nicolelouise Posted August 5, 2016 Posted August 5, 2016 *sigh* So, I adopted a Quiggle from the pound earlier this year. I didn't do it because I love Quiggles or anything, but because he was a stuck pet that I was rescuing. It's taken me a while to learn to love him. For a time there, he was my lab rat and he became 8-bit, which made him slightly more interesting, but no more loveable. Then he got zapped to Eventide and my interest level rose. He's really quite pretty now and I've felt guilty about my previous disinterest in him. I keep my pets on a pretty strict diet of very, very inexpensive food. If I can get it for free, that's even better. Yes, I have some very frugal (cheapskate!) habits in some areas. But today, the guilt about my Quiggle got to me and I decided to give him a treat. I had a mint ice cream in my inventory and I decided that my Quiggle could have it, just as a little bit of special attention from me. *sigh* I have a Skeith in one of my side accounts and I'm all over the fact that Skeiths are allergic to cheese. I knew it before I even got her. Well, technically, she's not a Skeith anymore, since I turned her into a Starry Grarrl, but in my mind, she'll always be a Skeith. I was always so careful not to give her any cheese because I would never knowingly feed my pets anything that might harm them. I hate when they get sick. *sigh* Who knew Quiggles were allergic to cream? Well, the Diseases and Cures article here on TDN did, that's for sure, but I hadn't thought to check it BEFORE I fed him an ice cream. And the worst of it was that he said to me something about "Why would you feed that to me knowing that cream makes me sick?" That's a paraphrase, but it was along those lines. I read that with dawning horror and couldn't believe I'd been so stupid as to feed my Quiggle the one food item that he can't eat. And I was trying to do something nice! Obviously, he thrives much better on my continuing neglect, so no more treats for him! Just lots of jelly and omelettes and fruit and fish and things that don't involve cream or too many neopoints. I know it's not the end of the world. And I'm pretty sure I've got a Neezles Jab in my SDB. But I still can't get over the fact that I made him sick with kindness! jingfah, marywoah, evascythe and 2 others 5 Quote
AlwaysProcrastinating Posted August 5, 2016 Posted August 5, 2016 Haha! That is truly terrible, and I know exactly how you feel - my entire life involves me making things worse by trying to help :laughingsmiley: I know the feeling of not wanting to spend actual NP on food to feed your pet, but might I suggest the Neolodge? All it costs is 140NP per pet for 28 days, and it keeps your babies fully fed with literally zero effort from you :) at a cost of 5NP per day per pet, and with the added benefit of the lodge never feeding your pet things that make it sick, it's the best way to make you feel like a good owner, while enabling you to actually up your neglect level :D Musical_Shoyru, mcsneezy, rntracy1 and 1 other 4 Quote
life_eclectic Posted August 5, 2016 Posted August 5, 2016 Well, it's okay, you shouldn't worry about it. I didn't even know that some pets are allergic to certain foods. I think it's nice to give pets special treats, but I also think it's perfectly fine to just feed them cheap food because regardless, the pets are going to be happy and full, generally speaking. In this case of course the pet can be cured and none the worse for wear and you just learned something. I also agree about the Neolodge, really helpful to not have to worry about keeping up with feeding the pets, or what you feed them, and you can still play with them. The only thing is if you are trying to get an avatar where you have to feed a pet a certain food, you have to either wait till they are out of the Neolodge and have gotten hungry again, or take them out early and wait for them to get hungry again (in which case you would have wasted some neopoints). Just something to consider if that is a factor, but usually it's really a good idea. As for not being as interested in a pet, I understand, that has been the case for me with some of my pets, but I always end up getting attached to them after I get to know them, so to speak. With Quiggles though, they are one of my favorite species. I have a Quiggle and I was attached to him right away, but of course it all depends on the individual view. It's cool you got to more obviously appreciate your pet Quiggle =) nicolelouise 1 Quote
jellysundae Posted August 5, 2016 Posted August 5, 2016 Wow, I also had NO IDEA that some pets are allergic to some foods, that's a clever thing for TNT to do, and now I have to go check that I won't be poisoning my guys at any point! midnight_spell360, jingfah, mcsneezy and 1 other 4 Quote
