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Transparent Peophin Receives Redraw

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Oh! Now that is way better! It's great that it's been redone, by someone who can actually draw and knows how to create depth. I certainly didn't expect this to happen, have pets been redrawn before when there's been enough dissatisfaction in their quality? Or has this not been an issue prior to JS?


Apparently JS also corrected the drawings for the Transparent Ixi that they released as well as the Golden Kau (hooves). I hope they fix the Pastel Ruki.


I'm glad they are listening to Neopians and are willing to meet our expectations.


Maybe this means they've employed another artist, do you think? Or are just getting themselves together a bit more in that department. I wonder if those horrific slushies are gonna get a re-do :shiftyeyes_anim: Probably not as it's just an item, not a pet. But fingers crossed for no more like that, at least. :D


I'm glad they're keeing on top of things. I don't think i've seen the old art though. I'll have to take a look at it though I agree with a user above me. I hope they redo the slushies. They sorely need it.


Yes! Finally! The old design was anatomically innacurate, I'm so glad they changed it.

And maybe now people won't hate JumpStart so much, look, things are changing!


Showing willing to remake badly drawn items will net them a wave of gratitude and positive feeling, I'd have thought. It's certainly made me feel a lot more hopeful :D


@ Kinggigabyte - The original's posted here :) http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/45168-happy-peophin-day/?hl=%2Btransparent+%2Bpeophin


Yes that looks much better and correct! They definitely need to re-do the Pastel Ruki and some of the others as well. :3


NICE!! What a great improvement! :D I'm really glad they decided to change it, because this color has disappointed me so much lately, and it's one of my favorites. I hope they keep making good changes :)


This is definitely good news.  I have been questioning the JS graphics since the beginning.  Everything they did seem flat and dull or really cartoony.  I'm glad they seem to be doing research on what makes us all love Neo so much, and listening to feedback.  Not too many companies do that now a days.   I was starting to wonder if Neo days were numbered.  This gives me hope. 


Can we get pictures of the other ones that were redrawn as well, please? :D Otherwise, can someone tell me how to find them? I'd love to see side by side comparisons, after the redrawings.


I also think it's a reeeaaally good sign that JS are listening and fixing their oopsies :rolleyes_anim:


That looks LOADS better!


If I were to be nitpicky, the hooves shouldn't be empty. And the nose bone doesn't look right, still. But the overall look is much better, and it looks like it could be the inside of a real horse. 


Wow! Now it looks awesome to me! And what I like even more is that JS staff is really listening to users and working hard to make us happy.


I just want to say: Thanks for listening and thanks for that good looking Peophin. It's going to be a long way but at least we are walking.


Oh wow that's really awesome! :D


Crossing my fingers that maybe they'll also consider doing some more redraws in the future (maybe some of the more plain faerie pets?).


Can we get pictures of the other ones that were redrawn as well, please? :D Otherwise, can someone tell me how to find them? I'd love to see side by side comparisons, after the redrawings.


I also think it's a reeeaaally good sign that JS are listening and fixing their oopsies :rolleyes_anim:

Just look at the news posts for their special day and view our Customization's color/emotions section to see what the colors look like now. :)


Redraws for the win! So so so happy. Maybe more redraws will happen in the future. Relic and Faerie are two of my top candidates.


Wow, I forgot how terrible that original really was. Seeing it next to the redrawn version makes me think that the original was simply like a "rough in' like an idea of what they wanted to do that wasn't entirely fleshed out. Maybe they released it before it was actually ready :p


omg, it's beautiful! I hope whoever drew this can redraw some other pets too *o* 

Keep up the awesomework! 

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm still so confused about how they approved a drawing where half of the spine was in the right place and the other half was on the wrong side of its body going down the front of the neck.

  • 3 weeks later...

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