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The Lab Rays: What happened today?

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On 12/22/2018 at 5:54 AM, Angeló said:

 hey there im a dead fish

Ghost is way cooler than blue! kyrii_blue_coolsunglasses.gif Well, I think so anyway...meepit_scary.gif 


12/24/2018   The creepy Kookith quickly grabs Goober and runs straight into the laboratory. Since you and joosiii are too big to follow, you poke your head in the door to witness the fate of the little Petpet. 

BEFORE Goober was snowickle_mutant.gifa Mutant Snowickle and now...AFTER schmoonie_stealthy.gif Stealthy Schmoonie  Way COOLER now! :rock:


Cora's getting more and more sluggish, and this is BEFORE any Christmas dinner. ?

The ray is fired at my_friend_Cora...


lab_lightning.gif peophin_blue_sad.gif


... and he loses 2 movement points!!!!

? Christmas Day ?


Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.

You should come back tomorrow and try again!
On 12/25/2018 at 8:58 PM, Angeló said:

You et 'im .. didn'cha :D 




But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something.

Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow.


He's not holding his head like that because there's a large chunk of it missing, nope, that's not the reason at all. :ph34r:

OH, I didn't even NOTICE but... Cora's a Kyrii now.



The ray is fired at my_friend_Cora...


lab_lightning.gif kyrii_blue_sad.gif


... and he changes colour to Maraquan!!


Better get them in some water then!



Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.

You should come back tomorrow and try again!

On 1/3/2019 at 9:33 PM, acmerasta said:

he ray is fired at marlie__40...


lab_lightning.gif tuskaninny_blue_sad.gif

... and he changes colour to Ice!!

Pretty appropriate for a lot of us for this time of the year, lol. Though not for you, I know!

Nothing of interest for me today.

The ray is fired at my_friend_Cora...


lab_lightning.gif kyrii_maraquan_sad.gif


... and he gains 2 maximum hit points!!!!


But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something.

Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow.


Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.

You should come back tomorrow and try again!

6th January

The ray is fired at my_friend_Cora...


lab_lightning.gif kyrii_maraquan_sad.gif


... and he changes into a Green Ruki!!


Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.

You should come back tomorrow and try again!
7th January

Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.

You should come back tomorrow and try again!

The ray is fired at darkinvention...


lab_lightning.gif jetsam_red_sad.gif

... and she gains two levels!!!

Back to level over 50 


The ray is fired at pizzadeliveryguy...


lab_lightning.gif xweetok_blue_sad.gif

... and she changes colour to Maractite!!

2.png she looks so pretty now 

The ray is fired at randomsilliness...


lab_lightning.gif flotsam_ghost_sad.gif

... and he changes colour to Checkered!!

2.png pointless color





Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.

You should come back tomorrow and try again!


The ray is fired at my_friend_Cora...


lab_lightning.gif ruki_green_sad.gif


... and he gains 2 defence points!!!!


Nothing looks different about Todd but you can sense something happened. It becomes evident later when it tries to climb a tree but breaks off the branch instead. The ray has increased its level to: 15

DULL DULL DULL for me today!  Got to admit that this grouchy li'l flying mouse quite amuses me though. It's called a Karren, so I suspect the artist who drew it was venting some spleen at an annoying person named Karen when they created it. ?



Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that. 

Mutant Bloopy , never seen it before and i didnt know what it is until i checked it on the Ref page !!! probably the coolest petpet ever !!!!

  23 hours ago, aleu1986 said:

Tyrannian Gelert:



i still don't understand why it has wings


On 1/12/2019 at 5:09 AM, aleu1986 said:

Tyrannian Gelert:



i still don't understand why it has wings

7 minutes ago, Angeló said:

i still don't understand why it has wings

I agree, that makes no sense.. I could also do without the horns, and the weird green.. thing its wearing. It`s an odd Tyrannian pet for sure. :P

2 hours ago, aleu1986 said:

and the weird green.. thing its wearing.

I'll say one word here... Borat. ?

I guess Gelert's evolved and no longer grew random wings and horns, lol. I mean it is generally wings OR limbs, isn't it, a bit redundant for a land mammal to have 4 fully functional legs AND a pair of working wings, one or the other would have shrunk and become less necessary/completely useless over the millennia. There's a reason why only mythological beasts have both... hmm, only just realised that actually. ?

The ray is fired at my_friend_Cora...


lab_lightning.gif ruki_green_sad.gif


... and he gains 3 strength points!!!!



The ray is fired at pizzadeliveryguy...


lab_lightning.gif xweetok_maractite_sad.gif

... and she changes gender!!!!



Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that. 


Hee hee hee!

The ray is fired at Chocolate_buddy...


lab_lightning.gif gelert_tyrannian_sad.gif


... and she changes into a Green Lenny!!

Not bad. Certainly better than the Tyrannian Gelert :P

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