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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. omg. I usually don't compliment people's drawings because I don't think that needlessly flattering people is going to help them grow artistically, but - the Meepit and the Squirrel are SO AMAZING. I love love love them.


    It looks like you have a lot of requests! Haha. I was going to ask for something but you look pretty booked. Anyway, I'm a fairly hardcore coder so if you ever want to collaborate, give me a shout. I desperately need artistry such as yours. :)

  2. Crap. I was really excited that I found a whole bunch of cheap Tyrannian Dung Cheese on the Shop Wiz to use for my repeated attempts at the avatar, and then I realized I think I need to buy the cheese from the Cheeseroller guy. <_<


    Is there any way to get around this?


    Haha no, ya gotta buy it from the Cheeseroller shyster if you want to chuck it down the hill.

  3. I invented a way to remove the grey border in #userinfo, but it only works in Firefox. I could never find an alternative method of doing it...maybe someone will come in here and post one? Let's keep our fingers crossed. :laughingsmiley:


    Here are the codes in case you want them. /shrugs


    #userinfo table table table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;border:0px none;}
    #userinfo table table table td, #userinfo table table table th{border:0px none;border-style:hidden;}



    If you put your code between <style / > and < / style> tags (thanks Viridian!!), you can fudge the filters and use position to pop the items lower. I always found them to be too high in the div. In that case, just add this to the #userinfo table table table part:


    If you want to make it lower, just make the 10 into a 20 or whatever works for you.

  4. Just for anyone who crosses this topic: Our ad-blocking guides on TDN not only block the advertisements, but it also blocks out that stupid nick bar at the top ;)


    Indeed *nods*

    But, you can use css to block it for everyone that visits your lookups. Yay :) It's my personal way of fighting The System without breaking the rules!

    Uhhh it's not against the rules right? :whistle:

  5. 1. To hide ugly lines, just add this little snippet of code:



    2. To remove "Key Quest" and other images,

    #usercollections img{display:none;}

    (That should work, it's either display:none or visibility:hidden, so if it doesn't work, try the visibility. I'm too tired to test it. :P


    3. Your image is bigger than I would use, but it's all about what YOU want on your lookup, right? :) So resize it in Photoshop if you think it's too big, or keep it if you like it. :D

    Just to let you know, I have a fairly big monitor (1600xwhatever) and I didn't have to scroll to see it all.

  6. It can be fixed in another way as well.


    In your profile information, you should change the style tag


    It is probably looking like this.




    Change it to this:


    <style / >


    And close it with


    < / style>


    This allowed me to use words like position :)



    :woot: I tried it on my own lookup, and...I can't believe it, but it totally worked. Thank you for posting that!!!!


    Since the filters are always being tinkered with, it's nice to have two different workarounds for 'position.' This is a happy day for me!

  7. Nope. :D


    For me, the appeal of Neopets isn't even the pets (although I love them too)...it's the entire world that has been created, and how the site has 14 million things to do at all times. I could never get bored of playing Neo. I love items too. I think the art and creativity that goes into the site are amazing.


    So yeah, no other virtual pet sites interest me in the slightest.


    (I'm not trying to be rude or shoot you down, I'm just keeping it real. You seem like you need honest feedback.)

  8. Hi there, and welcome!


    "2 left hands." haha :)


    As far as graphics go, just keep working, don't give up! I didn't take any Photoshop classes or anything, and it literally took me 6 or 7 years to get pretty good at it. :)

  9. style="position:absolute; top:889px; left:78px; width:773px; "


    How about that...CSS for someone's lookup. On Neopets. Because apparently I use my computer for nothing other than Neo and these here forums. :yes:

  10. And by the way...Wishcoin might just be the cutest pet I've ever seen.


    I know right?! The first time I ever laid eyes on a Baby Xweetok I nearly wet my pants from going "AWWWWWWWWWW!" really high-pitched like, and the dog started howling because I made her ears hurt.




    So I bought a Baby PB from the Hidden Tower for the av. Then, I was looking at my Red Xweetok, thinking "Hmmmm, yes I need to sell this PB and get most of my money back, but...wouldn't it be awesome to have my dreamie?" And so he was painted Baby. He is cuddly and I love him bunches. Thanks for the compliment! :D


    Like I said - if you need any coding help at all, just holler. I'm not like *some* people on Neopets that would rather laugh at someone's ignorance and chide them for not knowing what took me years to learn. :)


    p.s. Is insanely jealous of your Royal Usul. What a lovely lady indeed!

  11. Hi there, and welcome! It is nice to meet you too. I also looove to cook. However, my love of cooking is minor compared to my loooooooove of eating.


    Man, I love to eat! Food = <3


    As for Keyquest, I dunno...I want to play but I always get beat because I apparently play poorly. So if you agree to not completely annihilate me, then sure, I'd love to play sometime! :D


    p.s. Cute right-align in your siggy...creative. Wish I would have thought of it. Hehe

  12. I made one but it no longer works for that one because it uses the word 'position' in it...Neopet's won't allow that phrase...I am hoping someone will figure a way around it on my help board...


    Well, we are certainly going to try. I loooove fixing code. It gives me immense satisfaction.

    *points at Sheta's board, where I just got done posting a potential workaround*

  13. Thankfully the avatar is available!

    And I got Items: 31 | Qty: 34 |


    Haha, why do y'all keep bringing up the SDB av? The SDB and the Closet are two entirely different areas. This does not affect the Pack Rat av in any way whatsoever! :laughingsmiley:

  14. Yep, "position" is no longer allowed. :( However, you can kinda fudge the filters by using "position" in the HTML as opposed to the CSS. Like for example:


    Copy and paste into your user prefs.

    I.shield {background:url(http://i515.photobucket.com/albums/t354/wolf_demon_11/XweetokShield.jpg);height:153px;width:100px;}
    <I class="shield" style="position:absolute;top:345px;left:600px;"></I>


    (also, your 'background' attributes and other things were improperly coded...I have fixed these issues for you as well.)


    I have seen this work with 'div' but I'm not 100% sure about if it will work with 'i' (image)

    So please keep me posted as to if this works or not. If not, we'll figure out something else. :)

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