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Advent Calendar Begins!


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FINALLY A WEARABLE!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!! I'm not the biggest fan of mere display items, but we do need a little something sitting beside or behind our pets every once in a while. :)

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Free books and neopoints!! What's to be disappointed about?! Not too mention the free stuff from the Novas too. :D

I would appreciate some holiday themed wearables, but will be happy with whatever I get. A lot of work goes into this every year and honestly they can't please everyone. :D

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I love today's Plushie!!


I'm definitely happy with all the items from Advent. The wearables just make me the most happy. Even for our real holidays and birthdays, I would think most of us usually have something that we really wish for. I know I do. If I don't get it, it's not a big deal, but it's always nice to find something you really wished for under the wrapping paper. I'm hoping for wearables, but if TNT goes another direction this year, that's fine too.

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This is now officially my favourite animation this year...or maybe even of all time! I knew there'd be at least one animation involving the Factions and the Obelisk (and the Oracle), and also, finally an animation without that same dumb music over and over that the other animations have! And the twins with cake...classic. ;D I bet it's brain-flavoured.

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Todays gifts are great! I just wish the wig would show up in my closet so one of my pets can wear it.


Edit: Whoops! Never mind. None of my pets can use these items. I'm psyched for everyone who has mutant or baby pets though, I know how hard they can be to customize. Congrats guys!

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Too bad I don't have any baby or mutant pets (well, I MAY turn one of my Korbats Mutant in the future...maybe.). Glad you're doing this, TNT! Hey, maybe a Maraquan wearable soon, too? AWESOME! Loved today's animation, it was very sweet. (If you look at the picture in the background, you can see the Eyrie with the Meerca....I think the Meerca is his father. <3 )

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Too bad I don't have any baby or mutant pets (well, I MAY turn one of my Korbats Mutant in the future...maybe.). Glad you're doing this, TNT! Hey, maybe a Maraquan wearable soon, too? AWESOME! Loved today's animation, it was very sweet. (If you look at the picture in the background, you can see the Eyrie with the Meerca....I think the Meerca is his father. <3 )


Yeah, it was too cute! <3 And also very nice of TNT to present Mutant and Baby owners with wearables, it must suck to customize those colours. And luckily I have a baby on one of my sides!

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Shenanigifts! Oh boy do I love free NC items!! I went straight for the Costume Party and got an awesome witch dress ^^ Yay! Always remember to activate your free holiday 1-pack before the game retires! (never did that with Secret Meepit Stache....)

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Great items today! I used the invitation and ended up with something I don't want. All well. It was super fun anyway! Hope others have better luck than me!

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How do the Shenanigift tickets work? Do you have to use it on a limited-time holiday "party"? Or can you use it on any party? How long will the game be around for? If it's possible, I'd rather save it for a chance to win a beach- (pirate-/summer-) themed item for my gallery, but I don't want it to go to waste.

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How do the Shenanigift tickets work? Do you have to use it on a limited-time holiday "party"? Or can you use it on any party? How long will the game be around for? If it's possible, I'd rather save it for a chance to win a beach- (pirate-/summer-) themed item for my gallery, but I don't want it to go to waste.

Siniri if you don't like any of the items that are currently available you can save your invitation for a later date. Just keep it in a safe spot like your Safety Deposit Box. You will be able to use it on any party. As this game is still new to the mall I don't foresee it retiring anytime soon. If and when it does retire our Customization department will be sure to post about the games retirement in our news section here on the forums. If you want to save it for later in hopes of a particular theme then go for it! :D


For all of you wondering about Shenanigifts please visit our guide and don't hesitate to ask for help or clarification. :)

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Today's tree cant be added to my neohome storage shed! Is it a glitch?

It probably just hasn't been fully activated yet. Sometimes with stamps that are newly released they can't be put into your album. Neohome items would be the same. Just wait a bit and try again later and it should work for you. :)

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Ah yes, the bag of goodies type of prize. The type of prize I both hate and loathe because I want to keep both the bag and the prize(s) inside.

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Hey guys, joined just to ask this:

Anyone know what neopet the 'horse' was leading the zafara on the sleigh today (Christmas Day 25th December)?

- it's been really bugging me... Merry Christmas Neopians =)

I assumed it was a raindorf (a petpet, not a pet).

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Hey guys, joined just to ask this:

Anyone know what neopet the 'horse' was leading the zafara on the sleigh today (Christmas Day 25th December)?

- it's been really bugging me... Merry Christmas Neopians =)


It's a Bika, have a look:




It's a Wintery Petpet, so that makes sense :)

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What do the Novas actually do? I know they give you lil prizes but do you get an extra prize at the end for clicking them all? I've never done it before :S

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