nicolelouise Posted August 5, 2016 Author Posted August 5, 2016 Haha! That is truly terrible, and I know exactly how you feel - my entire life involves me making things worse by trying to help :laughingsmiley: I know the feeling of not wanting to spend actual NP on food to feed your pet, but might I suggest the Neolodge? All it costs is 140NP per pet for 28 days, and it keeps your babies fully fed with literally zero effort from you :) at a cost of 5NP per day per pet, and with the added benefit of the lodge never feeding your pet things that make it sick, it's the best way to make you feel like a good owner, while enabling you to actually up your neglect level :D LOL! I have considered the Neolodge, but I've been torn. Way back in the dim, dark past, I used the Neolodge when I was going to be away and couldn't give my pets any attention. Since then, I've always kind of considered it to be a like a cattery, somewhere to have your pets looked after for a fee while you can't do it yourself. But I've heard more and more people talk about doing it, so I had ummed and ahhed a bit, but I guess I felt weird about the idea of having someone else look after my pet when I AM actually around and can do it myself. It did feel, as you said above, like I would turning up the neglect level on the one hand. On the other hand, the pets would actually be getting care and I can definitely see the benefits there. It's just wrapping my head around the idea, I guess. Well, it's okay, you shouldn't worry about it. I didn't even know that some pets are allergic to certain foods. I think it's nice to give pets special treats, but I also think it's perfectly fine to just feed them cheap food because regardless, the pets are going to be happy and full, generally speaking. In this case of course the pet can be cured and none the worse for wear and you just learned something. I also agree about the Neolodge, really helpful to not have to worry about keeping up with feeding the pets, or what you feed them, and you can still play with them. The only thing is if you are trying to get an avatar where you have to feed a pet a certain food, you have to either wait till they are out of the Neolodge and have gotten hungry again, or take them out early and wait for them to get hungry again (in which case you would have wasted some neopoints). Just something to consider if that is a factor, but usually it's really a good idea. As for not being as interested in a pet, I understand, that has been the case for me with some of my pets, but I always end up getting attached to them after I get to know them, so to speak. With Quiggles though, they are one of my favorite species. I have a Quiggle and I was attached to him right away, but of course it all depends on the individual view. It's cool you got to more obviously appreciate your pet Quiggle =) Ha, well, looks like you learned something too! I think, with regards putting pets in the Neolodge, if I did that, I would be more than happy to exercise patience and leave them in the there if I've paid good money to put them there. It's very economical, don't you think? Aw, it's nice to hear that you're so into Quiggles. I'm not sure what the story was with him, because I generally really like most of my pets right away, even if I do get some of them to fulfill avatar crieria. I had a lot of sympathy for him, for his having been a stuck pet, but initially that's where it stopped. Thank goodness for the lab ray. Quote
midnight_spell360 Posted August 5, 2016 Posted August 5, 2016 I had NO idea are pets can be allergic to something. Where do we go to look this info up? Is Cures and Diseases listed at the Hospital or do we check Neopedia under their species? Are Vandagyres' allergies listed being relatively new? Oh, no worries about the Neezles Jab. I got a slew of cures during the half price day- so that was one I picked up for under 50np. :laughingsmiley: As long as your pet is ok, it's all good. Believe me, my Kokariia isn't the happiest camper when she eats chocolate fish or potato ice cream (I even have to switch the language sometimes to get her to eat the gourmet food :shiftyeyes_anim: ) but I try to follow it up with a less disgusting treat so she doesn't have an awful flavor hanging around in her mouth. :sick01: Hey, is this what mom's do to us kids to get us to eat vegetables?! Neopets teaches us how to trick our kids to eat vegetables or how to get our parents to take their medicine??Hmmmm....sneaky. :laughingsmiley: Quote
