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theres an item i want on the TP . it's very rare but in the same time it's very HTS (basically a gallery item that any one hardly collects)

the owner wants 20-25 Mil

is it worth trading my valuable ETS Altador Cup Stamps & event stamps and Maraquan PB ? 

i don't know when this item will be on the TP again - this is the first time i see it in years .. 


Only you can truly know the answer to that question, my friend.

If you do sacrifice those other items to get the gallery item, will you then be wanting to replace them, and is that a feasible option?

Will you end up eventually with all the things that you want?

Or will this mean losing out on some things to gain something else?


Jelly is right (as always :graduated:). I would ask, which is more important to you: making the best deal to keep the most NP, or looking at what you want to see? One thing you didn't mention is whether you think the price they are asking seems high or low to you. I understand choosing not to name the item. But that also means that we can't make a comparison, and that it's all up to you. Good luck with your decision. 

EDIT: I would offer them a price MUCH lower than what they are asking. Chances are they are guessing at its worth and hoping to get that but will take a LOT less. If you offer them half or even less, and they turn you down, you can always haggle up in increments. If you agree to the 20 M, you're committed. But I'm sure you are more of an expert on these negotiations and deals than I am. :pope:

8 hours ago, jellysundae said:

Only you can truly know the answer to that question, my friend.

If you do sacrifice those other items to get the gallery item, will you then be wanting to replace them, and is that a feasible option?

No i don't want to replace them as I have them as an investment to sell / trade

Will you end up eventually with all the things that you want?

eventually yes , since my Bank NP won't be depleted

Or will this mean losing out on some things to gain something else?

I'm afraid my items value will keep increasing with time .. also I'm afraid I'll never see that item on the TP again 

 One thing you didn't mention is whether you think the price they are asking seems high or low to you. I understand choosing not to name the item. But that also means that we can't make a comparison, and that it's all up to you. Good luck with your decision. 

It's obviously very exaggerated. and it's a TCG card. 

EDIT: I would offer them a price MUCH lower than what they are asking. Chances are they are guessing at its worth and hoping to get that but will take a LOT less. If you offer them half or even less, and they turn you down, you can always haggle up in increments. If you agree to the 20 M, you're committed. But I'm sure you are more of an expert on these negotiations and deals than I am. 

YES that IS my intention and they're open to haggle. I once slashed more than 50% off one item's price just bcz it was in my trades for YEARS and i just wanted to get rid of it.

5 hours ago, Angeló said:

I'm afraid my items value will keep increasing with time .. also I'm afraid I'll never see that item on the TP again 

This very illusive item is available, RIGHT NOW. The items you bought for trade only MIGHT increase in value over time.

MIGHT is a dirty word in my opinion, it causes SO much trouble in life. People put off doing something  because of something else that only MIGHT happen in the future, sometimes wayyy into the future, instead of living in the now.

This is one of those situations right now, it's not up there with home-buying, career-changing or marriage etc. ofc, but the same mindset prevails. So what if those trade items rise in value over time?


The very reason you have those items is for the situation you are in right this minute. So stop dithering and make an offer already!


*cough* so there's my unsure and indecisive opinion. :ph34r:

1 hour ago, jellysundae said:

This very illusive item is available, RIGHT NOW. The items you bought for trade only MIGHT increase in value over time.

MIGHT is a dirty word in my opinion, it causes SO much trouble in life. People put off doing something  because of something else that only MIGHT happen in the future, sometimes wayyy into the future, instead of living in the now.

This is one of those situations right now, it's not up there with home-buying, career-changing or marriage etc. ofc, but the same mindset prevails. So what if those trade items rise in value over time?


The very reason you have those items is for the situation you are in right this minute. So stop dithering and make an offer already!


*cough* so there's my unsure and indecisive opinion. :ph34r:


I made an offer .. I hope he accepts it ..

The thing is .. 20 Mil is very overpriced in my opinion .. i'm hoping for lesssssssss ..  

3 hours ago, Angeló said:


I made an offer .. I hope he accepts it ..

The thing is .. 20 Mil is very overpriced in my opinion .. i'm hoping for lesssssssss ..  


Lol, I was just sharing an opinion, not issuing an order. XD

What did you offer? Considerably less, I hope!

7 minutes ago, jellysundae said:


Lol, I was just sharing an opinion, not issuing an order. XD

What did you offer? Considerably less, I hope!

couple AC stamps , my Maraquan PB , and 2 Mil .. it'll total about 14-15Mil .. 


he didn't accept ... i have one more stamp worth 3 Mil .. should i add it to the offer ?

2 minutes ago, Angeló said:

he didn't accept ... i have one more stamp worth 3 Mil .. should i add it to the offer ?


Everyone's saying the item's over-priced, and a 3m stamp on top of what you've already offered will be close to what he's asking.

Tough call. I'm not sure what I'd do if I was in your shoes.


5 hours ago, jellysundae said:

I'd have started off lower than that, my intrinsic tight-fistedness showing through there!

I had no idea you were part Scottish, Jackie! :king: :medieval: :biggrin: 

Angelo, I guess it comes down to which are you willing to give up. What you have or what you want. 

10 hours ago, lakecat said:

I had no idea you were part Scottish, Jackie! :king: :medieval: :biggrin: 

Angelo, I guess it comes down to which are you willing to give up. What you have or what you want. 


Actually, I'm part Irish, part French, and part Italian, only a quarter of me's English. But that quarter can be as miserly as any Scot! :lmaosmiley:


From what Angelo says he's got a battle on his hands, the guy selling this card seems unwilling to let it go unless you're gonna sacrifice all 4 limbs for it. :laughingsmiley:


Wow @Angeló, sounds like you've got quite a conundrum. Have you looked at JN's item DB and pricing? Someone recently approached me for a 20mil TCG, I only got 'em down to about 17m, but in primarily items because NP is always kinda tight for me. ^^; LOL And some items, including a couple TCGs I offered back are apparently HTS. There were other copies of the TCG he wanted to sell me, but those other sellers wanted 20+ mil in pure and firm. I got lucky that the player who approached me was fine with mostly items. The thing is, they were items that had, for the most part, been collecting dust in my SDB for years. Some items rise and fall in price. Even some of the retired items do that for some, sometimes unknown, reason. If you're worried about the value of the items you are trading going up, perhaps find alternative items in your SDB?

Depending on the card, the price of the card too, may rise or fall with time. So, another question would be, would you be willing to pay more at a later date for the same card that you can buy now at a possibly lower price?

But the MAIN thing, I think, is if when it's all said and done, will you be satisfied with whatever you decide? Being out those items, or having the TCG in your possession?

Good luck with your decision-making!


I'm trying to bargain with him , but he's not budging at all 

he hasn't responded to my latest offer which I made 24 hrs ago 

i really don't think this TCG is worth 20 Mil anyway but I'm willing to pay close to that just so I can get it done with 


Aww man! Some of those traders can be overly stubborn. :-\ The essence of trading is not just the use of items, but bargaining and haggling are part and parcel to the term "trade".

Good luck man. I hope it ends well, regardless of which decision you make.

  • 4 weeks later...
13 hours ago, lakecat said:

I'm curious, Angelo. Did I miss an update on this? What did you decide and how did it go?

nothing new happened . he just ignored my last two messages and still has the card on the TP ... 

i decided to let it go 

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