Secre Posted August 19, 2022 Posted August 19, 2022 So, as TNT have said there is going to be an actual plot next year, I've decided to take a look at my Battledome Gear. It's been a long time since I even thought about BD stuff, so any thoughts on what I'm looking at or additional tips would be useful. I've currently got this set-up which isn't all that great: Training wise, my focus is getting attack to 350 for 7.5 damage per icon and my defense to 300 then 350 for 6.5 and 7.5 icons respectively. With my current level I can work to get them to 500 for 9.75 attack or move onto boosting HP. I plan on starting using some Faerie Quest Cookies to help boost me along as well. I'm not interested in upgrading the weapons as of yet - 16 icons isn't too bad going and any upgrades would be ridiculously expensive. The Downsize! can also stay. Looking at the JN pages it's the best for the price by a large mile. I might add a Thick Smoke Bomb as a backup option if I don't end up using one of the last two slots. But with both Lens Flare and Warlock's Rage as abilities, I'm not sure I need a second single use blocker. The freezer definitely needs upgrading and I have a bid on the H4000 Helmet which is 100% freeze, non-breakable. The shield also needs upgrading. Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield seems the best bet for an advanced yet vaguely affordable item. As it's a Hidden Tower item, the price should stay relatively stable though so isn't an urgent buy. Healing isn't quite up to scratch either. The Greater Healing Scroll heals 50. My pet only has 360hp at the moment though, so I'm not sure paying out big bucks for Bag of Healing Dust is worthwhile. Although it would be an investment as that 50% healing will only be more useful the higher my HP eventually gets. The Greater Healing Scroll would go on my baby BD pet (he's still on dubloons, bless him!). Getting to level 300 and the Rejuvination perk would be cool, but I have a long way to go before the rest of my stats meet level as I level boosted past the 7-8 codestone training. And then I have two slots left. One could be the Thick Smoke Bomb which is a cheap 100% blocker. A second shield? Hubrid Nox does everything but fire and dark. Sophie's Hat could stay to cover that gap although it only blocks three icons of each. Hanso's Charisma Charm is a second option for dark and does some attack at 10 icons, but I'm still vulnerable to fire which ain't so great. I suppose that's where the Freezer comes in handy! Otherwise it's bomb or reflector I guess? The only bomb that seems to be worth it is the Ghostkerbomb at 20-30 icons depending on luck and I'm fairly confident it's breakable and my bank balance won't stand me replacing it. Reflectors seem to be very specific and it would be luck as to whether you had the right icon spread for an opponent. Shield of Faerieland or Clawed Shield would however cover my fire weakness somewhat, I guess? I guess the ultimate would be Thyoras Tear but that would virtually bankrupt me! Quote
hpb63094 Posted August 20, 2022 Posted August 20, 2022 While I'm not an expert at battling, I have a similar set up to you with similar levels and I recently added Altadorian Swordbreaker. It blocks all physical attacks while also dealing five earth damage. Nice to hear that they're planning on an actual plot! Secre 1 Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted August 20, 2022 Posted August 20, 2022 (edited) Hey @Secre, that's cool! I hadn't heard about that yet! Then again, I often forget to check the news! lol Could you provide a link to where they talked about it? I'd love to learn more! On Abilities. They MAY be doing a battle plot, because they MIGHT be about ready to try some fixes on the battledome. MIGHT. It's a TOTAL guess on my part. So the opponents we face MIGHT have a Shhhhhh! ability that works. We won't know until we face them though! As for your set and pet. I would recommend constant training going forward. Between Codestone training, Kitchen Quests (only try the cheapish ones of maybe 5k or less), and Faerie Quest Cookie quests, you should be able to really increase your stats quickly! For your set. It's looking pretty good. Since we don't know what weapons the enemies in any battle plot will have. It's good to have something that will help you against EACH of the elements. Dual-Duties are nice of course. Reflectors, I recommend having some on stand-by, especially if you can't afford a shield that would cover one or more of the elements. However, right now, it's almost 2am for me, midnight NST. I've been busy IRL, but I can try to give you a better break-down for equipment you might consider tomorrow, or Sunday at the latest. I'll have a bit of work to do in looking up new and old weapons for set possibilities, and looking for price. If you've got a maximum amount of NP you'd be willing to spend on new equipment, please let me know and I'll factor that into my budgeting as I'm researching gear. There are a couple different healers besides the Bag of Healing Sand. Not as high as 50% unless there's a species healer available to your pet. Mysterious Red Potion CAN heal 25% when your pet is under 25% health, or Parachuting First Aid Kit heals 33.3% of your health once per battle. I'd look into those two as alternate healers if you don't want to go for a Bag of Healing Dust. I'll look at more items for you later. If you have any questions on anything I've written here, feel free to ask and I'll answer when I reply next. Until then, G'night. Good luck with your training! EDIT: To continue on with the equipment check. Without a budget, I'll be limited in what I can recommend. I'll try for the best and some items based on effectiveness, not price. Do you happen to have a Blazing Embers or Sword of Malum? Both are no-trade, so if you don't you don't. Same stats, different icons. Otherwise, your Void Blades SHOULD take you pretty far for pure Offense. Freezers, good luck getting that H4000 Helmet! Hope ya get it! That'll be leaps and bounds above your Snowglobe staff! Healers, I already covered a couple good alternatives above if you don't want to splurge on a Bag of Healing Dust. Ghostkerbomb, you mentioned having, right? Definitely bring it along! Downsize! is GOOD! And your plan on maybe picking up some Thick Smoke Bombs is a pretty good idea. I would suggest perhaps not using them though unless you really need to. Either to progress in the plot, or if there is a collective boss battle. Where we ALL chip away at a boss with massive HP to bring it down in losing battle after losing battle. Shields/blockers and a Reflector Alternative. LIGHT: You might consider a Parasol of Unfortunate Demise if you want to spend your NP on something OTHER than Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield. The parasol is a MUCH cheaper full light blocker, and it only blocks a small amount of earth and water, no air or physical like Nox's shield does. So the parasol is just a budgetary recommendation. Nox's shield is excellent from everything I've seen and read about it. My set is intermediate-level, at best. The only HT item I have in it is the Ghostkerbomb. Light Reflect Alternatives: Combo Battle Mirror (75% reflect-Multiuse) Or, Expert Lens (50% reflect-Multiuse). EARTH: If you like HT items, Shield of Pion Troect blocks all earth and a couple light icons, also deals just under 3 full dark icons. Pirate Captains Hat might be something. it blocks 100% of BOTH Earth and Light, as well as 5 icons of Fire. BUT! It is semi-fragile, meaning it CAN break for the duration of the battle. But it'll be back when you start a new battle. Earth Reflect Alternatives: Ultra Dual Shovel (75% reflect-Multiuse) Or, Pretty Negg Shield (Defends 60% earth and 20% Light) also (20% Earth reflect, 20% Light reflect-Multiuse). FIRE: Frozen Cyodrake Shield seems to be a good 100% fire blocker. Not a LOT of pure Fire blockers I can find. Slipper Floor Potion (blocks 100% fire 100% water- Single Use) Fire Reflect Alternatives: Clawed Shield defends 3-dark icons, (61%-80% reflect-Multiuse). Or Flame Reflectozap (75% reflect-multiuse). Water Whip (10 icon attack,. reflects 50% of fire as air). WATER: Faerie Tabard Blocks 100% water, 5 fire and some icons that Nox's shield blocks as well, though not as many. Leaf Shield, the green one from Illusen's quest blocks 5 icons of water, not great, but it's something AND pretty cheap. Enchanted Kiko Squeeze Toy blocks 100% water, but that's ALL it does/blocks. It's gonna be a little pricey since it's retired. Water Reflect Alternatives: MEGA U-Bend, (75% Reflect-Multiuse). U-Bend of GREAT Justice, if you can find one, reflects 81%-100% of water. DARK: Ghostkershield, but it's a little out of date. Hanso Charisma Charm is a great Dual Duty. Attacks with 5 icons each of earth and light, while blocking 100% Darkness. Dark Reflect Alternatives: Ultimate Dark Reflectorb (75% Multiuse), Amulet of Reflection (25%Fire 75%Dark, Single Use) AIR: Shield of Faerieland Blocks 100% Air, 5 fire and 5 physical. Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield blocks 5 air. Air Reflect Alternatives: Triple Turbo Dryer (75% Multiuse) PHYSICAL: Altadorian Swordbreaker (5 earth attack, blocks 100% Physical), Yooyuball Keepers Chest Guard (blocks 100% physical and a couple icons of water, earth and dark), Yooyuball Player Sling attacks with 6 icons and blocks all physical. Go with the Sowrdbreaker. Physical Reflect Alternatives: None, can't reflect physical. There ya go @Secre. Hopefully this will help you finish off your set. Keep your best equipment on-hand, and save a couple slots to swap out gear depending on the new opponents. Especially useful for single-use items or the more fragile 50% reflectors, which I mostly didn't mention as they are pretty darn cheap and can permanently break pretty easily too. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Good luck! Edited August 21, 2022 by Aquamentis12 Additional info added. Secre and hpb63094 2 Quote
Secre Posted August 22, 2022 Author Posted August 22, 2022 (edited) @Aquamentis12 Thank you so much for your really thorough reply! Apologies for not getting back to you earlier - we had a busy weekend and I only got a chance to briefly log into Neopets for Trudy's and Bank Interest and that was it! I was looking at spending a max of around 6-7 mil per item, but I hadn't considered having multiple items for different enemies stupidly, so I may have to re-visit my budget! I'm haunting a couple of the item shops for just in case I get lucky as heck! I don't have either of the swords you mention unfortunately. I took a really long hiatus - about five plus years minimum and missed half the plots! My main battle pet is a kougra. I'd almost be tempted to morph him into a Kacheek for the species healer but I'm not willing to lose the Zombie/Oilpaint crosspaint in honesty! I got the H400 Helmet which I'm happy about - at 2.5 mil, I'm not unhappy with that! Oooh, the Parachuting First Aid Kit isn't one I'd come across in my browsing! That's definitely gone on my list as it's a fraction of the price of the Healing Bag and still doubles my current healing power! I'll definitely add Ghostkerbomb as well then, looking at the page again it seems like it's limited rather than breakable. I can stock up on Thick Smoke Bombs via the Ninja School as well to have a surplus in case of need. It's currently cheaper than user shops anyway! I think the Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield is a solid on my list now; it just seems like a great all rounder and whilst it's at the very top of my initial budget, it's a great all-rounder. The Altadorian Swordbreaker is definitely my backup for full physical defence and I've just got one for a steal at 32k which is way, way cheaper than anything else I was looking for. I think I'll then go with Hanso's Charisma Charm for dark, particularly as it's buyable. The Flame Reflectozap is another one I hadn't come across at all and even though it looks to be inflated as heck since February, seems to be the best bet for fire by far!! Unfortunately there's only one on the TP, so I doubt even the JN price of 4mil is going to be accurate. I might hold off on that one for a little bit. But that means that I have a planned set of: Attack: Void Blades and Ghostkerchief Bomb Defence/Reflect: Hubrid Nox (all-rounder, covers everything bar fire and dark), Hanso (full Dark plus some attack), Swordbreaker (full physical plus some attack) and hopefully Flame Reflectozap if I can get my hands on one (reflect fire). The Faerie Tabard is a possible backup, as it does cover fire and has full water, but is otherwise kind of doing the same job as Hubrid Nox just with less defensive icons. Pirate Captains Hat does the same fire cover at a fraction of the price, but the semi-breakable worries me. At least it's not fully breakable. I refuse to pay millions for an item that could break completely! So that one's a toss up. Freezer: H400 Helmet success! Healer: Parachuting First Aid Kit. Bomb: Ghostkerchief Bomb. Other: Downsize and Thick Smoke Bomb. I'll stock up on both of these in advance to save potentially paying inflated plot prices. EDIT: Just realised I don't need to stock up on Downsize as it's not breakable, just limited use. Hey ho, I now have six to stick in my SDB and potentially sell for a slightly higher profit later. They already sell for 1000np more than I bought them in shop, so I might be on a winner! I'll pick up the buyables today and then, I think Hubrid Nox is my priority. Then Ghostkerchief. Then see what I want to do for fire. Thank you again for all your help - you've been a fantastic help here! In terms of the plot. There's a couple of editorials that cover it: Hey TNT! I really wanted to know, where would you say your guys' priorities are at for the coming one to two years? For example I'm so excited for a potential new plot, I've been training my pet in advance as well for it! But there's also a lot of site upkeep to be done. Where will your focus be, and any news you could give us on upcoming plots or features? ~~christiaan258 As for the plot, our narrative team has already mapped out most of the storyline, and we are tentatively aiming for the release of the first chapters next year. Once we get through some of the upcoming events such as the Faerie Festival and Advent Calendar, we will likely start having some of the other disciplines join us in working on the plot! Although I don't want to give too much away, I can say that the next plot will be a heartfelt tale involving a certain faerie long overdue for a resolution... ~~Aesop From Neopian Times, Issue 965 · JN Editorial ID: 21052 I remember that a few editorials ago, there was a mention that a plot was in the works, and it was about Lutari Island, is that still being worked on or has it been shelved? (Please make my name anonymous) ~~Anonymous So happy you asked this question! We are actually working on planning out multiple plots right now that I am incredibly excited about These do take a long time to put together, but we are tentatively aiming to release the first of these new plots next year. Although the Lutari Island plot will likely be the second or third of these plots already in the works, I can assure you it certainly has not been shelved! And I'll be sure to keep Neopia updated as we move forward with these exciting new plots! ~~Aesop On 8/20/2022 at 2:46 AM, hpb63094 said: While I'm not an expert at battling, I have a similar set up to you with similar levels and I recently added Altadorian Swordbreaker. It blocks all physical attacks while also dealing five earth damage. Nice to hear that they're planning on an actual plot! Yep, I've picked one of those up as well now!! Thanks! I've put the editorials for the plot above! Edited August 22, 2022 by Secre hpb63094 1 Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted August 22, 2022 Posted August 22, 2022 Hi @Secre! First off, You're welcome! No worries on the reply-time, weekends especially can get busy! I'm glad I was able to provide some assistance in your equipment selection! That's what I'm here for, in part, after all. lol It sounds like you've got things pretty well figured out. There might be some event or some release of new weaponry between now and when the plot starts that might change what your thoughts on equipment line-up, so definitely keep an open mind regarding your extra slots. I'm glad in particular that I could help with your healer quandary. THAT is a tricky one if you don't have millions for a bag of healing dust but need something better than the Greater Healing Scroll. Percentage healers are much more attractive the higher your HP gets. Even Velm's Healing Potion (10% heal) can be better than the GHS when your HP gets above 500. Also, congrats on getting the H4000 Helmet! 