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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. It's only a bit past 2:30 AM where I am, and I've yet to have my breakfast as well. I normally eat breakfast at this time.


    That is so early. I don't think I could do that. Then again I don't really eat breakfast at all.

  2. Now if you are just posting something like bump i can understand why they have the seven letter minumum it is to control spam, but if someone asks one word questions such as


    Tell me what your neopets username then they could make an exception.


    Even saying "My username on neopets is "neopetuser111" only takes six words and that is a full sentence.



    I have more issues with the security code you must type in to indicate that you are not a robot. The letters that you must type are so jammed close together that it is hard to see what they are and you have to get a new set and it takes five or six times before your application is accepted. I know that there is no control over this. Then there is the whole answer the neopet question thing where they select a random neopet, if you are a new neopet player this too will slow the registeration process down.


    I think most questions that require a one word answer could be done via PM. Maybe that is just my personal preference though. If I wanted to know one person's username or anything in general that pertained to that one person, I'd just send them a PM rather than post a new topic or post it in a current topic.

  3. Well if anyone was wondering, the velveeta skillet I made tonight was delicious. But what was even better was my starbucks mocha cookie crunch frappuccino ice cream. Literally the best ice cream I've ever had.

  4. Hmm I couldn't find anything for Torn White gym Socks or Torn White Gym Sock. Sorry.


    Edit: Looks like someone else did though. :) Which makes me worried that my shop wizard is suddenly angry with me lol. I double checked the spelling and everything.

  5. Aww I'm sorry. :( Hopefully you'll find them or they'll find you. It can be tricky to search for someone if one little character is wrong in the username. I had that happen when I was trying to find my aunt with the name she gave me. Good luck! And good luck with the guild as well if you decide to continue running it. :)

  6. I think I've tried those once, and if I remember correctly it was pretty good. :P


    Glad to hear it, I'm making the Nachos Supreme one.


    KD has shell noodles, right? The "three cheese" version? :) I loooooove KD Spirals. And also homemade macaroni. Almost any pasta, really. :D


    If KD stands for Kraft they do have shells in the 3 cheese version. I enjoy the spirals as well. And Velveeta's mac n cheese is actually shells as well.

  7. Haha if there isn't a rule, there should be. I plan on cooking tonight, well sort of. Not from scratch or anything but I bought one of those Velveeta Skillets to try. I'm pretty excited about it, hopefully it's as good as their macaroni.

  8. I actually really like the 7 word rule. I think if you're saying something that is less than that, you really aren't adding much to the conversation at all. Another forum I belong to doesn't have a rule like that and we're constantly getting posts that are just like "Cool." or "Awesome." And it gets annoying when there are so many people doing that and you just have to keep scrolling through posts that aren't really adding anything.

  9. Don't cry! I actually think this place is still pretty active compare to others. It might not be quite what it's used to but it's still pretty good.


    Anyone have anything interesting planned for the weekend?

  10. While I do love the original, my favorite is what I believe to be the original spoof and sort of what seemed to first get the song out there:






    It is with Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Ashley Tisdale and a bunch of others.

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