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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. You are currently on a quest for the Battle Faerie.


    Don't lock your knees when you fight! What do you mean, JubJubs don't have knees? Ahem. Have you found my item yet, Neopian?


    You are supposed to bring me: purpletradingcardback.gif

    Buzz Alchemist

  2. I'm looking at it in Chrome right now and there doesn't seem to be a problem. Maybe try restarting your browser?


    That worked! I feel silly for creating a topic now lol. Thanks for the help!


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  3. You are currently on a quest for a Water Faerie.


    Don't give up yet! Encountering a little trouble doesn't mean that you should abandon your quest for wisdom entirely.


    You are supposed to bring me: boo_tattered_cloth.gif

    Quilting Made Easy

  4. I can't seem to get to TDN's main page anymore. All I can access at the moment is the forum. At first I was trying to go to the dailies and I kept getting the message: "Disallowed Key Characters." And now it is happening when I try to go to the main page as well. :( I don't know if I'm the only one with the problem and if it's something on my end? If it is, does anyone know how I can fix it? Thanks!

  5. I've actually been thinking of starting a gallery for the past few years and I finally settled on a theme today: Glitter. I think you'll just come across something and know it's the right theme for you. Or you'll come up with something and know it's right. I wouldn't start anything until you're certain about the theme. I did that in the past and ended up selling all the stuff.

  6. So I've been trying to defeat the Brain Tree for what seems like forever now. And I finally beat him today but when I go back to Defenders of Neopia it says he's still my current enemy. I haven't heard of this happening to anyone else but I haven't followed the news of the new battledome all that closely. Has this happened to anyone else or have you heard of it happening? Help!

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