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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. I would also suggest after reading the guide, pick one board that you like and continue playing that board at first. At least, that's what I did and it really seemed to help. Knowing the board can really play into strategy at first and help you get gold keys.

  2. A bit of a random question but I know the DoN avatars aren't currently working. If I manage to defeat the black pteri, will I still be able to unlock that avatar? I'd rather not spend time working on it if it's not possible to get the avatar at the moment. Thanks in advance!

  3. It's a good time to clear out stuff you kept for no reason, get everything cleaned out and enjoy the re-organizing you always had wanted to do but never did ;)


    That's true, however I've only been in Florida for about 8 months and didn't actually gather too much this time around.

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