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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. I just got this avatar 2 days ago. I've literally played the game just about every single day for a year. And each day I would play until my pet got bored and refused to keep playing. 2 days ago was the first time I had ever gotten the jackpot. I think it will be different for every one though. I think it's just completely random.

  2. Tips?! One of my favourite avatars er, so colourful!


    I don't know if my tips will help but I tried to just always focus on the multiplier brick when it was around and get as many of that color to match up with it. Especially if I got one on the early levels because it was easier to get a ton of them to match up. I've been doing that for a few weeks and finally got there!

  3. It kind of sounds like the guild I'm in might be right for you/what you're looking for. It's a private guild called Adult Oasis. I would say it's pretty active and only has 26 members so it's easy to get to know everyone. Plus you already know me and possibly Lou here from TDN as well. There also really great at lending items/pets to anyone in the guild if you need them for avatars. Most of them have been on neo for quite some time and have a lot of great tips as well for things. Here's a link to the webbie which has info on how to join if anyone is interested:



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