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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. I'm so sorry about your account. I believe the transfer will have expired by then, although hopefully someone else can give you a definite answer. The time frame varies for every situation but providing information will definitely help you out and hopefully speed the process up! Good luck! I hope it doesn't take too long for you!

  2. That's why I liked him a bit too but ultimately I will be for Dan and Janelle. I've enjoyed listening to Sid's interviews about him in the BB house though.


    He has acknowledged his dad on the Pre-season interviews. He made it seem like they weren't close though. Like he was a lot closer with his mom and brother.

  3. I still love them being there! I think they've had it planned out from the beginning to put the coaches in though. Because they've always known when their finale was.


    By the way did you know Frank is Psycho Sid's son?

  4. I'm sure the poll will be rigged but Julie said give the coaches the "option." So that is what worries me. Brit has made it very clear that she'll be very angry if the coaches are part of the game as that's not what she signed up for and just wants to coach. I personally love the bringing back of past houseguests. I'd probably feel differently if I was in the house competing for that prize but since I'm at home watching I love it.


    I do feel terrible for Jodi though. I don't think it was necessary to send someone home after like 8 hours or however long she got to be there.

  5. I can't stand Joe either and it really disappoints me because he's from my hometown. So I was really hoping he'd be good. I really like Ashley though. I think a lot of her "dumb blonde" act is just that, an act. This may be an unpopular opinion but I'm really hoping the coaches end up in the game on Thursday. Janelle and Dan are my 2 favorite BB players ever and I was so excited they were coming back this season.

  6. I'm not sure if neopets ever said you wouldn't receive the avatar but it isn't on the list of current features when you go to the sign up page. So I was under the impression new premium member wouldn't receive the avatar anymore.

  7. Honestly, any plot would be fine with me. If there is going to be one, I just hope I can find time for it. I'm much more into neo now than I ever was before so I like to think I could make time for it. As others have mentioned, I'd like it to be more puzzle based than battle. I've just started training my pet to beat meuka and I'm still quite clueless when it comes to the battledome.

  8. If the email was changed you should have gotten an email notifying you of the change on the original email I think. I did anyways when I changed my email. Maybe I'm wrong though. Are you sure you don't have the main account on another email?

  9. Coffee is gross in my opinion. It's so hot that you have to wait to drink it. That irritates me, 'cause when I'm thirsty I want that drink THEN. :rolleyes_anim:


    There are iced coffees too lol. I very rarely drink anything warm either.

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