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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. I was shocked and kind of annoyed by him winning as well. I knew the streak would eventually end but I never thought they'd give it to someone who is already popular and is just a part time superstar. I did enjoy seeing all the fans faces, like in the picture Angelo posted. It was priceless.

  2. But will you be truly able to tell I'm not here? :rambo:


    I agree. They should do plots at least three times a year. :)


    Lol, it could work. :laughingsmiley:


    That would be amazing! But I seem to have trouble keeping up with plots as it is. I don't know if I could handle 3 a year!

  3. For me it was worth it just to get the avatar but I'm not sure if you can definitely still get the avatar or not. I'd say if you find out that the avatar is no longer available then it's probably not worth it. Maybe check the Coincidence item thread and see if anyone can send you the items they already have so you don't have to spend a fortune.

  4. Haha I actually completely agree with you! I'm not a Lesnar fan so I will be really upset if he ends up being the one to break the streak. And I'm thinking Bryan is going to win both matches tonight.


    The tag team match just finished, which means it's almost time to start!

  5. :( No worries! I used to watch back then as well. I haven't been quite as interested in it lately but I'm hoping tonight will be pretty cool. A lot of people from the past making an appearance.

  6. Any WWE fans out there planning on watching tonight? This is probably the first Wrestlemania I've been able to watch live in over 10 years. I'm pretty excited and hoping I'll have some people to talk to about it!

  7. I've heard of others recently getting RE's, glad to see their back up...time to change my active back to my boochi shield!


    I do the same thing! My shoyru has been hit before so I learned my lesson the hard way.


    TNT has stated multiple times that UCs have only brought them headaches so far, and it would be much easier if people just forgot about them, because it was like working with a very old operating system on a brand new pc.


    So I think it's nearly impossible to ever be an event/NC item/whatever that changes converted pets into UCs. I personally would rather TNT to convert all of them at once and end this mess.


    Forgive me but I'm lost again with abbreviations. What is a UC?

  9. I guess I'll piggy back onto this and ask my own question.


    I know certain benefits to having premium but is $50 really worth it??


    I sometimes ask myself the same question as well but I do really enjoy my premium. I think it's worth it just for the Super Shop Wizard alone. I love that thing and can't imagine ever being able to go back to the regular shop wizard.


    I also enjoy having a 5th pet spot, mainly for times when TDN is willing to lend me a pet for an avatar. I could never have parted with any of my 4 pets, so having the 5th spot really comes in handy.


    If you're on neopets enough or play solitaire/pyramids (or any game that requires the page to refresh a lot) you can get a lot of random events. It definitely helps me save up for stamps/other things I need. The Faerie Scratchcard is a fun little bonus every friday too.


    And I'm not big on neoboards, but I have found that if I ever do have the urge to post, the people on the Premium boards tend to be a lot nicer and more understanding. That could just be an opinion thing but I always feel like I run into issues on the regular boards.

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