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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. Yes, woohoo!

    I get annoyed at Lifetime because ALL of their commercials are trying so hard to appeal to the "stay at home mother".


    Plus Lifetime has all those promos for that stupid "Drop Dead Diva." I wish she would hurry up and drop dead and get it all over with :P


    I was thinking about this topic the other day when I was doing dishes. It's totally changing the topic, but I'm sad that the freecreditreport.com guys are getting sacked. All of those commercials, though aired ad nauseum, were delightful to me.

  2. Do we have to play Yooyuball on Altador cup to post scores in WAM?

    This post has been edited by a member of staff (Native) because of a violation of the forum rules.

    Please do not bump an old topic that has been inactive for over 21 days.

    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.


    ....Huh? Did I miss something? I am confused why this post was deemed in violation of the rules. It was made the same day that the thread was created... :S


    This post has been edited by a member of staff (Native)

    Thank you for pointing this out. :) In the future, please just 'report' the post so that we will be aware of things like this quicker. :P


    I hate to split hairs, but when I click on the "report" button, this message appears:

    "This form is to be used ONLY for reporting objectional content, etc and is not to be used as a method of communicating with moderators for other reasons."


    It says ONLY in all caps, wouldn't that mean that I shouldn't use the 'report' button for communicating with the moderators for other reasons?


    (By the way, the word is "objectionable," you might want to pass that along to someone.)

  3. Arrrrgh. Here I am harping about cross-browser compliancy...anyway, I'll find some kind of fix and then I'll edit this post when I find it. :)


    Edit. Aha! I fixed it :D


    <style type="text/css">
    #navigation,.user,#header a img,#ban,#footer,.brand-mamabar,.sidebar{display:none;}
    #header{width:800px;height:200px;background:#C8E7FC url(http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo282/tigurr/colacloud.png) top left no-repeat;border:0px none;padding:0px;margin:0px auto;}
    td{color:#000000;font:9px tahoma;text-align:center;}
    #main{border:0px none;width:800px;margin:0px auto;background:transparent;}
    #content{width:800px;margin:0px auto;}
    .contentModuleHeader,.contentModuleHeaderAlt{background:none;color:#056482;text-align:center;font:15px lucida console;letter-spacing:3px;font-weight:bold;text-transform:lowercase;}
    .contentModule,.contentModuleTable{border:0px none;}
    .contentModuleContent table img{display:none;}
    .contentModuleContent div img {display:none;}
    .contentModuleContent #rating_ballot img{display:inline;}
    #main a{color:#056482;}
    #main a:hover{color:#00D533;}
    <font size="3" color="#056482"><a href="http://www.neopets.com/myaccount.phtml">account</a>•<a href="http://www.neopets.com/customise/">customise</a>•<a href="http://www.neopets.com/games/arcade.phtml">games</a>•<a href="http://www.neopets.com/explore.phtml">explore</a>•<a href="http://www.neopets.com/nf.phtml">news</a>•<a href="http://www.neopets.com/petcentral.phtml">pet central</a>•<a href="http://www.neopets.com/neoboards/index.phtml">boards</a>•<a href="http://www.neopets.com/objects.phtml">shops</a>•<a href="http://ncmall.neopets.com/mall/shop.phtml?page=&cat=">nc mall</a><p>-<p><B>Colapop</b> is the social outcast of his dysfunctional family. He spends his days as far from his home as he has the nerve to go, taking in the world around him and letting his imagination take control as he creates his own story world for himself.
    <p>Despite this, Cola's true wish is to have a friend who understands him - preferably a friend who will pay him a little more attention than <b>Salt</b>, who seems to see him as more of a portable food-carrier.


    Try Sakanori's lookup if you want proof that it works :P

  4. Not to worry, I have three other pets and my userlookup still to go! Muahahaha...


    Haha, you are doing great. I loooove the image you made for Cola. We might have to collaborate someday. I do graphics and stuff but I just can't seem to make the cute designs that everyone wants!

