Breaziecat Posted September 25, 2014 Posted September 25, 2014 I just won Fyoras Castle Stamp! I actually didn't know it was worth anything at first; so I didn't even take a screenshot. I just kind of blew it off. Then I thought I'd check, you know, for the heck of it. Come to find out it was worth 10m!!! :woot: Not only that, I think it's perfect for my gallery! This is now (by far) the most valuable thing I have ever owned. Everrrrr. :D You know, not that I'm here to brag or anything 0:) . What's the best thing you guys have ever won? vyvren, muertadivina, Duskitty and 3 others 6 Quote
rntracy1 Posted September 25, 2014 Posted September 25, 2014 SWEET!! I would brag if I were you. LOL. Totally jealous. I have never won anything worth millions. Maybe my baby koi morphing potion is the best thing I have ever won, but I would have to say that I had NEVER even heard of a Fountain faerie quest until I came to this site in April. I have been on Neopets for over 6 yrs and never heard of it and never got one. In the 5 months I have been on TDN I have gotten 3 FFQs!!!! So that is probably worth the most seeing I can paint 3 pets pretty much ANYTHING I want. I did a Plushie Poogle and a Desert Island Acara. Anyway, Congrats to you. That is so Awesome. :santa: Sara_1 1 Quote
yesadnil Posted September 25, 2014 Posted September 25, 2014 What! I've been on Neopets for 11.5 years and have never ever received a FFQ! So so jealous! >_< rowtiderow 1 Quote
lakecat Posted September 25, 2014 Posted September 25, 2014 Congrats Breaziecat! :thumbsup: The most valuable item I can remember winning was a Lost Desert Paint Brush (= about 3M) at the Fruit Machine daily as a newbie (I recently gave it to a friend). I also have a FFQ which I haven't even used yet. I'm still trying to decide what pet I want. :icecream: :wub_anim: Quote
teeniem55 Posted September 25, 2014 Posted September 25, 2014 I've been on 13.5 years and I can't ever remember winning anything worth anything really. What were you playing? I've gotten a few quests over the years, but never a FFQ. I got a Light Faerie Quest yesterday, but wanted to kick the site since I wasn't able to buy anything with the shops not working. Quote
nousha Posted September 25, 2014 Posted September 25, 2014 I won a Magic Onion Pea Chea Pop (or whatever its name is :) from a RE and it was worth 2,5 mil at the time but obviously many people got the same RE so the price dropped considerably and I'm still unable to sell it at a decent price. And I've never got a FFQ even when I used 3 FQ cookies:( Quote
rntracy1 Posted September 25, 2014 Posted September 25, 2014 Congrats Breaziecat! :thumbsup: The most valuable item I can remember winning was a Lost Desert Paint Brush (= about 3M) at the Fruit Machine daily as a newbie (I recently gave it to a friend). I also have a FFQ which I haven't even used yet. I'm still trying to decide what pet I want. :icecream: :wub_anim: That was the same with me. I was saving mine but each time I got a new FFQ I HAD to paint a pet or I lose my previous one. (I know, such a hardship-lol). The first time I painted my poogle Plushie, then gave the faerie her item so I would have my second "reward" waiting for me. Then, lo-and-behold, a 3rd FFQ. So while I was trying to decide what to paint my second pet, the site went down, before I could give her the item :sad01_anim: . I was hoping the quest wouldn't disappear. I was elated when the site came back up and she was still waiting for me. :rock: lakecat 1 Quote
missuninvited Posted September 25, 2014 Posted September 25, 2014 I'm just here to celebrate with you - THIS JUST HAPPENED!! Ahhh!!! It's a lucky day, indeed!!! Duskitty, Sara_1 and Clumsy rockyroad1 3 Quote
Shelley Posted September 25, 2014 Posted September 25, 2014 Where did you win the stamp from?? Congratulations!! oh my gosh, that's sooo awesome!!! :D The luckiest thing that's ever happened to me was a FFQ. I once won a red paint brush from the fruit machine and I think that's the most expensive thing I've stumbled across through random event/daily other than my faerie quest lol....I feel like I've been fairly unlucky considering how long I've been playing xD Quote
neopets98 Posted September 25, 2014 Posted September 25, 2014 Wow congratulations Breaziecat & missuninvited!!!!!!!!! :laughingsmiley: ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ That is so amazing!!! I don't remember what the best thing I won was, but I don't think I've ever won something that 1 million neopoints in value :sad01_anim: Quote
Dan!elle Posted September 25, 2014 Posted September 25, 2014 Congrats!! :D The luckiest thing I've ever won/stumbled upon was definitely the Virtupets Space Station Stamp that I got via RE. It was worth 4 mil, but a collector wanted it and I got it completely for free, so I sold it to him for 3.3 mil. I would really like a FFQ at some point though, I mean it's bound to happen, right?! Quote
Ranaki Posted September 25, 2014 Posted September 25, 2014 Wow, grats to guys that have gotten something very nice ^__^ With my 13th Neopian birthday in November, I've won many things from RE's, dailies and quests. Never a FFQ, and never something worth THAT much. Quote