2.5 mil?! Wow! What a steal from prices I've seen in the past! I haven't price-checked in a long time, but those used to tend to go for around 4mil each. With the plot-inflation already starting on a lot of items, it's amazing that you got such a good deal! I just found out Super Attack Peas have skyrocketed in price when I asked someone about a price for a Skarls Sword they had for trade. Their price was 950mil or 4 SuAPs. Now, I can't even afford a SuAP, even if I emptied my bank completely! lol I pre-battle plot inflation/hate price-gouging. lol Skarls Sword isn't a TOP weapon, but it's my "dream" weapon. And would actually be an upgrade for my battle set at this time, even though it's maximum icons is up to 25. It also blocks all Light. lol But the art of the item is AWESOME! I've been chasing after a Skarls Sword since they were about 250 mil. They were a rare prize from redeeming a TCG code. SuAP, by comparison, if I recall correctly, has a icon count of 32. Which makes it the best weapon we poor neopians can actually own. Too bad it was a Smugglers Cove item. On Downsize! Downsize! is a pretty good item to have a few of around the time of battle-plots because they usually sell pretty well. I hope you make a nice little profit when you do sell those extras! THANK YOU for copying and posting the battle-plot question and answer! No hints on what the first plot will be about, but it's nice that Lutari Island is still on their radar for a future plot too. Since the plot won't begin until sometime next year, you'll have LOTS of time to train up your pet's Strength, Defense and HP. If you start training with Faerie Quest Fortune Cookies, You MIGHT consider doing SOME air faerie quests to the point of getting your agility/movement to 201. I THINK that stealing is still broken in the new BD. I haven't tried it in awhile. But your pet's intelligence is waaaaaaaaaaaay higher than needed, and with a movement stat of 201, the Heavy Robe of Thievery will let you steal from your opponent once per battle. It's a fun little item when stealing works. You need an intelligence stat of higher than 67 and agility must be higher than 200 for it to give you the 100% steal. Otherwise, it just defends 2 light icons. lol During the Obelisk War, my favorite thing to do against "Envy", was to try and steal his Prismatic Mirror, which reflects 81%-100% of EVERY element (obviously not Physical though) and is multiuse. You'll STILL take damage, but not as much. lol The Prismatic Mirror will most likely NEVER be available to us to own, but we can have some fun with it if we can steal one. Right now, the robe is super cheap, under 100k, so I'm assuming that means that stealing has NOT been fixed in the BD yet. But who knows what will work and what won't by the time the plot rolls around? IF you have some spare NP after you've got your battle set set, then you might consider picking up a Heavy Robe of Thievery, for fun. I use Faerie Quest Fortune Cookies to help my training, and you will get some air faerie quests among the quests you get. Doing them is the MAIN reason my peophin's movement stat is as high as it is (1412). You might get a movement stat boost (1-point) from doing Kitchen Quests too. Since a lot of the time, the prize is not a great item or under 1k of NP. I recommend only doing Kitchen Quests worth about 5k in total. So you don't lose too much NP if you don't get any stat points. Well, this got super long. Sorry about that. ^^; Good luck! hpb63094 and Secre 2 Quote
Secre Posted August 22, 2022 Author Posted August 22, 2022 @Aquamentis12Certainly worth keeping an eye on the new items, you're right. I was looking at the Thunder Sticks in the AC, but they seem ridiculously high priced for what they are. Yes, a freezer plus 16 damage is awesome. But the price differential between 2.5mil for a freezer and then the two Void Blades which I got for free vs 40 million in Thunder Sticks seems absurd in honesty! Admittedly, I could also get them free. I didn't do anywhere near as well this year in the AC, but could get any one of the stamps or the Thunder Sticks. So I'm just going to see which is worth more closer to the next AC I think. The 40-50mil from any of them could buy my way into an entire Battledome set instead of just one item! I've so far spent... 2.5mil on the H400, 350k on Hanso's Charm, 800k on the First Aid Kit. The Hubrid Nox shield will set me back 7mil minimum I think. Ghostkerbomb another 6.2mil. Whichever fire defence I go with is going to be 4-6 mil, although the Pirate Cap is 3.2mil odd. So I'm looking at 19mil odd for a full set with two high tier items, 22.5mil if you include the items I've already bought. If I manage to grab one of the items I'm shop haunting for though, all bets are off. I'm currently eagle eyed for the mythical Thyoras Tear, the Flame Reflectozap and as the Bag of Healing Dust. I don't fancy my chances though, I've never been much of a restocker. But they all apparently sell in shops for around 150k. Which would be a game changer! Oof, the last time I saw SUAP prices being quoted they were around 90mil and I couldn't have afforded that then or now!! That's insane inflation and it could be fixed if TNT fixed the Smuggler's Cove! I've never come across Skarl's Sword before - possibly because it's so very far out of my price range. It is very pretty though! I think if I was looking to upgrade weapons, I'd be looking at Wand of the Dark Faerie but that's a little too steep for me as of yet!! I'll keep gradually adding to my Downsize! and Smoke Bomb collection. It'll be nice to gain a small profit from this at least! It makes a change from my... 60,000+ junk item collection that I started hoarding post the last Charity Corner only for it not to have re-appeared since!! Yeah, I definitely have training time. And on the plus side, with my stockade of codestones, training won't cost me much for a little while at least. And my first Kitchen Quest was a success:. Well, my second. I let the first run out as it was four items and one of them was 6500k. And my second! I usually decline Air Faerie quests, but I'll start going through with them instead. You never know, miracles might happen on the stealing front and the robe is cheap enough that I'm not too fussed if I never get to use it! With the plot, the only hint we had is that it has something to do with a faerie and resolution... but that is very, very vague! Aquamentis12 and Angeló 1 1 Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted August 22, 2022 Posted August 22, 2022 @Secre Indeed! Thundersticks are basically like a Moehog Skull, an insanely rare Haunted scratchcard prize. That's cool you did well enough in the AC to get some if you wanted. You could and sell them for a profit to help your war effort. Though I don't think they'd be very useful IN battle, unless you needed a freezer, if they are only good once per battle, then you attack and freeze and then they are gone for the rest of the fight. I didn't do nearly well enough in the AC to get anything cool. I tried looking for the stamps after the AC was over, and for a full set, one of each, I was quoted a price of 120 mil! I hate greed/inflation. >_< That's much more than most of the older stamps cost and those past AC prize shops have long since closed. I'm not shelling out 120 mil for 3 lousy stamps. It's just frustrating though. Ooof, that's a better set than mine! More expensive too. lol I've been saving so much and so long for a Skarls Sword that I've pretty much neglected my own set. I have a Bag of Healing Dust which I traded and shelled out some Pure for many years ago. Short Sleeved Yellow Tunic (Heals 75HP) no longer met my healing needs, and Peophins don't have a species healer. That and the G-bomb were my largest buys for my set that I can recall, and G-bomb is my only HT item. Like you, I'm not very good (at all) at Restocking. I've had 2 or 3 decent successes over the