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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Okay guys I recently had an epileptic seizure. This was my first seizure in a very long time. So if I'm not online often it's because I am still recovering.


Wow! I don't even really know you, but I'm sorry! Get better soon!

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I had the seizure due to lack of sleep.


I didn't even know that was possible... Maybe I should go to sleep at a more reasonable hour... :mellow:

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I didn't even know that was possible... Maybe I should go to sleep at a more reasonable hour... :mellow:


Well, I have epilepsy. The lack of sleep just triggered it.

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Ah. Makes sense.


Are you better now? -hands cookie- :)


Yeah, I'm just taking it one day at a time.


Changing the subject, what's everybody doing on Neopets lately?


I recently put my main account pets in the NeoLodge so they can have a vacation of their own. In the mean time, I'm buying lots of yummy food for them to give them a surprise banquet.

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After the Altador Cup, not so much these days. I still play a few games and help people out with Faerie Quests over here at TDN.

Since I morphed my Lab Rat into a Mutant Aisha (simply for the avatar), I hope that I get an Alien Aisha zap at some point. There's no guarantee, but I won't mind something like Sponge, Desert, or Eventide or some other elusive colour along the way.

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Going into Altador Cup withdrawl. I'll be fiNONOTANOTHERDARIGANYOOYUAHHHHHHSOMUCHLAGWRONGSLUSHIEne eventually, but for now i've just got wait it out.



I've also been KQing, and working on my gallery and some stuff.

Oh and training. But my pet won't get hungry, so i'm stuck with like 6 armoured Neggs and nothing to do with them until hes ready. D:

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There's not much going on for me on Neopets either. I sent some new toys to the pets on my side accounts so I'm on my side accounts playing with them.

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Going into Altador Cup withdrawl. I'll be fiNONOTANOTHERDARIGANYOOYUAHHHHHHSOMUCHLAGWRONGSLUSHIEne eventually, but for now i've just got wait it out.


:laughingsmiley: Poor Ryan. I wish I could pass some of my AC VIII-is-coming-too-quickly feelings to you. Then you might be about balanced.

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I never used the Neolodge. :P


So what'd you guys do for Independence Day which is a National holiday so not all of you will fit in this topic but yeah!!


I did...




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Today, I watched movies, went to a cookout very briefly, and then started playing Habitarium XD it's a pretty interesting game. I'm not certain if I'm good at it or not, haha.


But yeah. My Independence Day was pretty unenthusiastic. It hasn't been a big day for my family for years, though. We're kind of lame when it comes to holidays C=

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I don't think you can be good at Habi. You just watch your slaves P3s work and buy food, shelter, and storage and a nest to breed. Which may sound like a lot, but within a game it's not really.

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I did pretty much nothing. I worked 6 hours today, then bummed around home the rest of the day.


For Habi, there's some tricks that make it easier and more efficient. Like, blocking off your storage buildings. Or blocking your workers at their resource. You can place a decoration item in the same square as your workers after you've placed them, and that will stop the pests from spawning in those places.

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I have mine blocked off entirely, as well as having my workers blocked in. I don't know what difference it technically makes, but I like it tons better when my P3s aren't roaming all over the place, and moving around to different sides of the resources.

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I have most of mine blocked in using the Pine Cone Shard and Twig Fences, but you can use any decorations. At a couple resources, they're blocked in by the Dandelions and Mossy Twigs.


I use the Glowing Embers to place after the workers are placed, to keep the pests out of their work area.

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Mmmmm, I actually did something on the 4th of July, not purposefully for Independance Day, but it coincided anyway XD. I went out to town to have dinner with a few mates of mine. It was a really great night, the desserts were amazing!


And lol, i've kinda given up on Habitarium... I'm just not on Neopets consistently enough.... I do love the occasional game of KeyQuest though! Otherwise i just make sure my neopets are happy and fed. Should probably go do that now actually ^^.

Oh, i get it.


Off topic, anyone watch

on YouTube?

OMG!!!! This looks brilliant XD. Hahahaha the little girl!! So cute :3.

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