  5. I doubt it's the same for everyone but you.


    *chuckles* This wins my award for "Best Comeback of the Day."


    I have one worm left: the stupid Rainbow one. I have been trying to get it for 5 or 6 days and it just hates me or something.

    If and when I get them all, I plan to put them in my gallery. I think the worms are adorable!

  6. Hi there, and welcome. Don't lurk! Say something every now and then. We like people. And their braaaaaiiiiiiins.


    Oh wait, I think I was supposed to keep that secret.


    Uhhh, we like new people for their brains, as in their intellect. We won't eat your brains, I promise! :)




    Whew, nice save.

  7. Thank you! That was really helpful :3 And now I do indeed have some more things to ask :'D


    I'd like to remove the little 'send' button next to the 'Neopet' header, and I also want to put an image above the bit that says 'ColaFlavouredPopcorn the Baby Tonu'. So...yeah...how? *-*


    Alllrighty then...


    <style type="text/css">
    #navigation,.user,#header a img,#ban,#footer,.brand-mamabar,.sidebar{display:none;}
    #header{height:120px;background:transparent url(http://www.mutablefire.com/neopets/headerbg.jpg)top left no-repeat;border:0px none;}
    td{color:#056482;font:11px hand of sean;}
    #main{border:0px none;width:800px;margin:0px auto;background:none;}
    #content{width:800px;margin:0px auto;}
    .contentModuleHeader,.contentModuleHeaderAlt{background:none;color:#056482;text-align:center;font:15px i hate comic sans;letter-spacing:2px;font-weight:bold;text-transform:lowercase;}
    .contentModule,.contentModuleTable{border:0px none;}
    .contentModuleContent table img{display:none;}
    .contentModuleContent div img {display:none;}
    .contentModuleContent #rating_ballot img{display:inline;}
    #main a{color:#056482;}
    #main a:hover{color:#00D533;}
    <font size="3">⋆<a href="http://www.neopets.com/myaccount.phtml">account</a>⋆<a href="http://www.neopets.com/customise/">customise</a>⋆<a href="http://www.neopets.com/games/arcade.phtml">games</a>⋆<a href="http://www.neopets.com/explore.phtml">explore</a>⋆<a href="http://www.neopets.com/nf.phtml">news</a>⋆<a href="http://www.neopets.com/petcentral.phtml">pet central</a>⋆<a href="http://www.neopets.com/neoboards/index.phtml">boards</a>⋆<a href="http://www.neopets.com/objects.phtml">shops</a>⋆<a href="http://ncmall.neopets.com/mall/shop.phtml⋆page=&cat=">nc mall</a>⋆</font>


    1. Only you can see the "send" button. ;)


    2. Okay, putting an image in above the pet name gets a little tricky...but I have managed to make you something at Breakpack's lookup.


    The tricky part is that we're actually using the Neopets #header div and just giving it a new background. So if you want to change the image, you have to put the new image location on the part that says "#header{background:transparent url(http://www.mutablefire.com_etcetc)}

    and when you put in a new image, you'll have to put in how tall that image is where it says "#header{height:120px;}


    Additionally, the fonts you want to use (like I Hate Comic Sans and Hand of Sean) cannot be seen by anyone who doesn't have them installed, which is a LOT of people. (I have thousands of fonts and I have never heard of Hand of Sean!) I recommend using websafe fonts. Google 'web safe fonts' for lists of what will pretty much work for everyone.



  8. Regarding Wacom Tablets: They aren't necessary, but oh boy do they make your life so much easier. They give your hand much more freedom and health-wise they're probably better for your hand than a mouse. I'm using mine right now. Oh, how I love it so


    Yeppers. I think casual graphic artists probably view a Wacom tablet as a luxury, but hardcore graphics addicts like myself can't live without it!!

    I'm also a developer on another well-known site so yeah, I use mine quite often.

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