almost 2 decades I've been playing. One brought in just under 800k, the other, I haven;t sold because it MIGHT be USEFUL the next battle plot. I'm glad I'll get the chance to try it. It's the Combo Battle Mirror. Light is pretty easy to reflect thanks to the Expert Lens, that does 50% reflection without breaking, but the Combo Battle Mirror IS an r99. So it counts as a decent success. Though it isn't very valuable compared to some others. Yeah, Cove weapons are rare and they really should FIX it. Last time I looked a SuAP was about the same, 80-90 mil. I was TEMPTED to try and trade for one then, kinda kicking myself now. lol But, I keep saving for Skarls Sword. lol I make NP so slow, the NP grows MOSS before I get it into the bank! lol That's ok, I'm fairly confident in my intermediate-range set. Plus my Str and Def stats are maxed. My HP is decent too at this point So if there is a collective boss battle at the end of this new plot, I should be able to do more damage than during the Obelisk War. Which was when I got into the red stone training range. Speaking of Training, that's good you've got a nice amount of red stones, that will be a good start to your Ninja training when you get to the red stone range! And CONGRATS on a couple successful KQ training sessions! I just remembered, you can only do 10 site quests per Neopian Day. So you can complete 10 Kitchen Quests per day. The other quests I can recall that count toward that 10-count completion would include Quests for Edna and the Snow Faerie. I'm not sure about Esophager quests though. Probably, so you might want to save 2 if you like to do the Brain Tree's daily quest. At midnight NST the counter resets and you can start doing those on-site quests again. I'm sorry I didn't mention that sooner, it's been awhile since I did 10 quests so I only just remembered. lol Cool! Yeah, it's crazy how fast your speed/movement will increase! Especially with the 3 stat points for normal random faerie quests, vs the 2 stat points they used to yield. Regarding the faerie in question. MY guess is that it's the Grey Faerie, Baelia. (I hope I'm spelling her name right). When I read the post you copied and pasted, that was who I thought of who has an unresolved plight. Further speculation, but it would be something, is she turned out to be a reformed incarnation of The Darkest Faerie. lol NOT LIKELY! LOL But it would be interesting at least! Anyway, it sounds like an interesting plot they've got in store for us. I'm looking forward to it! Though not to the waiting about 6 months or so! LOL If you have any other battle/set questions, feel free to ask. Good luck with everything! Secre 1 Quote
archer2017 Posted August 23, 2022 Posted August 23, 2022 I'm not exactly a pro in the battledome, my setup is made up of 2 void blades, elephante unguent (50% healer) and H4000 helmet. Currently my focus is bringing up my stats so that I can eventually fight the fungus, but seeing that there is a new plot coming makes me want to train even harder for that! Bring on the training/faerie quest cookies!! Reading through and bookmarking this page for advice, thanks for all the information folks!! Quote
Secre Posted August 23, 2022 Author Posted August 23, 2022 @Aquamentis12 The year before I managed to Double All-Star and was thrilled with the 16mil I got from the Snow Yooyu Dress or whatever it was. I immediately spent it on a Candychan which was my absolute dream petpet! This year I managed 5500 points as I got bored half way through and couldn't summon the energy to fight past it! I think the reason the stamps are so much more expensive this year is because there are more of them. Usually everyone who has the points buys the one stamp on offer and they sell for a set price of around 4 million. However, because this year people had three stamps and the Thunder Sticks to choose from, there are less of each individual item in circulation so the price is far higher. Yeah, if your HP and defence are maxed, then you have way more fire power! I had meant to level boost past the seven and eight tan codestones but made an error somewhere and ended up in seven codestone territory way sooner than I should have. Oh, that was it. I got a wonderful boost at just the wrong time which either pushed my level to 151 or boosted my HP past double 150. I had rarely had more than a two point boost so didn't worry too much and then went, oh bleeding typical! So I ended up level boosting to level 250 even though my stats still hadn't maximised in the slightest to the level! So now I have catching up to do with red codestones! Typically, since then tan codestones have drastically reduced in price - an Eo was 18k easily when I was boosting and all the others were between 4k and 10k. Most of them are now 2k-4k and one is 6k with Eo being about 12k. I have a stock of tan codestones as well, but I'm debating training a secondary set or selling and if I'm selling I'll wait for the Battledome plot to come round! I knew about the 10 limit - I spent a little while fruitlessly trying for the Edna avatar with no success. I ended up gettign five in. Three I timed out due to cost, one was an item, two money and the two stat increases. Still cheaper than a red codestone! I was thinking Dark Faerie... but I think she's had several plots already, so you might well be closer with the Grey Faerie. Maybe not the reformed incarnation bit though! Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted August 24, 2022 Posted August 24, 2022 @archer2017, That sounds like a good plan! Training your butt off is always a GREAT thing to do where BATTLING is involved! Your starting set-up sounds like a good start! 2 Void Blades is fine, but you've got your great healer, and a solid freezer! If you'd like some help/pointers, feel free to start a topic with your battle-pet's stats, equipment, the 1p opponent you might want to take on, and a budget for buying new gear. Either myself, or other members of the forum will gladly offer advice. Good luck with the Training using the cookies! @Secre, DOUBLE ALL-STAR?! WOW! Congrats! I got All-Star once, a bunch of years ago, but.... missed the window to cash in the points at the prize shop... ^^; Ooooo Candychan is a cute petpet. Congrats on getting it! That's a good theory about the price of the stamps. *sigh* Still, it's crazy to inflate the stamps so much. I'm not much of a collector, but sometimes, I try with stamps. AC stamps are some I like to try for. Oh well.. Well, my STR and DEF are maxed. I keep training just in case TNT might SOMEDAY increase the number of boosts. My Strength and Defense stats are over 3200. My HP is "decent" at 3302hp right now. I say "decent" that way, because if you look at other pets who've trained longer and harder. Like the LEGENDARY Majal_Kita. One of the oldest most-LEGENDARY pets ever! That Jetsam has over 14,000hp! And that's NOT the most "powerful" pet in Neopia anymore, due to terms of HP or Equipment. I don't know who IS now, but when I started, Majal-Kita was famous during the War Plots. But still, there are pets who've been training for a VERY long time and I'm aware that the user who owns Majal_Kita, also has at least one other VERY powerful pet they've trained. So I'd imagine there are some with maybe upwards of over 25,000hp. I don't know for sure, I'm just guessing. LOL Oh man! I've had poorly time stat-boosts too! Random events, and one time I got like, a 5 point boost from Coltzan's Shrine, I think it was DEF. But in both cases, they bumped me up to the NEXT tan-codestone training level before I was ready. Really annoying! lol Wow! Yeah, boosting early sucks, but at least if your level is 250 you only need 1 red stone for each session to catch up. Also, if necessary, you could sell some of your tan-codestones for funds to buy more red stones if you ever need them. Ah ok! Most players I've talked to about the 10 quest limit didn't know about it beforehand. Glad you did know about it. I hope you keep getting some good luck with the KQs! You never know! It could be Jhudora! LOL Yeah, the grey faerie being either the reincarnation or reformed darkest faerie is just a theory. The Playstation 2 game, The Darkest Faerie, was pretty good, except for the glitches. lol Freezing mid-game that makes you reset and start from your last save was probably the most annoying. OH! Before I forget, something I forgot about the Mysterious Red Potion healing item. According to the info I've seen, it SHOULD STILL be equipable with other healers. Since it heals 25% of your HP when your HP is below 25%, it'd be a good "safeguard" measure if you're not certain about survival and you don't need ALL of your equipment slots, then it's worth it. ALSO, One other weapon, a gun that helps block Fire with a decent offense. Water Powered Pistol, it's a 13 icon-attack with a 5 fire icon block. Fire is a tricky element to block, so 5 icons is still decent. It's a cheaper alternative to some other. fire blockers. I was looking through my gallery for any possibly useful weapons I placed there, that was one of them I saw and rechecked the stats on. Secre 1 Quote
