pazerudael Posted October 8, 2015 Posted October 8, 2015 So I got a Water Faerie quest yesterday - she required that I find the book "Learn Social Skills". I do the usual practice of wandering over to the quest boards on Neopets to get some help but when trying to post it: "Do not post profanity!" My message was literally just the item name. Turns out the censored word is "skills". This tiny little thing reminded me of why I stopped playing Neopets before.... How can Neopets censor words in their own item names? What's the worst you've seen? Quote
care Posted October 8, 2015 Posted October 8, 2015 Yup! It's kind of ridiculous. I can't think of the worst I've seen, but you can't say "booby prize" even though the Tiki Tack Tombola does. That's SORT of understandable, but still... You should be able to say skills. -.- Quote
Bodhi Posted October 8, 2015 Posted October 8, 2015 I used to play Horseland, and their censors were crazy, too. You couldn't use the word n00b. Anything with "kill" or "murder" was banned, too. And I think someone once said "coffee" was banned. Haha! As for Neopets, though, I've not had any censor experiences. o_O Quote
pazerudael Posted October 8, 2015 Author Posted October 8, 2015 Yup! It's kind of ridiculous. I can't think of the worst I've seen, but you can't say "booby prize" even though the Tiki Tack Tombola does. That's SORT of understandable, but still... You should be able to say skills. -.- I kind of have issues with how Neopets censors words but still uses them in their content. They should follow their own censors or remove the ones they can't abide by themselves. Booby prize is actually rather funny. XD Quote
Hert123 Posted October 8, 2015 Posted October 8, 2015 The reason 'Skills' is censored is that it contains the word 'kill'. It's ridiculous. I also have a wishlist on my petpage and I cannot say anything that contains the word 'grape' (even though it's even a colour!) because it contains the word 'rape'. Musical_Shoyru 1 Quote
yesadnil Posted October 8, 2015 Posted October 8, 2015 Wow, I had no idea Neopets censored so strictly! I stopped posting on the boards after feeling like some people were largely spammy in nature and generally unpleasant company... Do they just not let you post your message? Does that word get blocked out? What happens? life_eclectic 1 Quote
Kute Posted October 8, 2015 Posted October 8, 2015 well jellyneo has a list of gourmet foods i can upload to my petpage for what I still need to eat. and I actually cant upload it at all because most of the items are censored. I cant exactly have a check off list if half the items arent on it lol.. Jellyneo noted that you should send a ticket so they can get around to resolving that issue... so i sent a ticket. I might as well try.... Quote
pazerudael Posted October 8, 2015 Author Posted October 8, 2015 Wow, I had no idea Neopets censored so strictly! I stopped posting on the boards after feeling like some people were largely spammy in nature and generally unpleasant company... Do they just not let you post your message? Does that word get blocked out? What happens? When I tried to post "Learn Social Skills" it sent me to a page that screamed in red: "Don't post anything that's religious, political, or contains profanity!" Or something to that effect. It doesn't actually tell you what is blocked. I believe the logic behind that (I read it somewhere when this was a topic of discussion) is that by pointing it out it encourages the use of it or something? Or by pointing it out Neopets is then using it? Which makes no sense because they're already using "Grape" and "Skills" on their own. Hnnnghhh.... well jellyneo has a list of gourmet foods i can upload to my petpage for what I still need to eat. and I actually cant upload it at all because most of the items are censored. I cant exactly have a check off list if half the items arent on it lol.. Jellyneo noted that you should send a ticket so they can get around to resolving that issue... so i sent a ticket. I might as well try.... I gave up sending tickets in - I used to send them tickets constantly over grammar and spelling errors, etc. And 10 years later the same errors are still there... This post has been edited by a member of staff (.Brianna.) because of a violation of the forum rules. Please don't double post. If your post is the most recent reply and you would like to add something, use the 'Edit' button. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules. Quote
rntracy1 Posted October 8, 2015 Posted October 8, 2015 Yes, I feel EXACTLY the same way. I was neomailing a friend regarding one of the grape slushies. It kept refusing to send my mail because of profanity. If we can't communicate about the items, they should get rid of the item or rename it, but that is ridiculous. I'm with you on that one. Quote
Hert123 Posted October 8, 2015 Posted October 8, 2015 The same thing is happening with my pet name; I can't say his name on Neopets because his name is peni336_1 and peni is too close to the word meepit so that's a thing. I also host a wishlist on his petpage for his gallery and there are certain items I cannot post because the IMG file name contains a forbinnen word! It's ridiculous. Unfortunately, sending in tickets won't help so I replaced either the letter A or U with the number 4 so I could at least post the names of the items. It's a workaround but indeed, the word filter is very strict :( Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted October 9, 2015 Posted October 9, 2015 It's been a while, but I think, Bag of Peanuts, is also censored. It's really dumb when you need a specific item and the neoboard filters them out, or refuses to let you post, or NM it. Quote
carlyle Posted October 9, 2015 Posted October 9, 2015 Its quite unfortunate to have to spend several minutes trying to find out how to "fix" a Neomail that you send to a friend that for some reason Neopets deemed profane. For that reason, I prefer to interact primarily with real life friends and keep Neopets a personal habit. But, hey, I suppose that the "censorship" isn't ALL that bad. Its part of the reason why Neopians gather here on TDN! Why deal with the Neoboards when you can live in a real forum? :laughingsmiley: life_eclectic and yesadnil 2 Quote
Angeló Posted October 9, 2015 Posted October 9, 2015 i cant edit my side gallery wishlist because of the seaweed items ... and my book reading list as well Quote
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