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No pressure...What is your ultimate goal on neopets? You can only list one! Is it a stamp collection? avatars? owning a specific pet?


Are you close to obtaining your goal?


After much deliberation, I would have to say that my ultimate goal is to collect as many avatars as I can. My short-term goal being to break 300 (18 to go!) and then see how high I can get from there.


Just curious to see what you guys are most interested achieving on the site!


I honestly haven't really thought about it. My "short-term" goal was always to collect all the available paintbrushes, but even now that seems kind of pointless. If there's something I really wanted I guess it would be to have the funds to waste on gambling and endlessly training my pets stats in case they ever update the battledome.


Good luck with your avatar goal, the game ones seem the hardest to me since I'm absolutely terrible at them lol


hmm would a billion neopoints count?? haha yeah more realistically it would also be more avatars. I'd really like to get better at flash games...I guess that's a long term goal that would also lead to avatars and trophies! :)


congrats on almost reaching your avatar goal!! that's awesome! takes a lot of dedication to earn that many :)


My ultimate goal is to be able to draw my pet and create the petpage I've always wished to have. Sounds like a piece of cake but without tons of spare time I have to consider it a long term and thus ultimate goal :)


Cross paint all of my pets multiple times!!! Crazy, I know, but you asked what our ultimate goal is and that's mine. I still have a completed FFQ to use, but have yet to decide on which pet to use it on. lol x''D I'm still very far from reaching my goal; I have only painted all of my main account's pets Magma, but since I want all the wearables that comes with some paint brushes I'll have to repaint them all eventually. ...I do wonder if I ever will achieve my goal? /haha


I don't have an ultimate goal, other than to keep working on my account, doing and earning more!

My current goals, though, are to break 300 avatars (5 away!) and to double the amount of NP I have in the bank (currently have 10.2 mil). :)


My ultimate goal is actually having an awesome battle pet + NT Avatar. But ever since my MS Word was deleted and a SuAP costs a billion neopoints (plus training), that would be a goal far, far away in the future.


I can't pick a specific ultimate goal. I do want Sandrea to get high on the awards iist, and I would also appreciate getting better at flash games, but I think personally, it would have to probably be for me to be inspired enough to really write again. Maybe get published in the NT a few times or storytelling or poetry or something like that. Neo has really helped my mojo over the years. I do write after having the artist's block cave in on me for what seems like forever. If I can just write something and submit it before I get the chance to critique it to death...


I wouldn't mind more avatars either. I'm nowhere near 300, but it would be nice to get to 250 at least.


Oh, so many goals... Avatars, Neopoints... But if I had to pick one, I'll go with getting pet-specific awards. I want to make petpages for my permie pets and enter them in the site spotlight. I'm so happy it's back after that time it had fallen off the radar. :)


My ULTIMATE goal would be to get 4 VWN Krawks(With customization and storylines that all intertwine) that are each painted respectively Desert,Magma,Stealthy and Pirate.I already have the Pirate and Magma and I am currently saving up for a Lost Desert krawk MP.Avatars and the BD don't really poke my interest(although I have decided to start training one of my pets).A side goal is to get all my pets(On the sides and everything painted with their own customization and storyline).


I want the Avatar Collector Avatar. I know the odds of ever getting it are so, so slim because the table never resets but... but I want it more than anything. I'm gaining new avatars almost daily, but I doubt I'll ever have certain ones, like the Stamp avatars. But that's my ultimate goal. To somehow get that avatar...


ONE stamp avatar. I just want to complete ONE freakin' album for an avatar. After that I can quietly unclench my fists :P


Haha! I'm sure you're closer than I am, but I hear you! Maybe one day...


100 Million neopoints is my goal. I doubt I'll ever reach it but, I'm still going to work on it.


Short-term goals:

  • 10,000,000 neopoints
  • 275 avatars
  • 10 gold trophies
  • 200 stamps
  • 50 Kads fed

Long-term goals:

  • 100,000,000 neopoints
  • 350 avatars
  • 50 gold trophies
  • Complete some stamp albums
  • Start and complete a gallery

The avatars are my ultimate goal though. It's been a long, slow process but they're gradually accumulating. Someday I will shoot the 350 goal post. No day in the near or distant future, but someday.


I'm have plenty of goals, but the main one that I would love to see blossom is completing my gallery.


I don't take huge priority towards it since I'm still figuring things out, but I would love to see it be complete with the items I do want.


My love for my island is very strong. I want to show all of Neopia all the wonderful things from there ^^


Let's see, so many goals here. The original question was, your ULTIMATE goal, and you can only pick one. But as the answers progressed, people started putting in more and more and it ended up with 'short term goals' and 'long term goals'. Kind of like the game telephone, where it gets more distorted as it goes down the line. lol. It was just funny to me, not saying it is a bad thing, just a funny thing.


I guess for me, my ultimate goal right now is to decide how to use my FFQ. lol.


Short term goals : To reach 10mil nps, I am about 25k away. To get my battle pet up to 100HP, 5hp to go. Finish my game of Neoquest 2 insane mode, my characters are at skill level 45, and at the 4th land (haunted woods). Keep working on my gallery.


Long term goals: Avatars, trophies, battledome weapons.

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