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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. Anyone else love Big Brother? The show starts tomorrow (Thursday) night and I'm sooo excited! I've already signed up for the live feeds. (Don't worry, if anyone else here does watch the show I promise I won't post any spoilers in this thread ever.) I've also watched the pre-interviews and picked out who I hope will be my favorites this year. It's pretty much my favorite show that hasn't been cancelled yet lol. Hopefully some people here are watching it so I'll have a few people to talk to about it!

  2. I don't have direct TV but my Grandma does and she's in a nursing home. They're not really allowed to get any other form of cable there and I feel really bad for her. She can't do much and watching TV Land, EWTN and GSN is what she tends to do most of the day. I hope they reach an agreement soon!

  3. I only download stuff from the sims3 site and that tends to work fine for me. I'm also on a mac though so that might have something to do with me. I've heard it's important to make sure your game is updated so if there are updates you need to do those too.

  4. Aww I'm sorry. Do you think it was that crazy virus they've been talking about on TV that was supposed to effect like 75,000 computers or something? I've heard that thing is really easy to get. I hope they get it fixed whatever it is! Good luck!

  5. Kelp is so hit and miss. I've had a couple friends get it in the first couple tries. I had no such luck, of course.


    When you guys are ready, this is the guide I used and it worked pretty well: http://www.neopets.com/~kelplek


    It's tracked people who have gotten it with their method, what browser they used, what time they got it, etc.


    Ooh thanks. I'm going to check that out as that avatar is one I'm hoping to start going for more regularly now.

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