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Thank you Sofa. xD

Homework completed, FINALLY.

Ever tried having 2 conversations at once on different sites while doing homework? Not fun.


Thank you Sofa. xD

Homework completed, FINALLY.

Ever tried having 2 conversations at once on different sites while doing homework? Not fun.

Ahh, wrong words there friend. It's very fun, it's just not very productive :whistle:

Side note: I would fail at that, I'm not very good at multi tasking.


My homework consists of inverse trig functions. Fun x_x


I usually can't multi-task, unless it's like listening to music while doing homework. Usually when I try it's really just procrastination in disguise :P


I like math, but this year I dont. Geometry proofs, kill me now! x_x They take forever and my hands hurt!


I never really cared about the proofs. I was like, really, I believe you that the equation has a mathematical basis, it's logical, I don't really need to know that starting from a point, we eventually made it to a decagon...


My memory pretty much sucks, so I tend to forget equations in exams and re-derive them myself if they're not on the formula sheet. xD Of course, that doesn't work so well for calculus...


Speaking of challenges that is actually completely unrelated, here's a math riddle for anyone interested:

Using only 8 eights, get 1000.

(−8) + (−8) + (−8) + 8 ⋅ (8 ⋅ 8 + 8 ⋅ 8) = 1000


I can do it with just one 8 too. ;)

810 = 10002


My friend (who is a Jellyneo member) takes calculus courses at her college, and I heard that it can be very confusing.

I was never that much an expert on hard math without studying back at High School. :P


Ryan, I got a headache trying to figure that out. xD In the end I almost resorted to writing a program to brute force all the possible operators (although that wouldn't actually have worked).


And yes, calculus is a major pain. But trying to tackle structural or analogue circuit analysis without knowing calculus like the back of your hand is even worse. :(


Haha nice job Theo :laughingsmiley:


The one I used was 888+88+8+8+8, which gave me less of a headache, but I suppose yours would probably be more legitimate.


Geometry was the worst for me (though my grades were still pretty good). I have to agree with you Divya, I hate proofs.


That's actually really elegant Will. :yes: Not as elegant as a simple base switch would have been if I had found one though. :P


I've always been told (and it's generally proven true) that usually a person generally does better with their algebra, or geometry. My mom and I were algebra people. My sister, dad, and grandma were geometry.


Yep. They're very different kinds of math. Algebra is very logical (left brain) while Geometry is very spacial (right brain.) People are rarely equally balanced between their right and left brain, so they tend to be more inclined towards one or the other. Me, I preferred Algebra because of the logic and simplicity, but I was pretty good at Geometry because I also routinely exercise my right brain. It's simply that logic comes easily to me and creativity takes effort.


I really enjoyed algebra. That's why I did algebra 3,4 in HS, which most people skipped it. I thought it was fun. I still use certain formulas even now.


(On a side note, I read it as "Geometry is very special" I was going to have agree. :laughingsmiley: )


Haha, that it is, Spritzie. :laughingsmiley:


We don't even have an Algebra 4. The highest we have available is Algebra 3, and I skipped that to take Pre-Cal and then Calculus AB. I do so enjoy mathematics.


I didn't really have much of a choice. The magnet program I'm in pretty much controls my schedule in regards to maths and sciences.


Algebra 3 and 4, that's intense, we didn't have that either. But I agree with you there Livvy, my high school left me with practically no choices. One free elective a year was practically it.


59671 (2 with this one) is a lot of posts on one board, hooray for general chatting, even if it has been about maths!


Why would 'maths' the the right way to say it? The whole word spelled out is mathematics and words that end in s don't usually save the s as part of the abbreviation.

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