YYB because I haven't been able to play for the past few days, and I'm soooo close to getting the av finally.


    Plus, I seem to be addicted to the tdn forum. :rolleyes_anim:

  4. Nintendo are freakin geniuses. I think they realized early on that they couldn't compete as far as graphics innovations and serious hardcore gaming titles, so they did two smart things: 1) Extolled the virtues of their characters and 2) Created consoles and titles that are easy to play and just plain old-fashioned FUN.


    I mean, Mario is one of the most beloved characters of all-time,


    and look at how FUN the Wii is to play!


    But anyway, I guess I'm off topic now :P

  5. Shenkuu!


    Last year I played for Roo Island because my sister invited me...needless to say, this year I wanted to pick a *winning* team :P


    Figuring that strength in numbers would probably equal Cup gold, I watched the AC neoboards to see which team everyone else was picking. I was able to narrow it down to Lost Desert and Shenkuu.


    I chose Shenkuu because I loooove ninjas and such.


    Next year I will probably pick LD. :)

  6. Yeah...I just couldn't think of another way to explain myself, so I have been pondering it for the last few days.


    @ Ro-, I am curious, are you asking for the distinction as a means of clarifying an argument, or are you asking because you truly don't see the value of life?

  7. Hi there, and welcome! TDN is loaded with helpful tips. My advice is to just look around neopets.com a LOT. This will accomplish two things: 1) Random events! 2) Knowing what's available for NP-making purposes and such.


    And of course, you always have us here at the tdn forum. We love to help. :)


    ...we only bite a little.

  8. Oh not at all! I like the idea of the constant changes so I think the lab map would be great fun that's why I've wanted one. XD


    However, I have my baby Lupe who was one of my first pets when I joined way back in 2002, and after I painted her baby I decided that her name/the baby color looked much more male. So I've always wondered since then if there was a way to change her gender to male, though I'd never heard of one other than the lab map. ^^


    Yep, it's called 'Strange Potion'


    Lab maps = pure awesomeness. They are worth every NP.

  9. Okay, I was excited about Kinect until I saw an article about the new "petting zoo" game they're coming out with...


    Um yeah, a game where you move your hand around and "pet" virtual animals.


    That has to be the dumbest idea for a video game I have ever heard of.


    Plus I found a fun new gif. Yay


  10. Portugal plays in 9 minutes! ...and I hate Christiano Ronaldo xD


    Mmmmm, Ronaldo.


    I mean uhhh, yes, Portugal is a fine team. Good soccer players and stuff.

  11. I agree with you. I had once got 4 stars for a reason I totally didn't know. :( I give 5 stars to every user I see, no matter I like them or not. This rating thing doesn't really matter to me now.

    Cheer up Cornflakes! :) Nobody really sees the rating (because I don't). Stay happy as always. :yes:


    P.S. Gave you 5 stars. Best of Luck. ^_^



    And ... OMG! I love your avatar! :O


    Awwwwww *huggles* You are too kind, thank you!




    I'm still trying to figure that out, heh heh. Same thing with the post quality. The only use for that I see is if someone is leaving spam or hateful messages, but I suppose the mods could sort that out instead.

    I'm a recent member and when I first joined I was worried that the star rating was a BIG DEAL and hoped no one would give me half a star. :P


    Paranoia, thy name is Quark.


    It's a big deal to me, since I care too much about what people think of me, even if they are imaginary online people that I'll never meet. *sniffles*

    I guess I'm paranoid too. hehe :)

  12. In reference to those stars at the top right of our "about me" page: Is it really necessary to have this User Rating feature? Really, some jealous cow can just come along and give someone one star because they happen to not like being argued with in the Neopets Debate forum (that's a hypothetical situation of course, any similarity to real life scenarios is purely coincidental). My point is, such a vote has nothing to do with the quality of the user. Someone could really contribute to the forums here, and then all it takes is one or two petty users to come along and vote them down because of something completely asinine.


    Just sayin. :)

  13. I think the OP's issue is really with those who "like to make people jump through hoops" and who are indecisive, and/or making people go through a lot of effort just for their amusement, or to get ideas about themes/customizations/names or ideas for the next pet they make.


    If you advertise that a pet is UFA, you should be absolutely sure about it. It's not right to lead others on just to see what happens. And if the applications you received weren't all that impressive, or if they were all equally impressive, maybe ask for more information or another component to help you decide.


    The competition aspect is kind of a fun concept, and I can see why they were invented. And when a user is actually being honest and sincerely does want their pet to be someone's dreamie, it can be hard to decide who to give it to. And most people that are willing to go through with petpage applications are doing it because they otherwise couldn't afford that PB, or whatever, and so clearly they are willing to try really hard to prove that they want that pet!


    As Cornflakes said though, one's skill with petpage apps doesn't guarantee they'll really care for the pet--it could be only sought after to be traded away for another pet, or status, or trying to make your userlookup impressive or something.


    I think I saw someone say that petpage applications are against the rules; is this true?


    IF not, then the bottom line is, that these people have a right to ask for them if they want. And users also have the right to not even participate, and even wait around for the next opportunity to come along. I would say the best thing would be to save your NPs anyway, and as opportunities for your dreamie arise, make a few applications here and there. Even if your application isn't chosen, you're still on your way to your dream pet!


    And besides, when you make your own dream pet, YOU get to decide on the name and theme :laughingsmiley: and it's truly YOUR pet. And you can take ALL the credit for creating them. ^_^


    I think my post was a little rambly, so I apologize. I hope it makes sense!


    They're not against the rules unless someone requires you to make one. They can ask for one, but they can't say "Make a petpage app or you won't be considered."


    Rambly, nope. I rather liked it. :)

  14. Not really, Just not a fan of own goals. Even when england won against mexico due to 2 own goals. I was calling that match pathetic etc, They should just cancel own goals (meaning they have no effect on the score etc). Football is better and more exciting without own goals.


    *chuckles* I agree. It shouldn't count as a goal. Ah, such is life. Filled with unfairness. :)

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