Avia loves Chias Posted September 25, 2014 Posted September 25, 2014 grats on the stamp! i've never gotten anything worth millions. i feel lucky if a prize breaks a few thousand. lol. :( Quote
Duskitty Posted September 25, 2014 Posted September 25, 2014 I don't know if getting a Pirate Draik Egg from the shore counts as "winning" something, so I think the most valuable item I've won would be an Electric Paint Brush from the Fruit Machine. Or maybe the Birthday petpets I've gotten from goodie bags. Quote
caspase91 Posted September 25, 2014 Posted September 25, 2014 I think the best thing I ever got was a Red Poogle Morphing Potion!But I restarted playing just a few months ago. Congratulations :D Quote
Sara_1 Posted September 26, 2014 Posted September 26, 2014 The Woodland PB that I got from the Fruit Machine (which I used on my Uni) & a Poogle Transmorfication Potion I got from the NeoCola machine and sold for like 2-3 mil. I just used 32 neocola tokens in an attempt to replicate such luck and let's just say I would have made more money selling the tokens than using them. :( But that's some really good luck you've got. Definitely jealous. I'm more jealous of the FFQ people who say they don't know what pets to make. Who doesn't have a dream pet or like 20? I'm hoping for a few so I can make my Jelly/Transparent/Plushie poogles a reality. I've only used 2 FQ cookies previously and I did not get one. I've got 4 waiting patiently for the NC mall to go back up and $30 in neocash cards burning a hole in my pocket to purchase more. All in a desparate attempt to get those FFQs! After the poogles I've got a Halloween Uni I've been lusting after. I actually tried to straight trade the Woodland PB for a Halloween PB but no one would do it and after a month I was like "dude, let's just use it on Sakeh, she's green and OOHHH CUSTOMIZE HER!" And no joke, that's what did it. haha. I know there's a few more dream pets but I can't think right now. I know I liked the stealthy shoyru when I saw it. ;) Quote
yesadnil Posted September 26, 2014 Posted September 26, 2014 The Woodland PB that I got from the Fruit Machine (which I used on my Uni) & a Poogle Transmorfication Potion I got from the NeoCola machine and sold for like 2-3 mil. I just used 32 neocola tokens in an attempt to replicate such luck and let's just say I would have made more money selling the tokens than using them. :( But that's some really good luck you've got. Definitely jealous. I'm more jealous of the FFQ people who say they don't know what pets to make. Who doesn't have a dream pet or like 20? I'm hoping for a few so I can make my Jelly/Transparent/Plushie poogles a reality. I've only used 2 FQ cookies previously and I did not get one. I've got 4 waiting patiently for the NC mall to go back up and $30 in neocash cards burning a hole in my pocket to purchase more. All in a desparate attempt to get those FFQs! After the poogles I've got a Halloween Uni I've been lusting after. I actually tried to straight trade the Woodland PB for a Halloween PB but no one would do it and after a month I was like "dude, let's just use it on Sakeh, she's green and OOHHH CUSTOMIZE HER!" And no joke, that's what did it. haha. I know there's a few more dream pets but I can't think right now. I know I liked the stealthy shoyru when I saw it. ;) Us avatar go-getters are seriously masochistic..... >__>;;; Sara_1 1 Quote
Bookpony Posted September 26, 2014 Posted September 26, 2014 I once got a yellow Lutari Talisman bead off the Money Tree. I clicked so hard I sprained my finger, lol. Then no one would buy it and I already had it, so I gave it to my daughter on her (real) birthday since she's on Neopets too. Quote
lianakos Posted September 26, 2014 Posted September 26, 2014 Congratulation! You are very lucky! Spread the luck around! Quote
Azurablue Posted September 26, 2014 Posted September 26, 2014 Big congratulations on such an amazing score! I'm not sure what qualifies for "best thing ever won". I managed to get a Pirate Draik Egg from the Forgotten Shore once, but I think the luckiest thing I ever won has to be the avatar for the Wheel of Extravagance. I've only spun it once as a gift to myself for having sold the aforementioned Egg for 1.5 million NP. I got the avatar in one. So... the Egg was certainly the most expensive thing I've ever gotten, but the avatar is very hard to get and I never would have gotten it if not for the Egg. :) Quote
Mumtup Posted September 27, 2014 Posted September 27, 2014 The best thing I've ever won was an Eventide Paint Brush from the Fruit Machine. le_neo_docteur 1 Quote
le_neo_docteur Posted September 27, 2014 Posted September 27, 2014 I am so jealous that you won a stamp worth 10m!! That is something i can only dream of! One day, maybe... Quote
lovedwallflower Posted September 27, 2014 Posted September 27, 2014 Wowzers - congratulations!! You can now officially go into neo-retirement :P :P Quote
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