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can I just get it clear what is known so far please ?


I have been to the water tower and changed the lights to green yesterday and so far that is all I have been able to do,( I did this once) is that the same as everyone else?

Yep you're all caught up! It started at midnight NST and there "should" be a new puzzle every day until March 24th. :)


How to solve today's puzzle (click the numbered buttons):


By the way, it's fine by me if the TDN news team uses this method for the guide!



It looks like this event is at least partially being used to introduce Jump Start; look at the description for today's panel prize:

toy_reu2014_flashlightdevtoy.gifItem : Flashy Lights Device

Young Neopets will use their imagination and broaden their experience with this educational toy!

Actually, I think that the four buttons can be pushed in any order, I tried a different order with the same buttons and it still works.


Hey guys, so to continue with the idea that this might be a way to introduce jumpstart to neopets, and that this plot or event could refer to the game Jumpstart 3rd grade, here's an image of one of the main characters in that game who is a robot.


I think that his features looks similar to the petpet robot that we find in the water tower: he has segmented arms and his coloring is grey and purple just like the petpet in the water tower. So, that's my theory.



Wow, I hadn't even noticed that thing was a petpet! Hahaha wow...

I hope that's not some plevent just to introduce us to JumpStart. I still have my fingers crossed for a new land... :D




The control panel makes encouraging noises. Looks like you've figured out a correct sequence. The Petpet zooms over to a pile of gears and other treasures and extracts this for you:

Flashy Lights Device

I have a feeling its just like that flower sound one now......haha, but with buttons :k



Oops, I've just read the description of today's prize, and I got a little worried:


"Young Neopets will use their imagination and broaden their experience with this educational toy!"


That does sound like something JumpStart-related. *gulps*




The control panel makes encouraging noises. Looks like you've figured out a correct sequence. The Petpet zooms over to a pile of gears and other treasures and extracts this for you:

Caramel Oil Latte

same as yesterday...solved it by myself in about 5 seconds xD ...boring :k haha



Thanks so much for that guide! I never would have figured that out on me tod O.O


Thanks so much for that guide! I never would have figured that out on me tod O.O

Right! very thankful^^ saves me a LOT of time xD and I dont have much with an 11 month old xD she wants ALL the attention xD





The control panel makes encouraging noises. Looks like you've figured out a correct sequence. The Petpet zooms over to a pile of gears and other treasures and extracts this for you:

Laser Pointer

Is there anyway to reset it back to all red? Because I tried it on my own and couldn't figure it out so when I
try the solution, it doesn't work either.. but I can't get it to go all red either. any ideas?


Is there anyway to reset it back to all red? Because I tried it on my own and couldn't figure it out so when I

try the solution, it doesn't work either.. but I can't get it to go all red either. any ideas?

There is a refresh button on the left side of the puzzle. It's yellow with two arrows going in a circle.

Thank you! That saved me! I was forever stuck trying to turn the lights back red. lol


I don't know if it is the simplist solution, but I've come up with one for tomorrow if it is a 6x6 puzzle









the x's represent the dots that you click on.




Edit: I've just looked at that page posted about how to solve these puzzles and realized that my solution was the same as the one there. ^_^


Another day, another puzzle: 5x5

My prize:

Abandoned Water Tower Stamp


End Message (highlight for spoiler-k not really spoiler):

Keep Moving Forward!

You've activated every sequence on the control panel. The Petpet beeps and states, "Initiating activation sequence." Then it goes dormant. Might as well wander off for a bit. This looks like it will take a while.


More plotty-ness tomorrow.


Solution in case people forgot (hit the ones with the stars):

        +---+---+---+---+---+        |   |   |   | * | * |        +---+---+---+---+---+        | * | * |   | * | * |        +---+---+---+---+---+        | * | * | * |   |   |        +---+---+---+---+---+        |   | * | * | * |   |        +---+---+---+---+---+        | * |   | * | * |   | 

That's going straight in the album! ^^


*crosses fingers for an avatar at the end*


Thanks for the guide! I usually love puzzles, but this is a bit beyond me!

Now I'm debating if I should keep or sell the stamp...

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