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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. HEY, I EXIST!

    Yeah hey everyone did anyone miss me no ok yeah

    my laptop broke so i had to get a new one and that took a month

    if anyone notices me hi im back :)


    Hi and welcome back! Glad you were able to get a new laptop. :)

  2. I love those mint girl scout cookies as well!


    I think I know what you're talking about! If we're thinking of the same thing I still get it sometimes. It's by Bryers and it's called Blasts! They have tons of different flavors with reeses, m&ms, snickers, oreos and even a thin mint girl scout cookie one your mom would probably love!

  3. I love ben and jerry's ice cream! Half baked is my favorite! I also really like chocolate chip cookie dough, chocolate fudge brownie and mint chocolate cookie. I'm not a big fan of the peanut butter cup flavor. I thought I would love it because I love reese's but it just didn't taste great to me.

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