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Final Invasion Ready For Take Down!

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Ahh, I thought the leaders would be way more HP on easy, but I'm glad I can fight them! It's a little challenging, but I can do it, yay.


For the achievement, I wonder if it's a specific weapon you have to use during the fight.


After 67 battles with the only opponent I can beat: (Lanie and Lillie):

Win: 24%

Draw: 22%

Lose: 54%


Managed to beat one of them on easy once and have been heavily thrashed ever since...this is not good!


This is definitely going to be a fun wave! I loved the idea of fighting the faction leaders.


While they are rather difficult, I'm glad to see they're easier than I thought they would be. I was pretty sure easy on this wave, would be higher than mighty of the previous wave.


(And I'm totally loving the Princess Bride reference in the second achievement.)






Yes, this wave is looking to be a lot less painful than I was anticipating. But then, after unlazing myself and spending around 90M on equipment upgrades I suppose it's not too huge a shock.


I used Lens Flare to blind the Duchess.

She uses Meh and I can't help but agree.


And apparently that means I don't feel like attacking her since it ignored my weapons...I actually haven't had as many problems as other people...either that or I hadn't noticed, I only remember not being able to use weapons once yesterday even though I had them equipped.


That would be Lens Flare. That and Warlock's Rage are the same-round freezers that they've helpfully included for this newest wave.


And... Kanrik is a rich son, he uses a freakin' Moehog's Skull!



Also: The new wave's character art is spiffy.


...it didn't use my weapons again...and I got a draw. Thanks TNT, thanks for not fixing anything and ruining not only my record but making the most impossible scenario happen where I now need to get draws against EVERYONE ELSE to calm my OCD. Thanks, thanks for that.


Wow... Kanrik just took me out on the third turn with 130 Damage. I also didn't expect them to have Thyora's Tear. I'm still going to keep trying but, I hope I can get to my next stat boosts before this wave ends. I just got my second achievement on the last wave so I was hoping I'd be able to get at least one on this wave. I'm still going to fill the "Doing Your Part" bar for this final wave.


Rasala the Bright: Step aside and watch a sorceress in her element!


Me: On fire? Bwaha!



The mage leader appears to be amusingly fond of fireballs, as the last wave's commentary suggested.


I even used Tempest in that draw too...she had 1 HP. Even though I do between 140-170 damage with Sear or Lens Flare, I did LESS damage with Tempest. Explain that.


I'm irate right now. And I shouldn't be, but I just can't keep letting these things go anymore.


Just got another draw, this time against the Awakened twins, which is funny because I did 152 damage to them, which was more than they had for HP only for them to have 7 health left...only 3 more glitched fights to go I guess.


The fights aren't glitched. Unless you count their ability to use once-per-day or per battle abilities three or four times in a row as a glitch.


I have a feeling that the TNT would look at that as a, uhhhhh, 'feature'. Yeah, that's it.


They're annoying little buggers at points, to be sure, what with regular uses of TT, Moehog skull, jade scorchstone, etc etc etc. But you have to expect that from the faction bosses. Neh?


I'm starting to take screencaps of it now. I deal 3 physical, 2 air, 5 fire, and 3 earth damager per Blaster. Multiplied by 2 since it's 2 blasters. She blocked 5/3/8/4, which means I still hit her with 1/1/2/2 from my stuff. She took 0 damage.


She also used Shhhhh.... but that did nothing.


Another draw, that is now 3 of the 5 to calm my OCD. She used Warlock's Rage 3 times and I was unable to deal any damage 6 times in that fight.


Commander Flint used Throw Pillows twice in a row and then a third time in four moves and I lost. I don't know how much more of this garbage I can take. And this second fight went from easy win to him suddenly dealing THREE HUNDRED DAMAGE in one turn and causing a draw.


The second achievement is not filling your bar or getting (up to 47) wins in a row on mighty. It's also not winning a faction challenge (timed or number). It might be winning a faction challenge against each faction? The Brute Squad still hasn't challenged me, so I can't finish testing it. Based on the name, here are some hypotheses:


1) Damage yourself somehow (but none of them see to have reflectors...).

2) Lose a timed faction challenge.

3) Put on a wearable "weapon," and maybe battle with it. (but for the last round? I can't test unless I manage to catch my Magma time today, because my pet is currently Maraquan)

4) Open the obelisk and unleash the power within, which turns out to be a lost Baaba.


It would be amazing if we went inside the obelisk and found an underground labyrinth and awesome puzzles, but we had to continue battling other factions as we navigated.


I think I just quit Neopets for good.


I spent real money on this site, I've been on this site for 10 years and put up with a lot of problems, but this? No, I can't take it anymore. They ruined the Altador Cup last year, there have been many other problems with other parts like the Lenny Conundrum, and now the new Battledome where I can be Lens Flared up to 4 times in one fight and lose an easily winnable match? No. I quit, I've had it.


Best of luck, I don't need to get this angered anymore over a game.


Yeah it sucks, but surely your pet can handle them on Easy?

Probably, but I've had my fill of Neopets. I'm not in a great mood from other real world problems, and that fact that I've had no issues the whole time, plus if the fights weren't glitching (or if we were told they could use Lens Flare repeatedly) I would be easily beating them on Mighty. But I'm not, and TNT doesn't seem to care enough to inform us if there is a glitch or if it's intentional, and since it's not the first nor do I expect it to be the last time this has happened, I'm just not going to deal with it anymore. I don't even want to try and see if I win on Easy, because as far as I know, I'll lose to another Lens Flare/Throw Pillows spam and break my laptop.


Azeruth, that's part of the challenge. Can you go down to an easier difficulty? I haven't lost yet on mighty, so maybe your pet just isn't strong enough for this wave or you need better weapons. Or maybe focus on the challenger that doesn't have Lens Flare (I forget which one that is). Someone said this is how it worked in the old BD (1p opponents being able to use 1-use abilities more than once), so it's probably not a glitch.


Do you have a freezer? Shhh is very useful against these guys. I use my KBT + RFFR + Shhh, and half the time they're incapacitated the next round with most of their HP gone (unless they used a TT). Then I keep trying to attack, and eventually they won't use lens flare. This way I've got a guaranteed attack round 1, and a 50% (would be 100% if I had a better freezer) chance of not taking any damage round 2, even if they do block my attack. Using my KBT + YB + Shhh also works on round 1, but I can usually finish them off in two rounds even with the RFFR in 1, and the RFFR stops the use of a TT or JS in round 2.


You have been told about the Lens Flare thing. I want to say it was in the FAQ, but somewhere they said it was normal and intended for 1-Player opponents to be able to use once-per-battle or even once-per-day items and abilities multiple times.

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