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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. Oh no Lou, I'm sorry! :(


    The reason I wanted an egg is because I haven't had any mootix in forever. Every time I get an egg from them it's of a species I already have plenty of. My habi is full as far as population goes but I'd really like to have a few mootix floating around lol.

  2. Welcome to the forums Lauren! And yes, as neomysterion said, I love the sims! I'd say I'm a bit addicted. I've been trying to not buy stuff of the sims 3 site because it gets so expensive but it's so hard when I see all the pretty items!

  3. So yesterday I decided to buy a wireless mouse. My laptop's built in mouse just really isn't good for a lot of neo games and mainly some of the KQ mini games. I haven't tried it yet and it might not make any difference at all but I'm hoping it will make me a big faster on those berry games and a couple of others.

  4. I just have to share this good news with everybody. Yesterday I got a SLM piece worth 100k, today I got a biscuit paint brush and a starry paint brush from Keyquest, I'm super happy!


    Nice, lady luck is on your side right now! Congrats!

  5. Well a lot of it memorized then lol! There actually could be an end I think. I heard no one has been able to find it though because all scientists have given up after a couple billion numbers after the decimal point.


    Yeah. I don't actually start classes right away but I have 2 jobs that I have to start before classes start. I work in a residence hall and I have to get it ready before all the other students move in.

  6. Description: Neopets is the GREATEST PLACE ON THE INTERNET. It's filled with sunshine (Altador) and rainbows (the rainbow pool; fountain) and kittens (angelpuss) and love (EVERYWHERE). It's got EVERYTHING you could possibly ever want on the internet. I mean, come on, it has GAMES. Who needs more?


    Where to start: Make a username that you won't be embarrassed about in five years. (Stay away from Justin Bieber or political names...) Make a pet with a name you won't be embarrassed about in five years. Then go to the Dailies page on TDN and start getting free stuff. Then go to the games room and start playing stuff.


    When you get the feel for that stuff, get a few toys and grooming items. Just so you can have the experience of playing with your pet. Weehee, this is fun.


    Then go exploring around Neopia and see what there is. Visit a new world every day and see what each one has to offer.


    After a few weeks, do the Altador Plot :-P Because you can.




    At this point, she can figure out what goals she has for herself. She needs to know that there is a battledome. She needs to know that you can paint and customize your pets. Etc. Books? Sure!


    This is a really awesome and entertaining description. Nice job.

  7. Nice job! That's a good plan. Now that I'm training my pet I wish I would've saved some of the codestones I had been getting over the last year or so. Oh well. I'm seeking 5 dubloon coins at the moment just like you so I guess I've got some time to try to save up codestones, if KQ would start giving me some lol.

  8. Yes. It's down.


    For anyone curious, you can check THIS website. It's a great way to see if a site is down for everyone, or just you.


    EDIT: It looks like it's up and down. Sometimes it starts loading, sometimes it doesn't


    Thanks spritzie!


    On a side note, I love how much more active this place suddenly gets when neo isn't working properly lol.

  9. I know that when I log in on another computer, when I go back to my actual laptop I'm logged out. So I would think so. This is the first I've ever heard of the email thing! Maybe they created the email that is similar to yours and thought that would trick you and TNT. Who knows?

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