just4dailies Posted August 5, 2016 Posted August 5, 2016 Wow, I also had NO IDEA that some pets are allergic to some foods, that's a clever thing for TNT to do, and now I have to go check that I won't be poisoning my guys at any point! I didn't know this either! I knew there were some things my pet will just refuse to eat, but I didn't know about allergies. Quote
nicolelouise Posted August 5, 2016 Author Posted August 5, 2016 I had NO idea are pets can be allergic to something. Where do we go to look this info up? Is Cures and Diseases listed at the Hospital or do we check Neopedia under their species? Are Vandagyres' allergies listed being relatively new? Oh, no worries about the Neezles Jab. I got a slew of cures during the half price day- so that was one I picked up for under 50np. :laughingsmiley: As long as your pet is ok, it's all good. Believe me, my Kokariia isn't the happiest camper when she eats chocolate fish or potato ice cream (I even have to switch the language sometimes to get her to eat the gourmet food :shiftyeyes_anim: ) but I try to follow it up with a less disgusting treat so she doesn't have an awful flavor hanging around in her mouth. :sick01: Hey, is this what mom's do to us kids to get us to eat vegetables?! Neopets teaches us how to trick our kids to eat vegetables or how to get our parents to take their medicine??Hmmmm....sneaky. :laughingsmiley: Thanks again for the offer. You're so very sweet. LOL! I don't think that's supposed to be the take home message. But I know I do it with my pets as well. If I feed them something that I would find unpleasant or that they seem to find unpleasant, I do try and give them something that I think would taste better. But that's a tactic that I try not to do with my actual kids. Diseases and Cures is an article here on TDN. It lists all of the diseases your pets could get, the primary cures, and also lists some of the secondary cures that may or may not always work but can be cheaper. Then it has a list of items that can make your pets sick and what they may do to them (did you know Glowing Jelly can possibly give your pet Blurry Vision? It hasn't happened to any of my pets yet...*fingers crossed*). Then right down the bottom it lists the four pet species that have food allergies: Kyriis, Quiggles, Skeiths, and Tonus. They all have different foods they're allergic to but three of them will contract the same condition, Neezles. Thankfully, that is a pretty cheap cure, or there's always the Healing Springs. Quote
rntracy1 Posted August 6, 2016 Posted August 6, 2016 Haha! That is truly terrible, and I know exactly how you feel - my entire life involves me making things worse by trying to help :laughingsmiley: I know the feeling of not wanting to spend actual NP on food to feed your pet, but might I suggest the Neolodge? All it costs is 140NP per pet for 28 days, and it keeps your babies fully fed with literally zero effort from you :) at a cost of 5NP per day per pet, and with the added benefit of the lodge never feeding your pet things that make it sick, it's the best way to make you feel like a good owner, while enabling you to actually up your neglect level :D That made me laugh out loud. "Enabling you to actually up your neglect level" :laughingsmiley:. I always keep my non-primary pets in the lodge, just for the food, AND I don't feel, as some of the comments stated here, like I am 'kenneling' them, because they actually say things like, "whoo hoo, I am going on a vacation!", "I love vacations, you are the best owner ever!", "going on a vacation, see you soon!" So, they LOVE it! That way I only have to focus on feeding my gourmet/battle pet. I have something I focus on with each pet. One is my gourmet/battle pet, one is my intelligence pet who gets read to first, then the others get the extra copies if there are any left, and one pet gets the customizations. So they all get their focus. Wow, I also had NO IDEA that some pets are allergic to some foods, that's a clever thing for TNT to do, and now I have to go check that I won't be poisoning my guys at any point! Very clever, and very real life. I guess neopets tries to emulate real life as much as possible. :woot: AlwaysProcrastinating 1 Quote
jellysundae Posted August 6, 2016 Posted August 6, 2016 Very clever, and very real life. I guess neopets tries to emulate real life as much as possible. :woot: They totally should have pets going into anaphylaxis from eating peanuts, it's educational if nothing else. They should also get massively constipated if all you ever fed them was omelette, I mean, come on! :laughingsmiley: nicolelouise and AlwaysProcrastinating 2 Quote
