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We have exciting news for everyone! Due to the growing popularity of Egg Cave, we are now becoming The Daily Egg Cave, which means we will now be an exclusive Egg Cave fan site.


Please bare with us while we start the process of converting to Egg Cave articles and content as we plan to launch May 1st.


To help get get you familiar with our changes, we have launched a brand new Egg Cave dailies page for you to enjoy!





OMAIGOSH, awesome news, you guys!!1!!1 I mean, I've never played Egg Cave before, but since we have until May 1st I'm definitely going to be switching over to that at some point in the future. Maybe I'll start tomorrow!111 :rock: :woot: :icecream: :yes: :guitar:


Nice one, TDN. My gut tells me this is a BRILLIANT IDEA.


glad you guys like it! what we like in the Customization department is that there are so many choices in what your egg can look like, and when it hatches :D hope to see you all over there :)


I can't believe it took so long for this to happen. FINALLY! Who cares about TDN when there's the daily egg cave! EGGS!! :rock:



Side note

: There seems to be a script running to convert 'n e o p e t s' to 'egg cave', but it seems to be a bit inconsistent & only seems to affect forum posts.


I am so excited to start working for TDEC! This will be so much fun. :D


If this wasn't an A p r i l f o o l s j o k e, it'd be very interesting.


EDIT: Sneaky little filter you've got there, TDNF. :P


The first April Fool's BRILLIANT IDEA today that's actually made me smile/laugh.

I appreciate you people. :D


Edit: Okay, that filter REALLY made me laugh. Thanks. xD

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