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Oooh, I have 2 purple pens! Do you need those??????? :S hehe. I am really hyperrrr. But I like to tape so I could send them to you in a duct tape box!


I have a purple duct tape wallet. (:


Oh and for those of you who haven't figured it out yet, I'm back from Disney. :P


I had more to say.... but I don't feel like thinking much more right now... so I'll update y'all later.


Disney.....a while from where I am.


I've really started on my new year's resolution.....but I doubt I'll live to it until the last day of the year.

Today I went swimming, started puffing on my second lap. I really need to top up my fitness level.


My New Years Resolution is a bit complicated, so I won't explain it right now. I have more important things to talk about.


But first to clear this up, for anyone who doesn't know already, I am bi and in love with my best friend (great idea <__<)


Anyway, I had this dream last night. The first thing I remember is being in said best friend's room. Let's call her Jessi. Well, Jessi looked at me and said, "I've got something really important to tell you. Please don't be mad at me but.... I'm pregnant. With Dakota" (I made these names up so as to keep identites a secret) Well, I had just been about to tell her I loved her, so to hear that killed me. I just started crying. Somehow she realized what I had been about to say, and said, "Oh you... I'm..." but she couldn't finishe because I had ran out of her room and started running home. I was incredibly mad at her.


Next thing I know, I'm not so mad, and she's called me to ask for my help in telling her mom. But by the time we get her mom and step-dad settled (because we decided he needs to know anyway) the neighbors have come to hear, and won't go away. So we end up just telling everyone there.


It skips forward. Somehow I end up in this swim team (it's so huge they have to have two) but it's not a swim team, because it's more of a fashion show in the water. XD. I dissapoint the judge/teacher ladies with everything I do, but I vow to get better. In our break between the first theme and the second one, both swim teams are exiting. People in our team are asking who won, and I keep hearing, "Laura did! Laura did!" But I knew it wasn't true. So I look around, and see Jessi saying it. Apparently the two teams were walking next to each other. She smiles, and I figure this is the best oppurtunity to ask her a question. So I wait for her at the top of the stairs, but when I look down, she has stayed on the landing. I contemplate going down there, but realize I can't because I have to help clean up some of teh decorations. I run to help, but they're all taken down. So me and a few other team memebers walk through the back room where discarded water displays are kept. It's huge, and they're huge, and all spewing or dripping water, so it's really hard not to get hit. But we manage. When we get to the back of the room, I keep walking straight, not paying any mind to the others, as they turn right. I end up in this park. I keep walking to get to the swings. There a couple of slightly younger children there. My phone rings half-way across the park. I pick it up. it's my mom calling to see how I am. I tell her I really need to get back to... and I stop there because I hear a phone ringing. With the same ringtone as mine. I look around, assuming it is someone else's, since it's so faint. When nobody picks it up I realize....



.... it's mine. I've woken up, and my phone is ringing. XD


So that's my dream. I've been frantic about since I woke up. At first, my intentions of posting it here were to get confirmation that it was all a load of crap and she'd never get pregnant with my friend's boyfriend. (Yes, this Dakota boy, name is still changed :P, is dating my friend)


But then I logged onto deviantART and saw Jessi had made a new journal. But not just any journal, but one that contained the survey/quiz thing I had done yesterday. I had stolen it from someone we are both friends with, so i couldn't be sure who she took it from. I had changed one thing:





[] I've had a crush on someone of the same gender.





[] I had/have a crush on someone of the same gender.



I changed it to better fit me. So I freaked when I saw Jessi had done it because I thought this would be the perfect way to know a)whom she had taken the quiz thing from, and b)what side of the fence she stood on.


I was so convinced I'd see a [] instead of [x] in front.


This is what she put:


[x] I had/have a crush on someone of the same gender.



I nearly squeed with joy.

Now granted, it could be someone else, or she could've meant it in past tense. But I still have a chance, right?



So that was my morning. XD


That's an interesting dream Laura. I had one last night that consisted of sitting in the back of a car with a kung fu cat at that wheel driving at around 80 mph through the hallways of my school. I have no idea what it was about.


My new year's resolution would be to think of something that I'll actually be able to keep. So I've come up with the resolution to procrastinate less. I've decided from now on I'm going to reduce my average procrastinating time per day from 5 hours to 4 hours and 59 minutes. It's a start right? :P


Ah, update time.


Sorry if you guys are sick of my weird problems, but this is the only place I can turn to. :*


So, I went to Borders today with Jessi, and we were sitting there reading. Out of nowhere, she looks at me and asks, "So who do you have a crush on?" Well I think she said do, but she may have said did. Normally when she asks questions like this, I am clueless as to why she asks me that. But this time I instantly knew. This was our conversation there forth:

Me: Ummmm...

Her: You can tell me.

Me: Eh.... Weellll...

Her: Do I know her?

Me: Yeah. Yeah you do know her.

Her: Ah.


Me: Who was it for you?

Her: This girl named Tiffany. I used to like her, but now we're friends.


Needless to say I was a bit upset.

Sorry if you guys are sick of my weird problems, but this is the only place I can turn to. :*

Nah, it's quite alright. A lot of people talk about their problems here *cough* *cough* rosyfinch *cough*

Ahem, what? No, no I wasn't mentioning any names :shiftyeyes_anim:

Haha really we don't mind people talking about their problems, or at least I don't.


So why were you all upset?