Secre Posted August 24, 2022 Author Posted August 24, 2022 @Aquamentis12 Double All-Star near killed me that year. I knew I wasn't going to manage it this year as I have a new job that is rather more involved and would be obvious that I ummm... was doing absolutely nothing all day. The year before I got away with it because I was a data monkey who had trained my site staff well over the years before. I essentially got away with doing a morning of frantic work to bring my weekly numbers up, produced the reports, preened slightly and did nothing until same time next week. That just wouldn't work with this role! But I was hoping for All-Star. Which ummm... didn't happen. I was on track until about end of week 2 when I just lost all mojo and couldn't be bothered! I do love me some cute petpets. I've spent a decent chunk on them over the last couple of years; Darigan Candychan is by far the most elusive. But matching petpets became a great joy and a way to waste neopoints! So my Woodland Ruki has a Woodland Rock, Mara Lutari and Kiko have a Mara Snowbunny and Bubbles respectively, Toy Vandy has a Royal Turmac because the colour match and goofy look was too good to pass up, my Royal/Halloween Lupe has a Bat Boy and my Hallo/Transparent Hissi named Voldermorts has a Grey Weewo named Hedwig! I have a couple left to go on my main - tdub currently has a Feepit that I'm trying to feed to Turmy (a pity as it's my oldest petpet, but doesn't match his paint job at all - I have a Spring Talpidat for him after to make up for the loss of his friend), and my Hallo Grundo has a Snicklebeast which I put on for the avatar but never removed. I do have a Halloween Rock in my SDB though... there's a plan! Oh wow, some people really have gone all out on training, haven't they. I'm more of a jack of all trades - master of precisely zero. I got interested in trophies for a while and started caning Flash games. Same with avatars until Flash went bump. Hence the flitting with the Edna quests that I got bored of! I've been on off training tdub for... years and years and because I have the attention span of a constipated gnat, it's slow going! I got the Jhudora trophy/avatar but got bored and never got around to doing Illusen. Same story with NQ - I have silver at NQI and bronze at NQII. I've been 'working on' my NQII playthrough for... over two years! I get completely obsessed by events - I have over 60,000 junk items awaiting the next Charity Corner for my sins! But yeah, if you have thousands of HP and maxed strength/defence, it doesn't really matter what your weapon set is I guess. Although by that point, one would assume those with 14,000HP also have a nifty weapon set to go with it! I didn't know Cotzan could increase level so much!! I'll have to be cautious if I get closer to 300. I do not want to be making that mistake twice and it would be an expensive mistake to make now! I just got two levels from the Light Faerie putting me at 270. So still a ways to go, but I'm slightly paranoid now! Despite owning a PS2, I never actually played that game! It's a pity they haven't ported it to PS4. I'm still sore that they only ported The Legend of Dragoon (PS1) to American PS Vitas. Makes me very cross as that was my all time favourite game. For a while I even considered buying a second Vita, setting it to US and having it JUST for that one game. I decided this ummm... probably wasn't a good investment though! And thanks - as both are relatively cheap, I'll pick them up to stick in my SDB just in case! Aquamentis12 and Angeló 1 1 Quote
berriganify Posted August 24, 2022 Posted August 24, 2022 Gonna be lurking in this thread for advice! I've been sporadically training up my BD pet over the past few years, but my set's never gotten past the "beat koi warrior in 1 hit" rank. I'm still rebuilding the bank, though, so my training will likely continue to be sporadic! I might have to look into this kitchen quest thing... (Also to get off topic for a second, the Legend of Dragoon?! That's a game I haven't heard of in years! I wonder if my PS1 still works, I think I still have it kicking around somewhere... out of curiousity, did you ever play Dark Cloud? That was my all time favourite game, I think I beat that like 6 or 7 times through high school.) Aquamentis12 1 Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted August 24, 2022 Posted August 24, 2022 @Secre LOL I BET! but wow, it's great you managed to find the time to play that much that year! A shame you couldn't this year, and that you lost your mojo on playing. That happens to me too. I try to play, but it gets so... tedious. I wish our goals could translate into prize points too. Reward more than just wins, but putting effort into the game of YYB too! Some people might get a couple goals and then just wait for time to run out. I always play to do my best. The only low-score games I have are those involving multiple darigan yooyus. LOL I hear ya. Some of the petpet art is pretty neat! If you don't mind me asking, why are you trying to get your Feepit eaten by turmy? For the avatar and to get him as a challenger in the BD? Or you just want to replace the Feepit? I had a Feepit once, attached to my peophin. But, Turmy did eat him and I was SOOOOOOOO angry. I didn't know Turmy could do that at the time. And I had had my Feepit attached to my peophin since it was released via the Advent Calendar a couple years before. But, I did get the avatar and Turmy as a challenger in the BD. It took a little work to do it, but I beat Turmy in the old BD and avenged my poor Feepit, no name. LOL Yeah! People often find a focus and stick with it, at least for awhile. I used to play more of the flash games, avatars and such too. But then Flash died and I haven't really done much gaming since. Considering what people can make in NP from Restocking, I wish we could earn more NP from gaming, 3,000 a day max per game is pretty paltry by comparison. lol Like you, I'm more a Jack of All Trades and master of Zero. lol Battling is just something I have a bit more of a knack for compared to other things in Neopets. Ah, I don't think I went after Edna's avatar yet... I have trophies for both Jhudora and Illusen, but I've never completed ALL of their quests, so no Illusen's Staff or Wand of the Dark Faerie for me. I THINK I have Bronze for NQ1, I went for Gold in NQ2, but got the worst stat-wise weapon for my troubles. The Staff of Righteous Fury. Good name, horrible stats. I was hoping for the wand or the bow, cooler art and stats. I've done a NUMBER of NQ2 playthroughs, mostly on Evil difficulty, I loved that game and almost had every map virtually memorized. lol I have ideas for an NQ3 game, but I DOUBT TNT would let me make suggestions or design maps or anything since I'm not staff, and you gotta live near them, in California to become staff. *SIGH* I save some higher rarity items for Charity Corner too. Though, if they REALLY want to do an item-dump, they should find SOME way to make the 101 "special" rarity items worth actually turning in. LOL The Owner of Majal_Kita, was credited with winning a couple of the wars, AND getting a couple one-of-a-kind items as rewards for the finishing blows on the final bosses of a couple of the wars they were involved in! Coltzan CAN increase stats besides Intelligence. Seems to happen more at lower levels though. I think I was in the 3 tan-codestone range and he