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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. The main part of kadding is to get practice! When I started feeding, I would freak-out when a kad came up with an item I had in my inventory. Now I've gotten used to it and my time has gotten faster since I don't waste a few seconds panicing. If you have anymore kad questions, I'd be happy to help out! :) I haven't fed now in a few months, but I'm up to 357. Since I used to timekeep on the kad board a lot, I'd get neomails asking me what was going on, and I've never minded helping someone figure out how to kad.


    Wow! 357 is a lot. Thank you for the tips! I will definitely check out that guide you posted.

  2. Well, I feel pretty good- I've gained 5 since this went up! Nowhere near staying on the top 10 list though- that's basically all taken up with people at 300, lol!

    I guess my end of year goal is 275~ ish? I may be aiming a bit low, but I am soooo terrible at games. :B


    I think I've gained 2 since it went up so I'm feeling pretty good too since it hasn't been up too long.

  3. I really want to start feeding Kadoaties. I've read TDN's guide but I'm still feeling a bit clueless. Anyone have any tips of things that worked for them? I'm sure it gets a little easier over time if you do it often but any help would be appreciated.

  4. I wonder why it's been weird today as well, however as of now I do have my scratchcard.


    I read on the premium boards that apparently a lot of premium things were down yesterday for certain people. Others were having issues with the SSW and the double neopoint game.

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