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Collect Your Festival of Neggs Prizes!


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Looks like there wasn't an avatar released? Well, I can breathe a sigh of relief- I collected one negg a day late. I was so scared I wouldn't get the avatar! :)

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Looks like there wasn't an avatar released? Well, I can breathe a sigh of relief- I collected one negg a day late. I was so scared I wouldn't get the avatar! :)

I totally agree, I had the same fear. Although I'm sad that I missed out on a book and getting the festival of neggs site theme.

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Looks like there wasn't an avatar released? Well, I can breathe a sigh of relief- I collected one negg a day late. I was so scared I wouldn't get the avatar! :)

I'm happy for you, Rebecca. But I had pretty much the exact opposite reaction! For the first time I think, I collected all of the neggs on time, so I was excited at the prospect of an avatar. I didn't get one, though. :(
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Weird, I've participated in the Negg Festival on time the past several years, but I got the message about the site theme. I checked my preferences to see where it was on my list, and it's not there at all. :( Sent a bug report.


Others who got the site theme message should check and see if they actually got it. And if you expect to get it, I recommend holding off on "claiming your prizes" until the bug is fixed.


I overlooked it; it was a few above my current site theme. So you might get the message even if you've earned it previously. Or maybe when I re-clicked the "claim my prizes" button to see if that would fix it, it did, and it appeared on the list based on its release (not sure how the list works). At any rate, I have it.


I can already tell today is going to be a long day.

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Xepha, you posted while I was editing. It's really strange: I triple-checked the whole list before sending in the bug report (it's only 16 names, so it's not like it's a super-long list), but then I returned to the festival of neggs page and clicked "redeem my prizes" again, refreshed, and it was in my list. What makes it even weirder is that I just activated the theme, and I *definitely* had it before; I remember it. So bizarre.

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These Prizes are great! I LOVE the Babaa, its really cute. Although, I was hoping for something wearable as well. Congrats to everyone who got the site theme!

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I didn't have the site theme from previous festivals, so I'm really happy about that :D

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I'm happy for you, Rebecca. But I had pretty much the exact opposite reaction! For the first time I think, I collected all of the neggs on time, so I was excited at the prospect of an avatar. I didn't get one, though. :(

Awww, that sucks. Yeah, I definitely feel for everyone who was looking forward to one- If I hadn't forgotten about that one, I would have been pretty disapointed about the lack of an avatar. :(

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I guess I am one of the few that does not like the site theme. Orange should never ever, never ever, don't even think about it as a lettering. The human eye has a near blind band in orange, as your recepters just are not sensitive to it at all.

You'd have to be crazy to use orange on a computer screen.


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I didn't get the site theme :( guess that's what I get for being lazy. I only got 14/20 neggs on time. The second last negg (third Zigzag negg) of course HAD to be at the Soup Kitchen, the one place I didn't look. <_<


Oh well. There's always next year.

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I'm sad there is no special prize for completing all the hunts on the day of. :( I was hoping for a bonus wearable or something. :P What's all this about a Babaa or a book? I am visiting the page and checking my Inventory and I got nothing. :( Was I supposed to have collected those yesterday? What's going on?


Oh! I TOTALLY missed the "Collect Your Prize" button! It was so well hidden that I didn't see it. :P Got my stuff now.


Oh and come on, we've had avatars for this event for like 2 years in a row...we don't need any more!

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I'm sad there is no special prize for completing all the hunts on the day of. :( I was hoping for a bonus wearable or something. :P

The special prize is the book. I didn't get the book, because I was unable to get one of the eggs day of. :( (Seriously, I had no access to a computer the whole day, and then Neopets broke down in the 30 minutes I could have gotten it in.)

I really want the book, too. Does anyone know the title?

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