bumped me into the 4-stone range with that unexpected Defense boost. Neopets: The Darkest Faerie is a pretty fun game. The cutscenes are interesting, but the 3D renderings during the cutscenes... could've been better. lol Illusen and Fyora especially. lol The Legend of Dragoon. I bought and downloaded that onto my PS3 a long time ago, almost got around to beating it, didn't yet. Not my favorite battle-system, but a pretty good game. I remember the commercial for that game before it came out. Dart and the villain are dueling, and Dart cuts the guy's head off. And the guy starts WHINING to the Director! "Did you see that Nigel? He cut my head off!" Or something along those lines! lol I even found the commercial once on Youtube. lol POOR quality video, but still amusing. If you like games where you have to hit a button with fast/accurate timing, you might enjoy the Dragon's Lair trilogy. It's in both the Playstation and Nintendo e-shops and contains; Dragon's Lair, Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp, and Space Ace. All 3 are beautifully drawn and animated adventures that you have to press a directional button at a specific time to survive and continue on in the story. They are all pretty old, but were drawn and animated by the LEGENDARY Don Bluth. (Think of movies like, The Land Before Time, and All Dogs Go To Heaven, Secret of NIMH and An American Tail, among others.) Dragon's Lair I think came out around 1982..? It's been awhile so I don't recall the exact year. But it was an arcade game, like the other two games. You can view full play-throughs on youtube. For me, the amazing quality of art and fluid animation always distracted me while playing. So I died, a LOT. I didn't actually BEAT Dragon's Lair, until I got the Nintendo DS version for my 3DS. Smaller screen = less space for my eyes to wander to take in the awesome art and animation. You're welcome! Both those items just might be useful. I currently have a Mysterious Red Potion equipped with my Bag of Healing Dust for when I was testing it, before I knew it was a healer. lol I left it equipped just in case TNT did like they did with Velm's Healing Potion. At one time, it too, could be equipped with another healer, but they decided to stop that. But those who had it in their sets already were allowed to keep it in their battle sets with another healer as long as they didn't unequip either of them. The Water Pistol would probably pair well with a Water Whip or a Clawed Shield. Which help reflect some fire, but not all. @berriganify, Cool, good luck rebuilding your bank and getting some training in! I've heard of Dark Cloud, but never played either of the games. I started playing Playstation games because a number of my favorite franchises from the NES/SNES moved to Playstation in the 90s. Final Fantasy, Breath of Fire and Mega Man, primarily. berriganify 1 Quote
Secre Posted August 25, 2022 Author Posted August 25, 2022 @berriganify Legend of Dragon, Final Fantasy and Monster Rancher were essentially the theme tunes of my childhood/adolescence. And Pokemon of course. I never played Dark Cloud as a youngster, but I do have the port on my PS4. I'll have to give it a shot! I almost certainly have the LoD game kicking around. I had like four copies of it at one point as there was a glitch in one of the later bosses that froze the game. Now with the advent of the internet, I know it's because of the Dragoon form. As a teen, I thought my game was busted and bought another. My brother scratched one of the discs, so I bought another. Yeah, that one obviously glitched in the same way... @Aquamentis12I've been after the Turmy avatar for yonks. But again, attention span of a constipated flea means that I only remember to catch Turmy about once a week usually! The reason for it being him? He's my cheapest petpet by a long stretch and I'm not fond of any of the paint jobs bar Faerie which is inordinately pricey and still doesn't really fit the custom as well as the Spring Talpidat. It's a pity there aren't any Oilpaint petpets... I find NQ entertaining and tedious at the same time... which is a strange combination. I will finsih my Evil run of II at some point... maybe... Oh, I'm not fussy with CC. I have a collection of 6 point items because it would be foolish not to. 1616 Wind Up Chia Clown's is probably my record... 840 Space Goggle Helmet might be the next one. It's been a while since I updated my spreadsheet so I've just checked from memory the ones I knew I have a lot of! But I'm not fussy at all. I have 1349 Shiny Obsidian, 620 Water Mote, 944 Gorunda. I have stocked virtually everything! I'd guarentee that I have at least 10k points in 1 point items alone! I mean, TNT have accepted user designs for pets. I don't think they offer monetary compensation though. If you're willing to design the maps etc for little reward, it can't hurt to send them in. But I imagine it's a lot of work! Unfortunately the Legend of Dragoon is only available for download in USA. It was hands down my favourite game despite never managing to get past the glitch on disc 4 mentioned above. I played through the main story up to that point SOOOOO many times. I adored the battle system. It was a perfect mix of turn based battle and needing to pay attention behind hitting 'attack'! And you've just reminded me of Breath of Fire as well!! I'll have to have a look at the Dragon's Lair series. I'm more into RPG's than arcade, but I don't mind straying out periodically. Danganronpa caught me completely despite being more visual novel for instance. Aquamentis12 and berriganify 1 1 Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted August 26, 2022 Posted August 26, 2022 @Secre lol Ah ok! Well good luck getting the avatar and challenger then. LOL Yes, NQII is slightly less so than NQ imho. But it's a bit easier if you know exactly where you're going on the maps. I don't know if those old map/fansites are still up and around with the maps and all the info for each game. At the moment I can't even recall their names. ^^; lol WOW! You're loaded for BEAR as far as the CC goes! I just keep pretty much everything I find in my SDB that isn't worth hardly any NP, even if they are Gnome Shrooms that are r99s, but sooooooo cheap from one of Jhudora's quests. lol I figure those will help when CC comes back. I wouldn't want monetary compensation for my ideas or making maps for my NQIII ideas. I'd like a full set of the prizes though, even if they were made NO-TRADE, and a small mention in the credits. But I would still want the ability to get a prize on InSaNe difficulty when I unlocked it and that one I could trade or sell if I wanted. I've never actually mapped anything out in THAT sense before. I have done some side-scrolling game idea maps, many years ago. Personal stuff, not professional. Think similar to the Mega Man game series. How the maps side-scroll. Even marked off enemy placements and made bestiaries for the levels I drew. It was for a similar game idea with a similar format to the mega man series. Inspired by, we'll say. Awwww, I'm sorry, I didn't know that. I suppose you could always look on sites for used console and the game. Or something. Maybe someone at the Gamefaqs message board would have other ideas besides that? It's a HUGE gaming network with FAQs, guides, forums etc. for TONS of games from around the world. I think Gamespot recently bought them out, within the last couple of years, but I think still takes you there. You'll find lots of info on Legend of Dragoon too. I'm ok with the game, but I'm not really a fan of the pay attention part of the attacks, it seems to vary with each different dragoon, making it a bit trickier to get off some good hits. Yeah! I'm playing the original Breath of Fire for like, the millionth time. lol Not a great game, lots of tedious walking around, but still, like NQII strangely satisfying. Except I'm dealing with Mote right now, I hate that minion. The dream world is SO annoying. lol Especially the tiles that make the walls disappear so all you can see is the floor, but not where the paths are. lol The only BoF game I haven't gotten to play yet is the last one, Dragon Quarter. But I hear it's not a very good game. I have it, just haven't gotten TO it yet. Dragon's Lair is arcade, but it's not a fighting game like street fighter. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised! I've played a couple VNs, but I haven't heard of that one. VNs are OK, but some are kinda slow for my taste. Quote
