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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. Thank you N. Prime for help with my last quest!


    Hi! While you're out looking for my item, I'm going to sit here quietly. THIS IS BORING! Er, please don't take too long, okay?

    You are supposed to bring me:

    Torn Pink Gym Socks

    So far I've gotten

    -1 Snowager Ice Lolly (TCG) (thanks dreambignow)

    - 1 Snowager Collectable Charm (thanks rinoa812)

    - 1 Snowager Doughnut (thanks rinoa812)

    - 1 Snowager In A Box (thanks rinoa812)

    - 1 Snowager Ice Centerpiece (thanks rinoa812)

    - 2 Snowager Gnomes (thanks tahaleya and perrin_golden_eyes)

    - 1 Snowager Plushie (thanks lylirra)

    - 1 Minty Snowager Pie (thanks kodylaurentia)

    - 1 Snowager Pattern Sofa (thanks xepha)


    Did you not get the snowager bed I sent? :(

  3. Hey guys, not sure if anyone wanted to do this again this year but I've participated the last couple years and loved it! Basically you post your neopets Christmas list and people from TDN can send you gifts and you can do the same in return by sending others things from their wishlist! I know last year we all gifted whenever, not just Christmas day since most people are probably busy then.


    So feel free to post your wishlist and hopefully make some holiday magic for others by gifting them items on their list!


    Important things:


    - Having a ton of overly expensive things might not get you anywhere. Maybe include some cheaper things as well!

    - Make sure your inventory isn't full.

    - Cross off items if someone has already sent them to you.


    So. . . who's ready to play Santa?

  4. Faerie Quests
    You get 1 Faerie Quest a day!todays-quest-accepted.png
    You are currently on a quest for a Light Faerie.
    Back so soon? Don't worry! I'm sure you're capable of completing my quest, or I wouldn't have given it to you.


    You are supposed to bring me: greentradingcardback.gif

    Pteri Knight

  5. Hey all! I've been thinking about starting a guild geared towards reality television. I finally decided to stop thinking and do it today. I ran a guild for about 6 or 7 years and really kind of missed it. Was wondering if anyone here would be interested in helping me get started? I know there are at least a few Reality TV lovers. Or you know if anyone is interested in joining that would be great too! Let me know!




    Don't judge by the lack of things right now! I literally just started it.

  6. I've bought from Origin numerous times (*Sims high five*) and never had any issues. However, I had similar problems with a purchase from Herinteractive, where it was telling me to insert disk when it was a digital download. The solution for that one was to uninstall the game and reinstall it, but to choose another install location instead of the default one the installer suggests. For mine, I just made a new folder in my documents folder and installed it there. After that installation, it worked fine. Maybe give that a try.


    Thanks! Right now I'm downloading a patch even though I'm pretty sure my game is up to date. That's what the people at EA suggested. If that doesn't work, I'll try your method!


    Azurablue, that sounds awful! I'm so sorry. :(

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