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Show Off Your AC Customs!

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It's my favorite time of year again! And by favorite time of year I mean anytime I get to see other people's customizations! So show them off! What are your pets wearing for this year's AC?





EEEEUUUURRRGGGHHH!!!!!! I LOVE the Kacheek! She looks so darn cute.

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Not sure yet what team I'll be supporting, but AccioBroomstick is all about Moltara (since she had a dip in the Magma Pool twenty minutes ago)



My other pets have been AC'd as well, now. Everyone supports their own team.

medium_preview.png medium_preview.png medium_preview.png (for some reason the picture won't show the knitted woolen cap my cybunny has...)

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Ahhh, these are all so cute! I don't buy a lot of swag for the AC, so this was the simple one I did. My Darigan Shoy is pretty Darigan-y all year round anyway. :P



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Some really nicely done pets this year! I was waiting for sign ups to start before I dressed my ladies up. Without further ado here they are! :D



Decreta out having lunch with friends and Eavvy is staying in Faerieland this year.


Nappy is the torchbearer this year for Faerieland while Stripes is a team player. <3

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All your lets look great! I finally got my pets in order for AC. Only my Kougra is suporting Shenkuu with me this year. :)




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  • 3 weeks later...

Karinth is dressed and ready to play!



Mina's just here to have a good time:



Aspi is the ultimate superfan in her AC gear:


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