Secre Posted August 31, 2022 Author Posted August 31, 2022 @Aquamentis12 Well, this motivated me into a brief spurt of NQII. I now have the archer. It will probably take me another two years to get the final character now! I did find some of the maps and some older NT issues going through the level up stats as it's been that long since I played, I have no idea what I was aiming for! I've just found an even easier set to navigate: I'm fairly sure there's a precedent for in game rewards for site contributions - at least I think the original artists of the new pets have been rewarded! I guess it's just whether it's worthh putting in that much effort when you're not even sure they would take you up on it! I got... slightly... obsessed by CC. I was woefully unprepared in 2020 as I'd never come across the event before - the whole long hiatus thing - and spent a small fortune buying 6 point items at the last minute. I'm not going to have that problem again! I do have an old PS1 and likely my game discs somewhere in the house. It's just finding the place to put it. The PS4 is downstairs and the computer is upstairs. Emulating it is possible but emulating Playstation games seems more involved than emulating Nintendo handheld games - I have quite a few of them on this computer! It's just annoying because they have actually ported it. I just can't access it without buying another PS Vita (at £80 plus) and setting it to US. And then buying the port. The port is like $5. So $85 plus for a $5 game! Dragon Quest was another one of my old favourites, although I was a little older when I found it the first time. I'm not usually a fan of Virtual Novels in honesty. I liked Danganronpa because it's dark and clever. But they usually bore me! Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted August 31, 2022 Posted August 31, 2022 Hi @Secre , glad you got her, she'll be pretty useful depending on how you build her stats! lol In my first playthrough, I MISSED I think it was Velm, but it might've been Talenia, anyway, IF that happens, and IF I'm recalling correctly, they will be waiting for you in the next chapter. Ok, the old site I used for NQ and NQ2 maps aren't around anymore, I just looked, so JN's site for NQ2 is a good call. I DID find a site dedicated to NQ1 though, that I recall using waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day. Apparently their Neo-account has been disabled. But there NQ1 fansite isn't a petpage. Here it is, just in case you try NQ1 and find this page useful. Thanks, I would HOPE so. I don't need/want anymore pets, just a lil credit and the prizes, even as No-Trade would be cool enough with me. I've always had a desire to make games, but I can't code or anything like that. lol Just above my head for the most part I'm afraid. ^^; Ah, was that the year in CC that they had a year of Bank Bribery and other FUN rewards? I wish they'd bring awesome options like those back again! Ah cool! So you COULD play, heck if you have your old memory cards your old save-games MIGHT still be there! Ah I see the issue with the vita, that is a lot for a very old game, though if there were MORE old games you could only get hold of that way, it MIGHT be worth it in the long-run. Hmm it depends on your emulator and system I guess. Sony used to actually have an emulation software, official, for PS1 games, but I THINK that was during the end-days of the PS2 and the start of the PS3. Since only the first PS3s were partially backwards compatible. Also though, finding the ROM, though might be tricky, I recall Nintendo and some other big names CRACKING DOWN on sites that provided ROMs to their signature series, like Zelda, Mario, etc. But that info is over a decade old, so now, who knows? I believe I've heard that some disc-console emulators can play your game-discs via your PC's dvd-rom drive. But it's been soooooo long since I read anything on emulation that may or may not be true. I don't think using an emulator to play your already owned discs would be illegal, if that's possible, but the ROMs would be. So I can't really advise you one way or the other on that, other than to stay on the straight and narrow I guess. Dragon Quest is awesome. I got the first game for the NES, then called Dragon Warrior, with my first subscription to Nintendo Power magazine. To the end of that publication's cancellation, that was their most popular promotional! It took me exactly 5 weeks to figure the game out and beat it, around the age of 9 or 10 I think. I can since, with running away a lot, get the legendary Armor and even the Sword from the Dragonlord's castle, by level 13, but you gotta be at LEAST level 22 or higher to have ANY chance against the Dragonlord. To do any DAMAGE to him even, otherwise, you miss or do only 1 damage, even with a critical hit. Leveling in that game was a PAIN. I usually did most of it around Cantlin, the walled city. Since saving up for either the Flame Sword (2nd best sword) or Silver Shield (Best Shield) was SUPER expensive and took FOREVER! I was either level 23 or 24 when I finally confronted and defeated the Dragonlord. I've played all 4 NES games, and I have their Nintendo DS remasters. Lots of fun for the most part. Dragon Quest VIII for the PS2 was pretty awesome! Still didn't get around to beating the last boss though. lol Swords, for the WII was interesting, and pretty cool. I wish they'd port it to the Switch for use with the joy cons or something. Since you're also a fan, you might know of this site already, if not, it's probably the most comprehensive DQ fansite around and has been around for decades! Ah ok, that's cool that you found a VN that was actually interesting to you. Quote
Secre Posted September 1, 2022 Author Posted September 1, 2022 @Aquamentis12 Thanks for the NQI link! I want to do an iNsAnE run at some point for the gold trophy... I have half cheated and looked up the best skills to invest in. Why make life more difficult!? Ah, no. It was the year of the broken prizes - the bags that were meant to give out rare items being broken - and the Hegie. I do love my little Hegie! yeah, if there were more US-only games I was interested in, it would be worth the punt. But it's not. If they ported it to the PS4 I could use my brothers account - as he has a US account and we share accounts on the consoles. That way we both get the streaming services and we take turns paying for it! Roms are a dodgy area, but the general legality of it seems to be that providing you have bought and owned the game at some point, they are not illegal. So I have all the Pokemon ROM's for GBC/GBA along with some rom-hacks and that's perfectly fine as I bought all of those (or my parents did!). But if I went and downloaded the older Zelda games for instance, that would be illegal as I never actually owned them. Or at least I don't think I did. I'm currently playing Pokemon Reborn which is a fan game and known as the one of the hardest Pokemon games ever. Ooh, I hadn't come across that website! I'll have to have a gander! Quote
