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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. I love the show. I think it's really interesting watching celebrities have to go out into the business world. Someone always surprises me with how good they end up doing. And then there are others who are just terrible. The only thing I don't like is that it's on 2 hours a week. Sometimes that's a bit much.

  2. I tried starting it in the last week and still failed. There's another thread on here where someone posted some really awesome and helpful tips. I wish I could remember what the name of the thread was to search for it, or who posted the tips. But they had gotten me really close to getting the avatar, I just didn't end up having time to finish it.

  3. I'm not surprised you're put off XP If you're not an avatar collector it's probably not worth it. I've heard of people getting some excellent prizes from there, like Grey Paint Brushes, but it'll never happen to me haha.

    If you're going to do it I wouldn't do it everyday.. that can get quite disheartening lol. I tried that for about a week and was just like I HATE YOU SO MUCHASLFHAASASKLJAS ... yeah xP


    Thank you for the luck! I definitely need it xD


    I actually am an avatar collector though. I just have a few others I feel better about going for at the moment lol. Maybe I'll try for this one once I finally get the wheel of knowledge. I'm taking it one wheel at a time haha.

  4. I actually still haven't tried for it. Losing that amount of neopoints every time I spin it just makes me not want to. If I had a lot of neopoints I'd do it but I don't lol. Hopefully I'll eventually go for it. Good luck though, I hope you get it soon!

  5. I totally agree. We had our first snow Saturday, so October 6th. (There wasn't enough to even stick though.) We generally get our first snow in October, but it's usually later in the month. (We are more likely to have snow on Halloween here than on Christmas) This is the earliest it's been in years.


    Then again, the cold lasted all of 2 days. Though it's around freezing temperatures at night, most of the next couple weeks are going to be high 60s, low 70s during the day.


    I'm so jealous! I love snow! I seriously can't wait for it to snow. It's definitely my favorite time of the year.

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