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TNT posted this on their social media accounts :

Would you win this game of Bingo?🤔 Play it and let us know if you’d be calling out “Bingo!” or rushing back onto the site to complete some unfinished business🏃. Share your results with the hashtag #NeopetsBingo!

I played it and the only thing I havent' done is Feed-A-Kad 

I'm posting both my results and the original template ... feel free to share yours too :D 




Here is the original template if you want to save it and do it yourself 🙂



Well...looks like I still have work to do 😰 maybe I have been to a concert I can't recall



You have given M*YNCI Ticket to User 'aaml123'. Click the button below to continue.

Enjoy the Show :D

Remember that watching some bands gives you an avatar ... 


** Keep trying for Skarl and Turmy .. they will eventually respond to your efforts 

** The full lab map is about 2 Million NP .. which , if you play Trudy's every day and do your dailies , you can save up for it in about one month 


Well, I've done some of them. No draik egg, lab rat, wheel of monotony, King Skarl, kadoaties, Turmy or concert... I do keep trying Skarl and Turmy mind you.

23 hours ago, Angeló said:

You have given M*YNCI Ticket to User 'aaml123'. Click the button below to continue.

Enjoy the Show :D

Remember that watching some bands gives you an avatar ... 


** Keep trying for Skarl and Turmy .. they will eventually respond to your efforts 

** The full lab map is about 2 Million NP .. which , if you play Trudy's every day and do your dailies , you can save up for it in about one month 

Thanks! I'll really have to keep trying...Turmy well all I think about is my poor petpet 😢

15 minutes ago, aaml said:

Thanks! I'll really have to keep trying...Turmy well all I think about is my poor petpet 😢

Chances of him actually eating your pet are pretty low. Most of the the time you just get an item or some neopoints. Took me years before I had the avatar from turmy eating my petpet.


@Duma i have read every Kad guide out there and I still can't feed one ... idk if my connection is too slow or i am ...


I've looked at kad feeding a few times but I've never seen kads that want affordable/ shop wizard searchable items. And whenever I think I'll just wait for a new main I end up forgetting about it and being too late again. I still need the avatar so maybe some day I'll actually try to feed one. Might give it a try once I hit 100 mil.

6 hours ago, Duma said:

I've looked at kad feeding a few times but I've never seen kads that want affordable/ shop wizard searchable items. And whenever I think I'll just wait for a new main I end up forgetting about it and being too late again. I still need the avatar so maybe some day I'll actually try to feed one. Might give it a try once I hit 100 mil.

You know what I'm thinking I fed kads on an account I no longer have and it was pure luck that I happened to have something on hand and managed to feed one before someone else got to it.....I can't imagine trying to do this again I wish you both luck on this!!


I only managed to succeed in feeding kads by having a variety of kad food in my inventory; a practice that is frowned upon. 😳

51 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

a practice that is frowned upon

why is it frowned upon ? and by whom ?

5 hours ago, Angeló said:

why is it frowned upon ? and by whom ?

I... I think having SOME in your invo is alright, like nearly full, but I had way more, I was into four figures. 😳 Doing that's going to give an unfair advantage for most people, isn't it, but for mentally disadvantaged me it was the only way I could even attempt to feed, and I STILL got beaten to it by others, rather often. 😅

I just heard it's frowned upon, by TNT would make sense? Though I guess it's also bad... kadiquette - that is now a word, lol - But I think a percentage of kadders secretly do it, whilst roundly denouncing others for doing it... I don't see how some can fed as quickly as they do without doing it, and I could never send them items as they always had full inventories...

  • 2 years later...

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