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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. Great idea! I'll definitely have to gift some of you later! Probably closer to Christmas :D.



    Really Warm Holiday Mittens

    5 dubloon coins (for training)

    Any weapon you think will help me defeat the Brain Tree. . .

    Faerie Quest cookies if anybody has any they don't want! lol

    Any stamps I don't have

    Scratchcards! Because they sound fun.

  2. I'm having some issues too. I tried to upgrade mine now to take advantage of the Holiday sale even though my membership isn't ending yet. It doesn't give me the holiday discout price though, just the regular price. :(

  3. Haha I had the same problem with the snowflake today as well! Eventually I just watched it once and put my cursor where the snowflake would be for the next time through and just kept clicking hoping to hit one of the 3 at the right time.

  4. Ahh, the terrible two's. My little cousin was like that as well. I think the best thing to do is just don't give in. If you give in every time he cries or throws things, he will never stop because he knows he'll get what he wants. Kids are pretty smart. Eventually I think my cousin just got tired of whining and realized it wasn't getting her anywhere. Good luck!

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