Secre Posted March 16, 2023 Author Posted March 16, 2023 @Aquamentis12 Exciting developments with this mini-plot! Considering that I haven't really been playing and therefore have bought none of my unbuyables, do you thing the Faerie Shield or the new bomb is the best investment of points? The shield is exciting, but Hubrid Nox still looks better. The bomb would possibly prevent me having to spend anything on the Ghostkerchief Bomb as part of the set! @mods Hopefully this is ok to bump. The new plot prizes are indirectly related to the original question, so it seemed more sensible to bump this thread with the question rather than creating a new thread and having to post the back-story of the kit buying. missuninvited 1 Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted March 18, 2023 Posted March 18, 2023 On 3/16/2023 at 9:44 AM, Secre said: @Aquamentis12 Exciting developments with this mini-plot! Considering that I haven't really been playing and therefore have bought none of my unbuyables, do you thing the Faerie Shield or the new bomb is the best investment of points? The shield is exciting, but Hubrid Nox still looks better. The bomb would possibly prevent me having to spend anything on the Ghostkerchief Bomb as part of the set! @mods Hopefully this is ok to bump. The new plot prizes are indirectly related to the original question, so it seemed more sensible to bump this thread with the question rather than creating a new thread and having to post the back-story of the kit buying. Indeed! At 25 constant icons, "Varia is the Bomb" is nice! I'd love one for my gallery, but I'm not sure yet. The G-bomb has variable offense, up to 32 icons max if I recall correctly. So the Varia bomb would INDEED be a good in-betweener for you, especially for the time-being! But it's really up to you. The Shield of Faerieland was exciting to see, but again, due to the maximum number of points for collecting fragments, I don't know if I'd get it, even though it would save a fair bit of NP. I don't have any of the HT shields. I plan on getting the Fyora TCG card, but I'm not sure how I'd break down the rest of the points yet. Gaevriel and Secre 2 Quote
Gaevriel Posted March 18, 2023 Posted March 18, 2023 i used some shard pts and got the varia bomb. i used it this morning and was really thrilled with it. i've been saving up for the ghostkerbomb but as i'm only half-way there the varia is definitely gonna work for me. i'm tempted to get the shield but i'm still on the fence. so i got off the fence and picked the shield. i like it, glad i got it. i'm now equipped with the varia bomb, void blade, faerieland shield, feel better soup and burning branches. for my pets' current level these things are working great. Quote
Secre Posted March 29, 2023 Author Posted March 29, 2023 On 3/18/2023 at 5:16 AM, Aquamentis12 said: Indeed! At 25 constant icons, "Varia is the Bomb" is nice! I'd love one for my gallery, but I'm not sure yet. The G-bomb has variable offense, up to 32 icons max if I recall correctly. So the Varia bomb would INDEED be a good in-betweener for you, especially for the time-being! But it's really up to you. The Shield of Faerieland was exciting to see, but again, due to the maximum number of points for collecting fragments, I don't know if I'd get it, even though it would save a fair bit of NP. I don't have any of the HT shields. I plan on getting the Fyora TCG card, but I'm not sure how I'd break down the rest of the points yet. Looks like you can have both Varia and G-bomb as well which is also interesting! I am still contemplating, but I think Bomb, petpet pb and shield may be how I go. Pity I've only got 155 points. I'm 5 points off being able to pick up the stamp as well! On 3/18/2023 at 4:15 PM, Gaevriel said: i used some shard pts and got the varia bomb. i used it this morning and was really thrilled with it. i've been saving up for the ghostkerbomb but as i'm only half-way there the varia is definitely gonna work for me. i'm tempted to get the shield but i'm still on the fence. so i got off the fence and picked the shield. i like it, glad i got it. i'm now equipped with the varia bomb, void blade, faerieland shield, feel better soup and burning branches. for my pets' current level these things are working great. The Feel Better Soup was an awesome Advent Prize, wasn't it! I had the Parachute First Aid Kit on, but it blows it out the water! I'd look at getting a freezer - H400 Helmet is a good one. Aquamentis12 1 Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted March 31, 2023 Posted March 31, 2023 On 3/29/2023 at 6:55 AM, Secre said: Looks like you can have both Varia and G-bomb as well which is also interesting! I am still contemplating, but I think Bomb, petpet pb and shield may be how I go. Pity I've only got 155 points. I'm 5 points off being able to pick up the stamp as well! The Feel Better Soup was an awesome Advent Prize, wasn't it! I had the Parachute First Aid Kit on, but it blows it out the water! I'd look at getting a freezer - H400 Helmet is a good one. Yes! I've seen a screenshot of someone who had both bombs equipped at the same time! Varia is stronger than my constant weapons, but would only be useful for battles where I wouldn't need a major follow-up. Good thing I almost never 2p battle. lol I ended up trading for Shield of Faerieland and the Culture book, So I'll probably go with the 2 TCGs, Varia, and see how many points I have left over. I haven't figured that part out yet. I'd like to have some extra items for "investment" reasons, but that might not happen thanks to how few prize points were available compared to how many awesome prizes there are. I still can't believe they didn't nerf the Feel Better Soup. I mean, talk about taking the air out of the healer market. Species healers and Bag of Healing Dust prices took a hit on that! Don't get me wrong, I'm a budget battler and that's great for people like me who don't make a ton of NP, but it does irk me slightly, considering the price I paid for my Bag of Healing Dust back in the day. lol If they don't nerf Feel Better Soup, I might just keep that and sell off my Bag of Healing Dust to recoup some of that NP, but, we'll see what TNT does or doesn't do with that. If you haven't sold your Parachute First Aid Kit yet, you might wait to sell it until closer to whenever the battle plot breaks out. The prices might be highest for sellers at that point. Good luck getting an H4000 Helmet! Secre 1 Quote
Secre Posted April 4, 2023 Author Posted April 4, 2023 On 3/31/2023 at 2:13 AM, Aquamentis12 said: Yes! I've seen a screenshot of someone who had both bombs equipped at the same time! Varia is stronger than my constant weapons, but would only be useful for battles where I wouldn't need a major follow-up. Good thing I almost never 2p battle. lol I ended up trading for Shield of Faerieland and the Culture book, So I'll probably go with the 2 TCGs, Varia, and see how many points I have left over. I haven't figured that part out yet. I'd like to have some extra items for "investment" reasons, but that might not happen thanks to how few prize points were available compared to how many awesome prizes there are. I still can't believe they didn't nerf the Feel Better Soup. I mean, talk about taking the air out of the healer market. Species healers and Bag of Healing Dust prices took a hit on that! Don't get me wrong, I'm a budget battler and that's great for people like me who don't make a ton of NP, but it does irk me slightly, considering the price I paid for my Bag of Healing Dust back in the day. lol If they don't nerf Feel Better Soup, I might just keep that and sell off my Bag of Healing Dust to recoup some of that NP, but, we'll see what TNT does or doesn't do with that. If you haven't sold your Parachute First Aid Kit yet, you might wait to sell it until closer to whenever the battle plot breaks out. The prices might be highest for sellers at that point. Good luck getting an H4000 Helmet! Yeah, my current plan is to hold off to sell until the plot. I have a ton of tan codestones I can offload at the same time. There's just over a mils worth in non plot inflation, so I hope to come out reasonably well. Particularly as I will keep collecting from the Battledome... I'm going to make a loss on the Parachute First Aid Kit regardless though! I paid 800k odd for it. It seems to have settled at 230-300k now. We'll see if a plot can boost it! Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted April 5, 2023 Posted April 5, 2023 20 hours ago, Secre said: Yeah, my current plan is to hold off to sell until the plot. I have a ton of tan codestones I can offload at the same time. There's just over a mils worth in non plot inflation, so I hope to come out reasonably well. Particularly as I will keep collecting from the Battledome... I'm going to make a loss on the Parachute First Aid Kit regardless though! I paid 800k odd for it. It seems to have settled at 230-300k now. We'll see if a plot can boost it! A good plan indeed! Oooooof! Ouch, that's a big hit on the Parachute First Aid Kit. I hope when the plot starts it'll go back up a bit for you so your loss won't be as painful there. Secre 1 Quote
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