jellysundae Posted July 23, 2017 Posted July 23, 2017 I visit it every day, do you? I used to go for items I'd not seen before - I didn't care what they were, I'd just grab for something if I didn't know what it was - kind of like a baby does until they learn better? Since this year's Charity Corner I've begun stock-piling for the next one, so the Money Tree became a goldmine for books and certain food (very few people seem to want to feed their pets with gross food, which is nice, and not just because it means there's a steady supply of it for me on the Money Tree, lol). More recently I've also been collecting items for The Coincidence from it. As an aside - Do you use this Daily? I started playing it in March and it's been worthwhile for me. I only play when it's asking for items I already have and so far my pet's gained 5 intelligence points, 10 defence points and 1 level. So far my loses have only been some NP so I'm very happy to stick with it at the moment. Anyway, back to the Money Tree! I only donate stuff to it that's going to be of some use to someone else - mainly r.101 food and books. I don't understand why SO many people offload tons of junk to it but am I being biased here? Are all the people dumping monstrous piles of rotting footwear etc. there thinking solely of other people's quests for the Pack Rat and Rubbish avatars? Am I getting annoyed at them simply because those items are of no use to me, and a tree completely full of 400 pieces of obsidian for example, is going to take an awfully long time to show anything else...I dunno So what are your Money Tree habits? acorah, charelan, Nielo and 1 other 4 Quote
acorah Posted July 23, 2017 Posted July 23, 2017 Oh yes - the stinky junk items on there :( I once saw in a shop description: Don`t put rubbish on the Money Tree. I donate things that might be of use even if they are only worth 40/50np. And 1000np each day in one go. Quote
babayaga67 Posted July 23, 2017 Posted July 23, 2017 I am still having trouble with the rubbish avatar. I had read several people saying that they would get the avatar after 3 or 4 dumps out of quick stock, so I save up junk from the money tree and dailies until I have about 500 items to toss. Unfortunately for me, I've saved up six or seven times (that's over three thousand items) but I still have no rubbish avatar! >:( I have never been one to donate useless items like rotten shoes and seaweeds, even before I started looking at avatars. I always thought that it was rude to new people who might actually need that help starting out. I don't donate poisonous jelly either. When I was brand new I made the mistake of giving some to my pet because I didn't know any better, and I don't want to make some poor guy scared that the stuff they are going to be getting for free are going to hurt them. I mostly donate foods, and like @acorah I thrown in money daily. Quote
Scoobert_Doo Posted July 24, 2017 Posted July 24, 2017 1 hour ago, babayaga67 said: I am still having trouble with the rubbish avatar. I had read several people saying that they would get the avatar after 3 or 4 dumps out of quick stock, so I save up junk from the money tree and dailies until I have about 500 items to toss. Unfortunately for me, I've saved up six or seven times (that's over three thousand items) but I still have no rubbish avatar! >:( I have never been one to donate useless items like rotten shoes and seaweeds, even before I started looking at avatars. I always thought that it was rude to new people who might actually need that help starting out. I don't donate poisonous jelly either. When I was brand new I made the mistake of giving some to my pet because I didn't know any better, and I don't want to make some poor guy scared that the stuff they are going to be getting for free are going to hurt them. I mostly donate foods, and like @acorah I thrown in money daily. Poisonous Jelly isn't necessarily a bad thing. I've fed it to my pet, on occasion. Every once in a while, while doing dailies, my pet may get an illness from one of the wheels or from Apple Bobbing Bart. Apple Bobbing Bart usually gives Blurred Vision. The cure, Extra Thick Goggles, can sometimes be hard to find in the Pharmacy, and go for 16K NP (or higher), in user shops. A pet can only have 1 sickness at a time, so if I feed my pet Poisonous Jelly, he will usually get NeoMonia, instead of having Blurred Vision. The cure for NeoMonia is Medicinal Soap, which can generally be found in the Pharmacy for 9,165 NP (It seems to stock more often than Extra Thick Goggles) - a little bit cheaper than 16K. Of course, I only do that if my pet doesn't get healed in the Healing Springs in a timely manner. And I have even gone to the Money Tree to find some. Nielo 1 Quote
babayaga67 Posted July 24, 2017 Posted July 24, 2017 I've grown quite heartless towards my pets. I usually just wait for them to get healed from one of the dailies now. It sometimes takes three to four days, but I am trying to save for a transmogrification potion and every point counts. @Scoobert_Doo I don't know how humane it is to poison your pet, but it is the money smart thing to do in certain circumstances isn't it? Oh how you have twisted us neopets! Update: I just went to the money tree, and somebody had donated what seemed to be at least 20 scratchcards! I didn't get any, but I do appreciate the generosity of whomever did that. You rock random person. acmerasta 1 Quote
charelan Posted July 24, 2017 Posted July 24, 2017 I visit the money tree daily also. Since CC I have been stockpiling food I get from dailies, but still feed my pets omelettes and jellies. That being said, I often receive yucky ones I don't want to feed them so if I see ones that aren't gross I will grab them. Of course I also go for the occasional NC item but generally never quick enough to get them ;) I don't like keeping certain items like rotten shoes, soggy boxes, almost anything dung or snot. I send them to the rubbish heap though, not the money tree. Quote