nicolelouise Posted August 6, 2016 Author Posted August 6, 2016 They totally should have pets going into anaphylaxis from eating peanuts, it's educational if nothing else. They should also get massively constipated if all you ever fed them was omelette, I mean, come on! :laughingsmiley: Omelette's not all I feed them, but there's not a lot of fibre in jelly is there! LOL They do eat more widely than that, although I don't think the fish and baked goods I give them have much fibre either. Fruit, on the other hand, they do get and it has a bit. I probably need to up their vegetable intake and maybe give them some brown rice and some other wholegrains like oats. I'm beginning to feel like a dietician! Quote
rntracy1 Posted August 7, 2016 Posted August 7, 2016 They totally should have pets going into anaphylaxis from eating peanuts, it's educational if nothing else. They should also get massively constipated if all you ever fed them was omelette, I mean, come on! :laughingsmiley: Right, lol. And then they could add Epi pens and Senna to the repertoire of pharmacy medications :sick01: . lol Omelette's not all I feed them, but there's not a lot of fibre in jelly is there! LOL They do eat more widely than that, although I don't think the fish and baked goods I give them have much fibre either. Fruit, on the other hand, they do get and it has a bit. I probably need to up their vegetable intake and maybe give them some brown rice and some other wholegrains like oats. I'm beginning to feel like a dietician! Um, no. Jelly has a ton of sugar, but not much Fiber. Fruits and veggies, yes. Maybe feed them some salad and breadsticks, lol. Fish is good, the problem with the fish is, THEY ARE STILL ALIVE :woot: . LOL!!!!!! The chaos fish look like they are screaming :sad01_anim: . I am just kidding around. I hope this isn't upsetting you. I mean as much as we really do get attached to our pets, it is a game. As long as we keep them fed and happy, we are good. They will let us know if they need something. jellysundae 1 Quote
nicolelouise Posted August 7, 2016 Author Posted August 7, 2016 Right, lol. And then they could add Epi pens and Senna to the repertoire of pharmacy medications :sick01: . lol Um, no. Jelly has a ton of sugar, but not much Fiber. Fruits and veggies, yes. Maybe feed them some salad and breadsticks, lol. Fish is good, the problem with the fish is, THEY ARE STILL ALIVE :woot: . LOL!!!!!! The chaos fish look like they are screaming :sad01_anim: . I am just kidding around. I hope this isn't upsetting you. I mean as much as we really do get attached to our pets, it is a game. As long as we keep them fed and happy, we are good. They will let us know if they need something. It's not upsetting me, no. I'm all good. :oneeyed01: (: :weird: :whaa: Well, for given values of good... :shiftyeyes_anim: :laughingsmiley: I've got some salads and soups and stuff in mind for the future. I'm going to grasp this as an interesting challenge, to try to feed my pets a more balanced diet. This should be fun! rntracy1 1 Quote
jellysundae Posted August 7, 2016 Posted August 7, 2016 I'm going to grasp this as an interesting challenge, to try to feed my pets a more balanced diet. This should be fun! Now I feel like an enabler, LOL! Though it's not a bad thing to implant in someone's head :shiftyeyes_anim: See if you still think it's fun though, if they start behaving like true children and turning their noses up at your healthier options. :laughingsmiley: Before I starting keeping my pets in the Neolodge I'd feed them pretty healthily, being a lazy BDer and mainly fighting the Chia Clown I have a nice supply of things like cheese and apple sandwiches, grilled veggies and watermelon fruit cups etc. (plus fish and chips of course but we'll not talk about that *cough*). The Mysterious Negg Cave's good for healthy food, too. I enjoyed feeding them good foods. I mainly fight the Chia Clown because I like so many of the food prizes you get from the main arena, lol. Quote
