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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. Just wondering what you guys think of shop lookups? Do you have one? I find some of them to be so annoying sometimes when you can't see prices because they're the same color as the background and things like that. Anyone else get annoyed? I kind of want to get one but I'm not sure. I don't want people to be annoyed when they go to my shop.

  2. I don't really like trading either. I prefer when people have what they want for the item listed. I hate having to neomail them and I feel like a lot of times they don't email me back or they're just like figure out what it's worth.

  3. I felt the exact same way when I took my driving test. I think it's pretty normal to feel that way. It ended up being super easy though and the guy testing me was really nice and helpful. I absolutely hated driving until I stopped driving with my mom and got out there on my own with my license. Now it seems so much easier and even a little fun at times. I think just having my mom there with me always made me nervous like I was being judged. Good luck by the way! I'm sure you'll do great! :)

  4. Lol cool. I've sort of been to Canada. I was only at Niagra Falls though for a short time.


    I just got back from Old Country Buffet and I'm pretty sure I'm never going to eat again. I'm so full but the shrimp they had for dinner was amazing.

  5. There are definitely still Ponderosa's. There are 2 pretty close to my house and I believe the one near my cousins house in NY is still open. It's pretty much the only restaurant they have in their small town lol.

  6. I don't really eat chinese food but for some reason I really like chinese buffets. They always have really good American food. And I do like chinese rice. There's a sushi buffet near my school as well but I've never had sushi so I don't know if I would like it.

  7. We have a couple of ponderosa's out here as well but I'm not really a fan. There isn't much their I like, I tend to be a really picky eater. We have a couple of Golden Corals too but I've only been there once. I'm considering going back because I keep seeing commercials for a chocolate fountain and I want to check that out lol.

  8. They are pretty delicious! I don't know how long it's been since you've been to one but I really like their new "drink bar." They added icees/slushies and a couple of flavors of cappuccino and hot chocolate.

  9. I've been drinking 7 up for now until the numbness wears off. I had to use a straw though because I couldn't seem to drink it without one lol. My family and I are going to Old Country Buffet tonight for dinner so I'll be eating a lot then to make up for lunch.

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