Nah, it's quite alright. A lot of people talk about their problems here *cough* *cough* rosyfinch *cough*

Ahem, what? No, no I wasn't mentioning any names :shiftyeyes_anim:

Haha really we don't mind people talking about their problems, or at least I don't.


So why were you all upset?

Hey people. I'm bored. Talk about something; before I start suffering bored-o-phobia! :guiltysmiley:


Another one of my problems- I have several wishes that cause themselves to come present when I am really bored. The wish to fly, the wish to ride Horses, the wish to eat venison, the wish to do exciting stuff- like saving the world- generally a fantasy dreamer me.

Nah, it's quite alright. A lot of people talk about their problems here *cough* *cough* rosyfinch *cough*

Ahem, what? No, no I wasn't mentioning any names :shiftyeyes_anim:

Haha really we don't mind people talking about their problems, or at least I don't.


So why were you all upset?


I was upset because it wasn't me. >.<


And don't bang on Myles (nopervertIswear), he has issues. Like that disease thingy that I can't remember the name of.


Meh, its good to let it all out. Even to virtual strangers XD

Um.....so what's the topic on?


I have a problem with not expressing myself to my family. So everything tends to come out on msn with my friends or something.


I was upset because it wasn't me. >.<


And don't bang on Myles (nopervertIswear), he has issues. Like that disease thingy that I can't remember the name of.

Well that proves that she wasn't always straight right? I'd say that could give you more hope than if she never liked a girl and was 100% straight. Better than nothing right?


And I wasn't slamming on Myles, just making a point about how you wouldn't be the first and how we'll all tolerate you, cause frankly, Myles is one of the coolest people I know (from what I've seen from him).


Another one of my problems- I have several wishes that cause themselves to come present when I am really bored. The wish to fly, the wish to ride Horses, the wish to eat venison, the wish to do exciting stuff- like saving the world- generally a fantasy dreamer me.

Haha venison tastes like beef, only better somehow... But yeah I do the same thing. I often imagine myself saving the world, but die doing so.


Meh, its good to let it all out. Even to virtual strangers XD

Um.....so what's the topic on?


I have a problem with not expressing myself to my family. So everything tends to come out on msn with my friends or something.


Eh, it's the same with me, except I really don't express myself to anyone except for a very select few, and what I express is really limited.



My problem? It would be not being able to trust people, or hardly trusting people. There never seems to be anyone that I can share my thoughts with without feeling like I'd lose the relationship between us or without them thinking I've gone off the deep end. Who knows, maybe I have :P




But I just noticed that we never link arms or hold hands when we go places anymore. Like, before, just to keep together in crowds, we'd hold hands or stuff. We don't anymore. >.<


And I agree. Myles is pretty darn cool. b)


I usally only vent to my best friend but havent seen her latley.But I have been having these wierd dreams i feel I cant keep to myself much longer.


I can't exactly vent to my best friend about my issues and thoughts... because well, she is my issues and thoughs. XD


I've decided to make a list of what I am (oh the fun this will be *evil thoughts*):


-Resident looney for TDN

-Official Unofficial guard thing of TDN

-Toe-eater of TDN

-Pastry Overlord


-Jerry's Secret Twin

-Official Deliver of Biting on TDN

-Newest FM (for now)

-Frickin' Sweet Chick who makes everything "interesting" :bonjeur:

-Resident Bi


Hoorah and huzzah! And another :bonjeur: for good measure.


That's quite a list there.


Have you ever thought that you're friend would 'somehow' find the forums and 'somehow' read these posts....


So.......you're Jerry's twin. Interesting news


Have fun with your titles! :D Although I'm a bit worried about the toe-eater thing.


By the way, does anyone know how to get hold of anime that's not produced in the US? I really can't speak Japanese. Specifically, Detective Conan? (I don't want the Americanized version)

I can't exactly vent to my best friend about my issues and thoughts... because well, she is my issues and thoughs. XD

Haha yeah it is kinda hard to vent to a person when you want to vent about that person.


I've decided to make a list of what I am (oh the fun this will be *evil thoughts*):


-Resident looney for TDN

-Official Unofficial guard thing of TDN

-Toe-eater of TDN

-Pastry Overlord


-Jerry's Secret Twin

-Official Deliver of Biting on TDN

-Newest FM (for now)

-Frickin' Sweet Chick who makes everything "interesting" :bonjeur:

-Resident Bi


Hoorah and huzzah! And another :bonjeur: for good measure.

Very nice list. I should do that sometime, when I have time. Ugh it's the last day of break, and it feels like it all went by really fast. It's gonna suck going back to school.


That's quite a list there.


Have you ever thought that you're friend would 'somehow' find the forums and 'somehow' read these posts....


So.......you're Jerry's twin. Interesting news

Eh, if that ever happens, deny that it's you. They don't have any proof, it could just be any person really. And plus, she did change the names...


Have fun with your titles! :D Although I'm a bit worried about the toe-eater thing.


By the way, does anyone know how to get hold of anime that's not produced in the US? I really can't speak Japanese. Specifically, Detective Conan? (I don't want the Americanized version)

You want Japanese anime with English subtitles right? Maybe look around Youtube and Veoh. I watch a lot of anime, such as Bleach and FMA, in the Japanese versions with the English subtitles. Veoh might be easier though, since videos like those are deleted on Youtube for copyright infringement or something. And with Veoh you can watch the whole episode and not in parts like you have to for Youtube.

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