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What Advent Calendar items do people hope to see?


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I collect all advent calendar items regardless of level of usefulness. Breakfast items fit in to my gallery and I do look for things for one of my side galleries as well. But then I also have things hoarded for galleries I haven't yet begun on my other side accounts. Basically, I just enjoy the event and save everything XD

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Lots of beach-themed items for my gallery. And I always enjoy winter wearables (though I wish TNT would see what they've already given out and mix up the types of items a bit, and also try to match the shades of color a bit better from year to year -- some reds and greens clash with each other). I like the funny objects, too -- the ones that remind me what happened in the past year in Neopia. But really, I'm happy with whatever I get, usually (though some of the barf/snot-themed ones are kind of gross).

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I want some lupe stuff, as well as even more wearables.


Heck, maybe some freebie Neocash?


Annnd, randomized googie bag type things (stockings and holiday crackers most likely)? It seems they've been more intent on making sure people get the same thing in the goodie bags than anything else.

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I second the cute wearables! I've been trying to dress my neopets up for the winter season, but kind of gave up halfway trying to search for them all :(

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I want some useful items that I can stockpile in the SDB to sell for more later ;) I really don't want anymore wearables, though. I'm a heavy NC spender and my poor Aisha is already drowning in the stuff from last year's Stocking Spectacular. Hopefully a paintbrush for everyone who's been diligently attending the event?

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Lots of beach-themed items for my gallery.

I saw today's animation and was so hopeful. That stowaway tree would have been a nice wearable (or Neohome item). Or maybe a "star of wonder" upper foreground item...


But instead we got a generic nova tree topper and a book on candy canes (which relates to the animation not at all...). Hopefully they'll have other beach/sea-themed animations later in the month (with a few seaside holiday prizes).

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An extra prize at the end for people who visit the advent calendar every day would be cool.

I definitely want this! Maybe an avvie or trophy would be totally amazing. But even some extra NP or special item would be great!

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I believe there's an avatar that used to be awarded if you visited every day. But it was changed? I think? I don't know I've been on Neopets since its inception I'm bound to forget things. But it'd be nice to get a new avatar/award/reward. Tho I fear that the year they do is when I'll forget to visit again.

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Faerie items, for my Faerie gallery :)

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Books, PB...a cool avatar would be excellent as well! I like everything I've got so far :)

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I always hope for wearables, especially backgrounds, free NC or a free 1-pack of one of the NC games. I pretty much hoard everything else, including food and books which are always useful. The items are just so pretty and I often don't wish to give them up, but I can always buy a spare copy to give to my Aisha to read.


I'd also love a useful Battledome item that does some damage, too.

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It would be nice to get something related to habitarium. It would be a nice little goodbye.

I was actually just coming to post this! And also a tribute to Petpet Park.


And considering the transition was a major event this year (as much as I'm sure TNT would like to forget), a funny animation about it would be appreciated.

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