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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. I had a hard time deciding how to vote on this one. I'm not a fan of coke at all. I never drink it. I'm not a huge fan of pepsi either though. I hate regular pepsi but every once in a while I'll have a craving for diet pepsi. I don't normally prefer diet drinks but regular pepsi is too sweet for me. Typically I'm more of a mountain dew or sprite type of person. Or even Dr. Pepper.

  2. I'm so sorry. :( I feel like I can relate to this as a lot of my friends (also have to sit where it's accessible for them) and I take public bus transportation and we have similar problems with them. For the most part I think the buses have started to be better at accommodating us though. Every once in a while we get an awful driver who doesn't care. Hopefully you're able to get them to listen to you soon or they come to their senses and try to change things for the better.

  3. You definitely can, Ash! Let me know if you need anything, I'm hanging out making gems today.

    I used to keep a lot of nests/nesters but I got so annoyed with having to empty them every 50 minutes to make a profit, that I cut down. I keep six nests/nesters on hand now and am thinking about going down further. I like being able to just set my workers up and walk away.


    Thank you, I will! Right now I'm just attempting too add some more P3s and get all my buildings back in good condition. I'm actually shocked that I still had a few P3s.

  4. I don't use the neoboards much. I feel like my posts don't go through because of apostrophe's sometimes and I'm just always worried about what I say. I definitely prefer TDN. Once in a while I'll check out the premium boards if there's an issue with the scratchcard or something like that but otherwise I just stick to these forums.

  5. I applied for it. I decided to create an MSN, it wasn't hard at all.


    MSN is actually really handy for anyone considering applying who doesn't have one. A lot of my friends use it for chat. I prefer it to facebook chat because there are too many people on there that I don't always want to talk to if that makes sense.

  6. I just watched This Means War with my mom last night. I completely loved it. It was definitely a good, fun movie. :D It's one of the better movies I've seen in awhile.


    I absolutely love that movie. I saw it in theaters and have been waiting for the DVD price to come down so I can buy it!

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