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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. Um...actually, I was going to go to the dentist today, the highlight of my day, but it got rescheduled. And just call me JB.


    What about you? You doing anything exciting?


    I am going to the dentist today lol.

  2. I guess I should call it a silly mistake instead of a dumb one. But I'll tell myself okay if you win this minigame and it's for a key pick yellow and then for some unknown reason I'll click on green which I already have. Silly!

  3. Who knows for sure.


    Honestly, it's not your concern. If he is cheating TNT will catch him and punish him accordingly.

    Don't risk getting yourself in trouble by turning it into a witch hunt for a cheater.


    Yeah this is kind of how I always feel about things. I never report people for things like this because I feel it's none of my concern and wouldn't want to get myself in trouble somehow.

  4. Does anyone else ever make really dumb mistakes in keyquest? Like landing on the treasure chest and accidentally choosing a key you already have. I do that once in a while when I've been playing multiple games in a row and hate myself for it lol. I did it today again.


    Congratulations, num1ortonfan, you just found 1,118 Neopoints!


    Immediately followed by:


    Congratulations, num1ortonfan, you just found 1,431 Neopoints!


    And another one! Premium must really like me today.


    Congratulations, num1ortonfan, you just found






    A Pink Fuzzle suddenly falls from the sky and lands in your lap. The Space Faerie must be in a good mood!

  6. I'm actually kind of wondering if it has to do with having NC items in your inventory? I think I had one at the time. So even though it said sorry your inventory is empty, I technically had something in it, just in a different section if that makes sense.

  7. Mine was actually like that a while ago and at the time I took a screenshot and was going to make a post about it lol. It's back to normal now though. I have no idea why it does that. It's really strange. At the time, even if I had nothing in my inventory it would tell me I had 1 item.

  8. I actually saw an ad for one of those sites on the Lost and Pound website, which really surprised me, but then again, I doubt the ones who owns the page can control what ads it's sponsored with. /:


    I would think buying your neopoints/pets would ruin the game, wouldn't it? Part of the fun is when you achieve your goals, right?


    Yeah you would think so. I don't really understand the point if you can't set goals for yourself and try to achieve them.

  9. Lol I never noticed. I tend to get really bored while babysitting so I guess that is how. The little girl I watch never wants to do anything fun anymore. She's been building cardboard doll houses every day by herself so I've just been sitting on my laptop playing neo and checking out this place.

  10. So I know I'm bringing this back to food and specifically pizza but I finally tried Pizza Hut's garlic bread pizza I talked about earlier in this thread and it is nasty. I'm not liking it at all. Blech.

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