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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. I have sort of a weird question. I put down my MSN which I typically use daily and all of a sudden I can't get into the account. It said someone else has been using it which I really don't think is true. I just wanted to see if we would be contacted through that about the positions or not? I'm in the process of creating a new MSN as I type this because I'm not 100% sure I'm going to get that one back.

  2. I'll probably check out Elementary. The pilot leaked and a few of my friends saw it and had good things to say.


    Partners looks good. I'll also be watching the Carrie Diaries, but that's in January :(


    Ugh I didn't realize it didn't start until January! That's disappointing.


    The only show I was really looking forward to seeing was The New Normal. I caught the pilot the other night and it wasn't that bad, but I'm not generally into half-hour sitcoms. What I'm most excited by is the returning shows that I've already been hooked on. I can't wait until the new season of Haven starts!


    I'm definitely excited for all my returning shows as well. Glee just returned last night and I was in heaven! I'm now anxiously awaiting the premiere of New Girl.

  3. ^ Sorry to hear you hate your new school. :( I hope it gets better!


    Hey everyone. Sorry I've been absent so much lately. All my big projects are now done for school so I plan on getting on here much more often! How's everyone doing?

  4. Promotions for a bar on the main street of bars/clubs in my city.


    And Ash! I noticed you hadn't been around much lately :( hope you're well!


    Just been busy with school and work really. So I'm good! Just a bit stressed lol. Hope you're good too!

  5. Hello everyone :) just dropping by to see what everyone's up to. My personal life is very blah at the moment hence my quietness lately :(

    I've got a job interview on Monday to replace my supermarket job. I need something a bit more flexible so I can go home and visit my mum more often as she needs me right now <3 fingers crossed I get it!


    Good luck with the interview Lou!


    I'm pretty much popping in to say hey too. I definitely miss this place and wish I wasn't so busy with school/work lately. Hoping to have more time to get on here soon though. Hope everyone is doing well. :)

  6. Well I may not have the best advice and I'm not completely familiar with how things work in the UK, I think I understood all of that.


    I am a firm believer in never letting someone tell you you can't do something. I hate when teachers or universities or anyone ever says that. I'm not at the greatest university in the world but I'm studying something I'm really interested in and want to have a career in. I would say if Architecture is your passion, you should do that. I wouldn't change to something you dislike because you'll end up doing that your whole life and being unhappy.

  7. I really like the Wheel of Slime just because you always get some amount of neopoints, you don't have to pay to spin it, and you can spin it every 8 hours. Otherwise I'd probably say the Wheel of Excitement. Currently I only spin the Wheel of Slime and the Wheel of Knowledge. Trying to get that avatar!

  8. So I got a free sample of those impress nails. So far I'm really liking them. I've never had fake nails before but this literally took me about a minute to put them on and they look great. There's no such thing as chipping with them either. I think they might be a bit too expensive for me to actually buy but for a free sample it's great!

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