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Mysterious Negg Solver Testing


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Hello TDN! I'm Gary and it's great to meet all of you.


EDIT: The tool is now hosted on TDN here. Thanks again for all of your help!


I'm (mostly done) developing a tool to automatically solve the daily Mysterious Negg puzzles. The tool is currently hosted here. I just finished up writing it this morning. Now I need some testers.


Using the solver is really easy to use. Simply copy the page source from the puzzle page into the box and click Solve!. Your page source should look something like:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
 host - neopets-web-24.811.mtvi.com
<div style="display: none" id="logout_parature"></div>


If you could take a moment to test the tool and tell me how it goes, I would greatly appreciate your help!
If it works, simply leave a post below saying so. If it does not work, please also provide the following information in your post:
  • What browser you are using (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox) along with the version.
  • A description of what isn't going right (nothing happens, the wrong solution appears, your computer exploded)
  • The page source. Please post it in a code box in spoiler tags per the example below to avoid flooding the topic.

Of course, if you've any questions, comments, concerns, or threats, please also post that.



       <div id="mnc_parch_clues">     <table class="mnc_clue_table"><tr><td class="empty"></td><td class="empty"></td><td><div class="mnc_negg_clue_cell mnc_negg_clue_s1c2"></div></td></tr><tr><td class="empty"></td><td class="empty"></td><td><div class="mnc_negg_clue_cell mnc_negg_clue_s0c0"></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class="mnc_negg_clue_cell mnc_negg_clue_s1c0"></div></td><td><div class="mnc_negg_clue_cell mnc_negg_clue_s0c2"></div></td><td><div class="mnc_negg_clue_cell mnc_negg_clue_s2c1"></div></td></tr></table><table class="mnc_clue_table"><tr><td class="empty"></td><td><div class="mnc_negg_clue_cell mnc_negg_clue_s2c2"></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class="mnc_negg_clue_cell mnc_negg_clue_s2c0"></div></td><td><div class="mnc_negg_clue_cell mnc_negg_clue_s0c1"></div></td></tr></table>        </div>




I just noticed that the source is bigger that the maximum post amount. In this case, please post the excerpt beginning with <div id="mnc_parch_clues"> and ending with </table></div> .


Thanks a lot for you help!


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Is this considered cheating? I think the idea is absolutely marvelous but would that be considered a computer doing it instead of you?

This is my concern as well. TNT has said many times that having a program or another person do anything on the site for you, instead of doing it yourself, is considered cheating. I'd hate to see any of you guys get frozen. :/

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It doesn't do it /for/ you. It just shows the most likely solution and you still have to input it yourself. I don't really see how this could lead to any accounts getting frozen, honestly.

Ah, okay. I just assumed that it automatically submitted the solution. That makes way more sense. xP Carry on, good people.

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Works perfectly! Thanks!


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Hey guys. Thanks for all your help in testing!



Is it something you would be interested to publish on TDN (with full credits to your name) ?

I'm not sure what "publishing on TDN" entails, though it sounds fun. Could you give me some details? Would the script be hosted here or would you simply reference wherever I choose to put it?


Regarding concerns of this being considered cheating: I don't think there is any worry. The strongest argument that no one will get frozen is that it's impossible to tell if you solved a puzzle manually or with the help of the tool. The worse thing that could happen is that TNT gives me a strongly worded message to take it down, in which case I will. If this were a game that had some sort of high score board, I would be strongly opposed to publishing a solver.


The choice is yours if you want to have some fun doing a quick puzzle everyday or if you just want your free prize of the day. The latter case, it'll save you a few minutes of time :) .


Please do continue to inform me if you notice any issues.




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It worked on google chrome for me!! Thanks for creating this.... If you don't mind me asking, and you do not have to answer this, how are you doing this? Is this done by comparing source code to existing source code you have stored in an array (or something like it) or does it actually solve the puzzle?

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