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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. Eek! I work 3 jobs now in the summer, but it means that I don't have to work at all during the school year. Do you have a full course load, too?


    Yes, I'll be taking 18 credit hours. I'm also super involved in 2 campus organizations lol. I guess I like to be busy! Since I'm now past the 4th year of undergrad mark, I don't get as much financial aid as I used to. :( But I'll be graduating this yar! And one of the jobs I'll be working is only 2 to 3 hours per week, so it sounds worse than it is. I sometimes work 3 jobs in the summer as well but this summer I just have 2.


    Speaking of internships, anyone know much about the disney college program or disney's professional internship program? I want to work for them so bad!

  2. I felt the same way about macs, then I was forced into getting one. I got used to it pretty quickly and now when I'm on PC's I get confused lol. It does take a bit of getting used to but for the most part it isn't too different. It is much more expensive though but I guess if you're going to have to keep spending money on fixing viruses it could end up being the same price or actually cheaper.

  3. I love it! I've never wanted to spend money on neopets and was always very against the idea. When they had it on sale I decided to finally try it out.

    • The SSW alone is worth it for me. It's so much easier to restock my shop and sometimes I find really good deals while restocking.
    • I also LOVE the SHH events. I mean who wouldn't? I typically get about 1 or 2 a day.
    • I have only lost on one of the weekly scratchcards from the space faerie and I think I've had premium for 5 weeks now.
    • Having an extra featured game is great for getting more neopoints.

    There are obviously other features you might like but those are the one's that have really made my premium experience worth it. I'd definitely recommend it.

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