jellysundae Posted July 24, 2017 Author Posted July 24, 2017 1 hour ago, charelan said: I visit the money tree daily also. Since CC I have been stockpiling food I get from dailies, but still feed my pets omelettes and jellies. That being said, I often receive yucky ones I don't want to feed them so if I see ones that aren't gross I will grab them. Of course I also go for the occasional NC item but generally never quick enough to get them ;) I don't like keeping certain items like rotten shoes, soggy boxes, almost anything dung or snot. I send them to the rubbish heap though, not the money tree. Ah! This reminded me of another thing I do. I stopped bothering with the daily jelly and omelette until I started doing the Coincidence and it was asking for rotten omelette, so now I've gone back to collecting them and I either donate, ditch or keep the result, depending. If it's yucky jelly I discard it. I tend to be quite judgmental with this too, lol, ones the pets eat with no complaint but I don't like the look of - like squished and lint - nope, discard! >_< I'm guessing with the Rubbish avatar that it's a minimum of 5k items that we need to discard. I know I had a classic Neo-trolling moment when I got it. I'd been sporadically discarding for it for a while, one day I went through my entire SDB and removed every piece of junk that was in there - ended up with 700+ items in my inventory - only to get the avatar on my very first 70 discarded...yeah, the ha has were on me that day!... @babayaga67 So true about the "poison them because it's cheaper" thing! But maybe that's not a thing to lay at Neopet's door, because it's gonna be the players who came up with that method...humans, showing what delightful creatures we are! I have used the feed with Poisonous Jelly option myself to save myself a few NP. I probably felt a bit guilty, but I still did it. *ponders* I guess it's not really that different to things like chemotherapy - which makes people really sick but (hopefully) cures them in the long run. Many things on Neo reflect RL because it's its own complete little world, I guess the way illnesses are dealt with is just one of them. Certainly explains why medicine's so expensive, doesn't it...HA, actually, maybe by RL standards Neo's disease cures are dirt cheap, because you only need one treatment and your pet is cured, there's none of this paying through the nose for meds for the rest of its life... Quote
jaydeed Posted July 24, 2017 Posted July 24, 2017 The cheapest cures (besides the Healing Springs) are Warm Amber Ointment and Cooling Ointment, both around 10k, that cure anything. I'm too soft hearted to keep my pets sick for longer than one try at the HS. Quote
acmerasta Posted July 24, 2017 Posted July 24, 2017 I visit the Money Tree everyday and sometimes max out my 10 items per day. I'm collecting Shiny Obsidian for the trash avatar so I'm happy to find it on the MT. I also pick up FS Map pieces, Coincidence items, items I may have never seen before and I donate NP: currently it's usually whatever the last 2 digits are in my NP on hand plus 100. I increase it when I hit a new account threshold at the Bank. I didn't take part in the Charity Corner so I didn't know how it works but I hoard most of my dailies items so hopefully I'm good if it comes around again this year. I don't mind if people donate junk items such as the rotten shoe etc. because you never know who might be collecting them for the trash avatar; after all, they don't stay around on the MT for long either. I remember when the MT used to be filled with "Piles of Dung". Now it's a wearable and available at the Second Hand Shoppe. I check the SHS though for items for the Coincidence too. I don't feed my pets everyday either... 3 of them are in the Neo Lodge and only my active pet is out and about. I feed her from the General Store mostly and only when she isn't bloated. A couple of the dailies feed her so she's almost always bloated. Which is why I can't understand why I can't get that Kelp Restaurant Avatar yet.... she could be 'Very Bloated' and still scarf down that whole cocktail If she gets sick, I try at the Healing Springs until she's cured. Occasionally I'll buy a cure if I don't have it in my SDB but only if she's not been cured by the HS for about a day or 2 of repeated visits. Another place I check often is the Garage Sale... I found Kadotie food there as well as some stamps, books and cards and the prices are not onerous. I also play Dice-a-Roo daily for the food items mostly; good re-sell value. Winning the Jackpot is always a nice occurrence too charelan 1 Quote
jaydeed Posted July 24, 2017 Posted July 24, 2017 A good place to stock up for a possible BD category in a possible Charity Corner is to buy Icy Snowball for 5 NP at the Healing Springs. Can only do it once every 30 mins but it adds up over the months and if BD isn't a category, you haven't lost much. acmerasta 1 Quote
babayaga67 Posted July 25, 2017 Posted July 25, 2017 @jaydeed You have given away my secret! Now no one will need to buy BD stuff because they will not only already be stocked up on the snowballs, but they will still be able to buy them for a great price during the event at a constant rate! I was planning to use my snowballs to maybe acquire an avatar if it shows up this year. Don't they have a generic category for just random stuff? I know that there is a lot of junk 'donated' to the money tree. On days where it looks like it is not rotating because no one else wants the crud, I will use my ten pulls to make room for the good stuff to show up at the bottom. Quote
jaydeed Posted July 25, 2017 Posted July 25, 2017 I'm sorry! :-) But I've had so much help on Neopets if I have a tip I like to share. And there's an unlimited supply of snowballs at the HS so we can all get them; though it's hard to get more than 10 or so a day because it's so easy to forget to visit. Plus, you know, eating , sleeping, work, lol. Quote
ronaldo9 Posted July 27, 2017 Posted July 27, 2017 I used to like visiting the Money Tree items when I first signed up but since then I have never visited him. I dont think it's worth the time, almost every item there is available at the shop wizard for less than 100np Quote
Nielo Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 On 27-7-2017 at 3:38 PM, ronaldo9 said: I used to like visiting the Money Tree items when I first signed up but since then I have never visited him. I dont think it's worth the time, almost every item there is available at the shop wizard for less than 100np I'd say it's worth the occasional visit; I've gotten some pretty good stuff from it (including NC items). It's mostly down to luck, but it's great when you manage to get a rare/valuable/useful item from it. rayuela and ronaldo9 2 Quote
rayuela Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 I'm stockpiling for the SDB Pack Rat avi, and the Money Tree is the most useful daily to rack up objects without spending money. I just grab any objects that I don't already have without thinking too much about object type or NP worth. Quote
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