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I am deeply sorry about some of the late crosswords. While I acknowledge this isn't fair to you, I figured I'd at least tell you why so you can be aware.

Two weeks ago I was running and hurt my foot on a branch leftover from Hurricane Michael, which sort of sloshed through my area. It wasn't a big deal, amounted to a bad storm for us, but there were downed branches. I tried to walk it off, but it hurt so much so swiftly I actually turned to a Discord of locals for a ride until I realized my husband could get me. Still I tried walking until he could come get me, which was another two miles. When I got home, my foot was so swollen I couldn't move my toes (still can't), stepping directly in the middle hurts so much I feel like blacking out, and I am booted for eight weeks minimum. I get an MRI on Sunday and receive an analysis for that on November 8. The injury is a lisfranc sprain, and it either only requires the boot or requires surgery. I also have crutches and one of those knee scooters. Given I still can't move the toes at all, I am fearful. If surgery, more weeks of the boot and heavier medication.

The time being, what does that mean for you? I'm having trouble sleeping and waking up on time, as I am on heavy medicine to keep me functional. I can't "not" move as I have a very interactive toddler who does not care about TV, tablets, or phones. I also have four cats who need care. Even with my husband helping as much as possible, he can't do it all. At least, it's not fair to even ask. And my daughter doesn't understand why Mama isn't around. So I use my awake time for the six of them and sleep hard. I wake up later than normal, but being on EST, I am still doing my darndest to make it morning for you folks on PDT.

Anyway, just giving you a heads up. I love you all and the community at large.


Hope you feel better soon! I was just thinking about you and if everything was okay after the storm. Anyhow no worries with the crosswords and I very much appreciate that you took the time to let us all know ? *more hugs*  :D


Bless you.  Taking care of yourself is as important for your family, as it is for you.  I had a pinched nerve in my back when my yougest was a baby.  I spent most of the day sitting in the floor with her, because I couldn't get up without help or crawling to something I could pull up on.  You'll find a way.  Hang in there.


Just take it as easy as possible. I can't tell you how important it is to ice your foot to keep the swelling down.  Don't worry about how late the crosswords are posted. Your health is way more important! 


Please take care of yourself first, as I echo others, but truly you must get rest and have your quality time with your kids & family. You shouldn't worry, of course we'll miss not seeing your help/posts on TDN but we are still thinking about you & sending positive vibes for relief from pain, help from unexpected places, and complete restoration for your foot & health, ameen.


Update: not sure how it was missed the first three times I saw someone, but the foot is broken with an additional diagnosis of osteoarthritis. They suspect it is in both of my feet and there are problems in my hands. I'll be getting additional scans. They're still not sure about surgery. They suggest I don't run for exercise anymore, which was ... crushing.


That's tough, very tough. ? Did you have any suspicion about the osteoarthritis before? Is knowing about that now going to give you a means of coping with it?


I had suspicious of RA. I've been tired/in pain for ten years, and it occurred to me with the broken foot they've never actually looked at my hands and feet, just the surrounding areas. They scanned my wrists, knees, and ankles but never actually my hands/feet, which were the actual sources of pain. I eventually was given medicine to help the pain of it that worked ok and was not an opiate. There's nothing they could do for fatigue, though.

The problems started in high school - hand-writing an essay would be painful enough I'd cry after (considered then to be "dramatic") and would be so tired some days I'd literally get up for the bell and sleep in the next class ... for every class even if I'd slept ok the night before (considered lazy). Then I couldn't drive two hours without stopping anymore from pain. And then I started seeking help for it in undergrad. I suspect without breaking my foot they would've continued not looking.

So about 18 is when it started. I'm 30 now. 


And yeah it's been painful to grapple with anyway. I had always been a runner. It's my favorite thing. It started when I was like eight and I'd go around the neighborhood on walks. They started calling me the "walking girl" and it was a neighborhood meme almost. People still recognize me that way even though it's been a little under 15 years since I've lived there. I started running sometime in high school, but I walked far before that. They're saying I shouldn't anymore with this diagnosis. And I could cry.

I know there's other exercises out there. But that one was how I got all my frustrations out. I genuinely loved it.


Oh wow, kind of harsh that you need to break something for things to get discovered. ? Have you tried any of the herbal remedies that are out there? Devil's Claw is one that's said to help arthritis. I always like the idea of a natural product that been used for millennia by indigenous people,  I feel they'd not use it for so long if it didn't work.


You should try swimming. It will be a lot better for your joints. I also like natural healing although sometimes western medicine is unavoidable and a life saver. Actually my mother and I have been practicing a diet not for weight loss just for health and healing. One of the main focuses is not eating anything that causes inflammation in the body. Meats and dairy tend to cause inflammation. We started this because my mothers friend who has been doing it for over a year as prescribed by a Chinese medicine doctor had her RA completely reversed so she wanted to tell everyone what a life saver changing her diet was. I've done research on inflammation as well and i specifically remember a few studies show that sugar/processed food tends to coat neurons with a fatty/waxy buildup making them not fire as well as they should. Anyhow we also stay away from sugar unless its natural and of course alcohol  since it turns into sugar in the body. 


I'm already lactose intolerant so I eat a dairy free diet as is. I tend to make my meals vegan because ... honestly, it's easier on me and my planning. I do eat meat, but when I'm on my own, I just don't. Good ideas, thanks!

And honestly I have tried pain relief for arthritis on the natural side. Some have helped more than others. I was in Belize and picked up pain relief from a woman who sells old school medicine there. It made me break out a bit unfortunately but seemed to work for a bit all the same.

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