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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. Aww that does stink. I hope you're able to get it fixed. . . for good this time. That's why I'm so glad my school has made me get a mac. I rarely have to worry about viruses. What browser do you use by the way? I've heard that certain browsers are more likely to get you viruses but that could be a total myth I guess.

  2. I just tried this game and I really like it. It reminds me of super mario brothers sooo much. I don't think it'd be something I add to the list of games I play daily but I'd definitely play it every once in a while and whenever it's featured as a double neopoints game.


    Congratulations, num1ortonfan, you just found 2,273 Neopoints!


    So I know I should be happy about this but I got it while at the magical grundo plushie and totally thought I had finally gotten the avatar when it popped up. Lol. Sad day.

  4. Okay, I will definitely check it out. This is the first time I feel like I like a lot of the newbies right away. I'm so disappointed I was totally sitting here waiting for Happy Hour to start on superpass and then realized it's on tomorrow, not today haha.

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