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I made alien aisha art! Now, I just need an alien aisha...

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Hello ? New to the forum but not to neopets or forums in general! It has been a while though... so I have an etiquette question. Do people make new threads when they do new art, or does one artist make a thread they continually update? (I used to do the latter back in the day, but I'm not sure if forum etiquette has changed!) 

Nice to meet you all! ? I am excited especially for this art section, I love seeing what everyone creates! 

Now for my dream pet Alien Aisha.... the big grumpy spacecat that she is. 



It looks very nice!

About your question: They make one thread and update/edit that one. They'll either wait for a person to reply or will edit their previous post. That way your art stays together and you can actually see progress after a while.


I love the Aisha, it seems almost weird seeing one in a typical cat-like pose, which is daft, I know! Got to be because we just don't see them in poses like that on Neo itself, unless it's one-off art like a caption contest pic, or a shop-keeper, maybe.

On your pic I can almost imagine the tail doing those little twitches that cat tails do, that seem to mean "touch me and die, hooman..." ?

Your Cybunny is SO sweet and innocent by comparison. ?


Aww thanks Jellysundae! I like thinking of aishas as creatures that are similar to cats, so I like putting them in typical cat poses even though they're usually not like that on the site :P It does look a bit weird though! & Haha the cybunny IS much more calm and serene! Glad that came out in the drawing ?


I prefer the one with pink ears! makes it look more like a green fur.


Oh my gosh, that's adorable‼ Chibi Aisha, basically?

That expression though... what's it up to. :ph34r:


Beautiful drawings!!!

I'd say your first Alien Aisha is more accurate to the Neopets' design. But I think I like the one with the pink ears a little better, because it's a nice contrast to the green fur. Your Cybunny pic is also really nice too! :D

Keep on drawing! ^_^ It's fun to see what other people create! :D

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