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  1. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 4. fortune 5. two 6. alton 8. ball 9. one 10. tarla 12. tag Down: 1. acres 2. art 3. purple 4. fyora 7. nova 8. bite 11. ant 12. ten Which of the following Usuls was EXEMPT from the auto-conversion in 2007? Answer: Grey Usul Prize: 259 NP and Gothic Usul Plushie
    2 points
  2. 2 days in a row... <.< The ray is fired at Luffiere... ... and she changes gender!!!! Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.
    1 point
  3. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 2. expellibox 4. bbq 5. ant 7. art 9. bag 11. eye 12. fortune Down: 1. ixi 3. bib 4. bite 6. tag 8. red 10. acres 12. fyora 13. nova After the Arrival of Virtupets was concluded what Pet was no longer Limited Edition? Answer: Moehogs Prize: 325 NP
    1 point
  4. Angeló

    Qasalan Expellibox

    In the words of Borat : Waaawa Weewaa ! The only time I don't watch the Scarab tumbling is the time I get the NC ha ha ha Now what to do , what to do ... they did say they're having a Black Friday Sale .. Maybe I should grab a couple Faerie Quest Cookies ?
    1 point
  5. You'll keep zapping?
    1 point
  6. Secre

    First Baby Pet!!

    Thanks!! And yep... Grandpa might even be a bad influence!! Hah! Never seen that movie... now I might need to! I also found a cute Neopets/Pokemon cross in the Pound - Rikupichu - who I've picked up on my side and plan to move across to my baby side (eventually, I need to move pets about!). She's currently a Ruki, but I suspect I'll morph her into a Yurble and then paint her Baby!!
    1 point
  7. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 1. tag 3. art 7. explosion 9. thar 10. one 12. ant 13. benny 15. bite Down: 2. acres 4. extreme 5. alton 6. nova 8. shy 11. eeeee 14. nik In Dubloon Disaster, what is the highest Dubloon denomination Dorak can collect? Answer: 200 Prize: 250 NP
    1 point
  8. CoconutDragon

    Food club

    72:10!!! Slowly recouping the 10M I spent on Hidden Tower books Can you believe one lucky SOB on Reddit won 592:10?? Hope they went out and bought a lottery ticket afterward
    1 point
  9. The ray is fired at Solarpath... ... and he changes colour to Custard!!
    0 points
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