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Lia Seeya

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  1. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Shelley in Help with an Alien Aisha custom?   
    Thank you! This is so cute! I might decide to do this when the AC rolls around to stay topical, but I like it a lot! :D The animated version looks so cool!
    Thank you! :D I love this idea, because her space helmet makes it look like a diving suit! (Or a green Sandy from Spongebob, hahaha!)
  2. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from nightfall8705 in I Just Received A MAJOR Blessing...   
    I'm so sorry for the rough week, but I am also so touched and happy that such kindness would come into your life. <3 *hugs*
  3. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Duskitty in Help with an Alien Aisha custom?   
    Thank you! This is so cute! I might decide to do this when the AC rolls around to stay topical, but I like it a lot! :D The animated version looks so cool!
    Thank you! :D I love this idea, because her space helmet makes it look like a diving suit! (Or a green Sandy from Spongebob, hahaha!)
  4. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to Shelley in Help with an Alien Aisha custom?   
    I LOVE alien aishas!! so jealous :P hahah
    I like your custom ideas too. If it were me I would probably just do a traditional space theme but I like your "out of the box" thinking :)
    Being that Maraqua is my favorite world I made a (super pricey-sorry lol) maraquan custom

    I think she would look cool as an underwater explorer :D
    but I like the game idea too...unique!
  5. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to Duskitty in Help with an Alien Aisha custom?   
    (Outfit in its full glory: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/726699)
    get it she's playing Crisis Courier
  6. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from fullonparanoid in When Idioms Go Awry   
    You've got my vote! :D Best of luck with the CC!
  7. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from nightfall8705 in My Tender Heart Strikes Again! :)   
    Aw, you are such an angel. :D (Pun totally intended.)
    I'm glad that he got to meet you and get some respite from what seems to be a bad week for him. I hope he'll get there alright, and that things will get better for him.
  8. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from FurorPaxx in Cheese Roller Statistics Project   
    Cheese: Tyrannian Dung Cheese
    Action: Dive Left
    Times: 66, 57, 63
    NP earned: 570, 840, 660
    Made it on the second go, still no avatar.
  9. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted in Christmas in July - A gifting post!   
    erato_- Haha, thank you for letting me know! ^^
    amelia_124- Thank you for the red codestone! xD
  10. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from nightfall8705 in Lucky Day Fishing   
    Congrats, my dear! :D I have no idea how much those are worth, but it seems that others have got the right idea about selling it. :) Best wishes finding a buyer!
    I enjoyed the little story that went along with it. :)
  11. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from vyvren in FIFA World Cup 2014   
    Excuse me while I tear up over the Brazil fan hugging his trophy, then giving it to the Germany fan.
  12. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Shelley in Happy Tuskaninny Day!   
    I really like the Woodland one! The little flowers on its head are just an adorable touch. :)
    He just needs the glasses and a vinyl record player. :P
  13. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from leverhelven in FIFA World Cup 2014   
    Excuse me while I tear up over the Brazil fan hugging his trophy, then giving it to the Germany fan.
  14. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to leverhelven in Grumpy Old King Avatar   
    Funny you should ask, I got the avvie just this week (after trying for years as well). The questions does indeed have to be "What do you do if fierce Peophins has eaten too much tin of olives?" but the answer can be anything. Mine was random, and I got it.
    Here it is, question and answer:

  15. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to leverhelven in FIFA World Cup 2014   
    Oooh, now I'm super curious! Its it Frank? :P
    Anyhoo, just thought I'd share this super sweet moment of the Brazil x Germany match:
    "Yesterday Brazil was eliminated from the World Cup. Their loss to Germany was pretty brutal, and soon photos of distraught Brazilian fans went viral.
    You probably saw the photo on the left, but no one is showing the photo on the right which happened right after. This Brazilian fan handed his trophy to a German fan saying "Take it to the final! As you can see, it is not easy, but you deserve it, congratulations."
    Pretty stand up dude."

    (taken from a FB page)
  16. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to slavecrown in Faerie Quest Help   
    Super-Cool Toy Magazine -
    945 (5)
    I hope that helps!
  17. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to nicoley13 in Pound, Adopt or Trade Your Pets   
    Hi all! So I have the tragic "problem" of more FFQs than I know what to do with. I decided to use the one I got today to paint an Aisha alien, since it's a fairly rare and desirable pet and also one of my favorites. (I already have one myself.) The pet up for grabs goes by the name of Grenushol. Anyone want? Neomail me (nicoley13) if you do! Thanks!

    Oh! But I can't transfer her for a week because I did just create her today.
    Got a taker, more than one actually! Thanks all!
  18. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to Welcome Back Apathy in Scores Galore is Back!   
    Yes it does! Make sure you open the cookie late-ish in the day, play your heart out, and then play again the next day before the 24 hours are up.
  19. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from slavecrown in What's your Achievement today?   
    Right before hitting the 5k NP limit on Pyramids, I cleared two Pyramids in a row and got the gold trophy! YES!
  20. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Katsuokai in Not beating video games   
    I remember beating some LoZ games, but it took me a while. I don't like sitting down and going through the entire game in a span of a day or even a week. I like to stop and experience the game, like what Aquamentis said. I don't think anyone should EVER go around telling other people "omg you're a wannabe gamer!!" because it's just mean and hurtful. :| It's like going up to a bunch of people playing a sport you love and shouting "Stoooppp! Stop having fun! Only I should be able to have fun!" It sounds ridiculous because it IS ridiculous.
    Enjoy yourself with your gaming! Forget that person who thinks that they have the authority to label one person as a "wannabe gamer," because no one has that authority.
    (Or maybe challenge them to some fighting game and totally kick their butt at it or something. :P)
  21. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Clumsy rockyroad1 in FIFA World Cup 2014   
    I guess you could say that the Netherlands was rather... Messi with their tactics. b)
  22. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from erato_ in Happy Ixi Day!   
    That is a wonderful outfit for an Ixi. Do they have other Grease-themed clothes for other pets? I would love to see those!
  23. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to indiechiquegeek in Christmas in July - A gifting post!   
    What a great idea! I'd love a Baby PB for my lupe, my pride and joy! In return, I have some NC that I don't really think I'll use, just 150- but I'd be happy to keep an eye on this thread to see if anyone else wants a cheap enough NC item!

    EDIT: Thank you so much amelia_124 for my first Baby Paint Brush! I'm now trying to get all of my pets painted this adorable "color"! I've added your name as thanks to my lookup description C:
  24. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from .Brianna. in MORE Free Cake From NC Mall!   
    Claimed mine! The wig looks so cute, I feel like it would work with a chocolate or sweets-themed pet. :D
  25. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Not beating video games   
    I remember beating some LoZ games, but it took me a while. I don't like sitting down and going through the entire game in a span of a day or even a week. I like to stop and experience the game, like what Aquamentis said. I don't think anyone should EVER go around telling other people "omg you're a wannabe gamer!!" because it's just mean and hurtful. :| It's like going up to a bunch of people playing a sport you love and shouting "Stoooppp! Stop having fun! Only I should be able to have fun!" It sounds ridiculous because it IS ridiculous.
    Enjoy yourself with your gaming! Forget that person who thinks that they have the authority to label one person as a "wannabe gamer," because no one has that authority.
    (Or maybe challenge them to some fighting game and totally kick their butt at it or something. :P)
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