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  1. Today
  2. I'm writing this again because commenting "I like your composition " is a violatıon of the forυm rules somehow.
  3. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 2. tag Down: 1. ray What is the name of the Usul who fed and cared for Lord Darigan? Answer: Sally Prize: 482 NP
  4. i forgot to collect my monthly freebies ... no gross food , they're all YUMMY
  5. yes its the Soot Sprites from Spirited Away and the Toy Jubjub is a stringy ball indeed
  6. The Toy Jubjub is so fun! I'm guessing it's meant to be those stretchy rubber balls with the stringy "noodles"? I could be completely off, that's just my best guess lol! Whatever it is, it's very colorful and delightful, which is perfect for any toy! And a little Soot Sprite!! How cute! I love the big eyes with the fuzzy background, and the stars and coal only add to the fun. I love themed Outfits that reference other media, this one is especially adorable! A lovely day for the Jubjubs!
  7. Yesterday
  8. Adorable! I love the second piece, it just looks so cozy.
  9. One of my current dreamie is a burlap Kau, I just think they're adorable! I want to customize her with a bunch of patchwork items.
  10. The ray is fired at ... Sparkling_Joyce and she changes colour to Skunk!! The skunk colour is so cute on Kaus!
  11. oh these are gorgeous, so talented! I love them
  12. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 2. tag 4. spy 7. nova 8. bite 9. one 11. drenched 14. sink 15. airax Down: 1. apple 3. arnold 5. right 6. fortune 10. ant 12. ruki 13. dasher Which Neopian disease is an allergy to fluff that is especially hard on JubJubs? Answer: Fuzzitus Prize: 500 NP and The JubJub Club
  13. I like the composition This post has been edited by a member of staff (Duma) because of a violation of the forum rules. Please keep your posts at 7 words or above. Per the reason above, please review our SPAM rules.
  14. You're good! There's just been an error in how entries were received. Then DTI issues, so atm just waiting on DTI to be working again lol
  15. Last week
  16. Ah! Sorry, I didn't see the other update. My mistake!
  17. No, unfortunately, I didn’t forget, I was still waiting on the other entry up until the end of Monday night and never got it from the last user, and then when I went to go put them up dress to impress has been giving me issues and I couldn’t open up the webpages of the person that sent me their entry for the event, I was going to check again tonight and see if the page would load for me. Dress to impress was also having issues all weekend as well. I couldn’t even do my own customization for my own pets because things not loading. Wish it wouldn’t have issues so often , though, I do understand that this is a free thing that these people are putting out for us lol
  18. Your art is amazing! My personal favorite is the Tyrannian Hissi.
  19. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 3. acres 6. nova 7. spy 8. bbq 9. fortune 11. ant 12. eyrieki 13. eeeee Down: 1. rock 2. one 4. snowflake 5. anshu 8. benny 10. tag 12. eye What colour is a plushie Harris's nose? Answer: Red Prize: 450 NP
  20. @Musical_Shoyru I think you forgot to open the polling back up.
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