nicolelouise Posted August 7, 2016 Author Posted August 7, 2016 Now I feel like an enabler, LOL! Though it's not a bad thing to implant in someone's head :shiftyeyes_anim: See if you still think it's fun though, if they start behaving like true children and turning their noses up at your healthier options. :laughingsmiley: Before I starting keeping my pets in the Neolodge I'd feed them pretty healthily, being a lazy BDer and mainly fighting the Chia Clown I have a nice supply of things like cheese and apple sandwiches, grilled veggies and watermelon fruit cups etc. (plus fish and chips of course but we'll not talk about that *cough*). The Mysterious Negg Cave's good for healthy food, too. I enjoyed feeding them good foods. I mainly fight the Chia Clown because I like so many of the food prizes you get from the main arena, lol. No! Definitely not a bad thing to implant in someone's head. As a matter of fact, it ties in with where I'm currently at in my personal life (being re-educated about healthy eating), so I'm a little bit surprised that I didn't think of it by myself earlier as a good chance to practise. Actually, my kids are pretty good at eating healthy options. Naturally, there are some things that don't appeal, but I don't have half the battles that I hear other people complain about. My daughter loves salad vegetables and will choose a sandwich of lettuce, cucumber, tomato, and avocado over jam or honey or whatever. On the other hand, she loathes broccoli, mushrooms, and brussels sprouts. *shrugs* That's OK. I can get cauliflower, carrot, and beans into her instead. Whenever my pets turn their noses up at something, I have to remember that they're not actually being fussy, it's just the logarithm, and it has something to do with the number of letters in the title of the food or something! So if they don't eat it, one of the others will, generally. That's a really good tip about the Chia Clown. I fight him occasionally, but I think I've more often won punching bags and stuff like that from him, so I don't think I'd noticed the food particularly. I do like the prizes from the Mysterious Negg Cave, though. I got a Fruit and Vegetable Hand Roll from there just two days ago. I have accepted your food gifts (thank you very much!!), but can I assume that the wishlist for jellysundae I found on JellyNeo is yours? Because I'd like to give you a little something back and don't want to give things to the wrong person. jellysundae 1 Quote
jellysundae Posted August 7, 2016 Posted August 7, 2016 Thank you very much! Yes that's my wishlist, you totally don't need to give me anything in return though, as what I gave you were BD prizes or acquired things, but the thought is truly appreciated :D Reading what you said there makes me giggle, maybe if you change the name of broccoli to something longer/shorter your daughter will suddenly magically like it. :laughingsmiley: That fruit and veggie hand roll looks delish, doesn't it? Yeah the food selection from the central arena has a large amount that's very appealing to me! Check them out :D Central Arena Battledome Prizes Quote
nicolelouise Posted August 8, 2016 Author Posted August 8, 2016 Thank you very much! Yes that's my wishlist, you totally don't need to give me anything in return though, as what I gave you were BD prizes or acquired things, but the thought is truly appreciated :D Reading what you said there makes me giggle, maybe if you change the name of broccoli to something longer/shorter your daughter will suddenly magically like it. :laughingsmiley: That fruit and veggie hand roll looks delish, doesn't it? Yeah the food selection from the central arena has a large amount that's very appealing to me! Check them out :D Central Arena Battledome Prizes Yeah, I may not need to but I WANT to. :) Hey, I didn't know about those lists. That's really cool! I need to get my pets battling!! jellysundae 1 Quote
jellysundae Posted August 8, 2016 Posted August 8, 2016 Yeah, I may not need to but I WANT to. :) Hey, I didn't know about those lists. That's really cool! I need to get my pets battling!! Nicole, you're a total sweetie! Haha, enjoy pursuing BD prizes then! There's a lot of cool stuff to win out there. :yes: Quote
nicolelouise Posted August 9, 2016 Author Posted August 9, 2016 Nicole, you're a total sweetie! Haha, enjoy pursuing BD prizes then! There's a lot of cool stuff to win out there. :yes: No, that title belongs to you. :D And I battled yesterday, and won one of the red codestones and put it in my shop and left off a digit when I was pricing it. *face palm* I sold it for a 10th of what it was worth. Ah well. Someone got a good deal. And I'm sure I've benefited from the mistakes of others in the past. Gonna send you those things now. Just wanted to double check the spelling of your name. jellysundae 1 Quote
jellysundae Posted August 9, 2016 Posted August 9, 2016 Aw, thank you :* That 0 is a pesky devil! We've all done it though. No harm done when it was an item you got for free though, just less profit. :D I always get a little thrill any time I win a red codestone, lol. Random bit of info, a red codestone was the first item I got in a random event on this account, a nice start I think you'll agree :) nicolelouise 1 Quote
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