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After my search for the perfect N64 my mom found one. Its in mint condition! I don't have games for it yet, but we're possibly going to a flea market and I would think that they would have video games.


I'm so happy! Its in my favorite color too.


yay congrats. I actually have 3. and I don't know how that came to be haha. One of my favorite all time games for n64 is banjo kazooie.Hopefully you'll be able to find that one. Good luck on the search!


Congratulations on finding a Nintendo 64! I have played on one, and I keep good memories of that time. ;)


I still have my Hey You, Pikachu! N64 + game & mic and controller, Ocarina of Time, and a bunch of other games. They're all wrapped up in a box that's double taped and mislabed so no one messes with it :shiftyeyes_anim:


Congrats, that's super exciting!! I've had my Nintendo 64 since I was in 10 or so (almost 20 years!). I got it for cheap from one of my dad's work colleagues (it was between a PlayStation & N64, and chose Nintendo). I'm addicted to it, I love, still on the hunt for old games. :)


Congratulations on the get! n64 was one of the best gaming systems imho. Though some of the games.... Turok and Superman, I'm looking at you guys! BLEH! LOL Most of the games were pretty cool though, those two are exceptions to that coolness, imho though. ;)


Awesome, I lived on the Wizardry series, actually to the point of dreaming about being in the tunnels and fighting..It was my sons so I have no idea where it is now but when I think of Wizardry, I miss it immenselly.


Oh man, the hours of my life spent playing Dr. Mario and Pokemon Snap are probably a criminal amount... When I was young my oldest sister had a N64 and a Sega Dreamcast... I sure do miss those old games sometimes.


Oh man, the hours of my life spent playing Dr. Mario and Pokemon Snap are probably a criminal amount... When I was young my oldest sister had a N64 and a Sega Dreamcast... I sure do miss those old games sometimes.


The Dreamcast was FAR ahead of its time. I LOVED Sonic Adventure, with the VMU Chaos, I practically lived at my best friend at the times house playing that and Phantasy Star Online. I only didn't like my character getting NOL'd after hitting a certain level almost every time... Silly hackers...

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